By Ellen Buikema
The road to writing is rocky. What motivates people to write their stories and endure the long journey required to send those book-babies out into the world?
Many people have a book in them to write. Thoughts traverse the mind, nudging to get written. Sometimes those words find their way to paper or screen. Other times the desire to write is a fleeting whim that goes nowhere.
I recently discussed my love of bicycles and realized how my desire to ride fueled an important character trait of mine. It was the very trait that fires my need to tell a story.
When I was about eight years old, I asked for a bicycle—a plain old or new two-wheeler. I didn’t care what it looked like or whether or not it had a bell or basket. I just wanted the freedom to get out and about.
My request received a weird answer. “Sorry, Elle. If I buy you a bike and God forbid you get hurt, I’d never forgive myself.” (Apparently, if someone else bought the bike then any injuries didn’t matter.)
A few months later a much older cousin donated his two-wheeler to me.
I beheld the behemoth with a mixture of joy and fear. The heavy, twenty-eight-inch rust-brown and tan Schwinn was way too big for my tiny self. I had to learn to ride standing up because when I sat on the seat, even when it was at the lowest possible setting, my feet dangled far above the pedals.
After many scraped knees and elbows, I finally learned to balance on my super-sized bike and rode happily up and down our street.
Then came the horrible news. If I wanted to ride, I had to keep my bike in the basement and push it up the steps to use it. I begged to keep it outside. “No. We’re too close to Harlem Avenue. Someone will steal it and you’ll have nothing to ride.”
Our basement was the setting for many of my childhood nightmares. Dark, dreary, and DARK, it was a creature unto itself.
But I really, really wanted to ride this bicycle. My previously untested stubbornness kicked in.
Since the adults weren’t being helpful, I would help myself. I never weighed the bike but I’m fairly certain that I only outweighed the Schwinn by fifteen or so pounds. In order to lift the bike up the first few stairs, I had to use momentum. Then, through a combination of pushing, slipping backward, and pushing some more, I finally extricated my beloved bike from the basement of horrors and wheeled it out into the light.
Those hours of freedom riding that bike justified every scrape and sniffle.
That stubborn want is how I feel about writing. Getting that story out of my mind and into the hearts of others is worth every emotional scrape - and sometimes very real tears. My heavy glaze of pure stubbornness has been a tremendous help in my writing.
This answer is different for everyone, but here are the most common Top Three motivations:
Some writers love the writing process, enjoying the work involved in perfecting their poetry or prose. For them, it may be the writing journey that matters more than the end.
Beating the competition, gathering prizes, standing out from the crowd, and high sales ratings can be highly motivating.
Great satisfaction may be gained from inspiring others through writing. It’s a way to leave your mark on the world.
This is the dark side of the writing life - those internal fears and voices in our head that hold us back. Here are the three most common demons:
If it isn’t perfect, I can’t let it go.
Write. Revise. Write. Revise. This can become a cycle that won’t end because the writing "isn’t good enough." This has happened to me with writing and painting. I wrecked a lovely head of hair (done in oils) because I kept playing with it. Thankfully, oils are very forgiving. So is the writing page.
If my world-building isn’t as good as J.R.R. Tolkien, why bother?
Setting sky-high goals is self-defeating. Great world-building doesn’t happen in a few days, or a few years. Mr. Tolkien worked on The Hobbit for at least six years, and thought about it a good deal before setting pen to paper.
I have to get this book out there as soon as possible.
A fantastic book cover will get you part of the way there but it’s what’s inside the covers that counts. Editing your own work is important, and so is getting other eyes on your work. Multiple revisions are normal and to be expected. Fine editing makes the difference between good and great.
Here is a link to 52 quotes to help you stay motivated and keep writing. I'll leave you with my favorite ones.
"You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have."
―Maya Angelou
"You write because you need to write, or because you hope someone will listen, or because writing will mend something broken inside you or bring something back to life."
―Joanne Harris
Why do YOU write? What motivates you? Is there something that occurred in your life that you see as a turning point in your writing journey? We hope you can share it with us down in the comments!
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Author, speaker, and former teacher, Ellen L. Buikema has written non-fiction for parents, Parenting: A Work in Progress, and The Adventures of Charlie Chameleon, a series of chapter books for children with stories encouraging the development of empathy—sprinkling humor wherever possible. Her Works In Progress are: The Hobo Code (YA historical fiction) and Crystal Memories (YA fantasy).
Find her at or on Amazon.
Top Image by Albrecht Fietz from Pixabay
Copyright © 2025 Writers In The Storm - All Rights Reserved
Another great post and I love the quote link. I have to recommend a newly-published book I recently read which has so much insight into why we write, the value of writing, the neuroscience behind the rewards of writing, and how to keep on track when we falter...It is called YOUR WRITING MATTERS: How to Banish Self-Doubt, Trust Yourself, and Go the Distance by Colleen M. Story. It it brilliant, uplifting, perceptive...
Thank you! I'm glad that you enjoyed the post.
Colleen is a great writer, and the YOUR WRITING MATTERS book looks interesting. Thanks for mentioning it.
I write because otherwise I'd have to clean the toilets.
LOL Terry, thank goodness I wasn't mid sip while reading your response. You are too funny!
Thank you for this post, Ellen. I can relate. I write because every fibre of my being screams that it's my purpose and I've the opportunity to make it a reality. "Who," it insists, "dream in hand, turns their back on opportunity when opportunity is one of the rarest of gifts?" Okay, that's kinda heavy. Whew! How about this? I love every aspect of what I do and am determined that if there's one person out there who'd benefit I'll place stories before them to enjoy. 😀
How wonderful to know what you want to do and use your gifts for the benefit of others. Cheers!
I've gotten over the perfectionism flaw and I'm ignoring the overly critical nag sitting on my left shoulder. Impatience kicked in a few months ago and I submitted my first book (brought my bike out into the world) and was rejected (road it for hours then tucked it back into the basement). I'm considering lifting it back out. A thousand rejections are worth the ride to success. I think my 'why' is creativity. I love generating unique characters and hero challenges and underdog stories. And my mind loves to dig deep and figure out how to make these characters strive against incredible odds.
Thanks for the article. A great inspiration.
I'm happy that you enjoyed the article. Hopefully your basement is not the stuff of nightmares that mine once was.
There are so many wonderful writers that store away their work. I say, bring it out into the light of day. My best to you.
Great post, Ellen. It made me think, actually about several things. First, how wonderful it is for writers starting out to have a place like Writers in the Storm to communicate with other writers on a regular basis. I wonder if younger folks know just how important that is?
I think people write for all sorts of reasons, as demonstrated by the responses you have received, and you know what? They're all valid, every single one of them.
Perfectionism? Not me, nossir. I just finished proofing the galleys for my new mystery and am getting ready to send them off. Last night I was thinking of a few choice sentences i could add early on to foreshadow . . . Stop me before I do it.
Oh, about your question. Me? I write because i can't help it. I just can't do anything else.
Thanks again.
writing saved me, at times, over the years.
[…] The Road To Writing: Why Do YOU Do It? […]
[…] and belonging that we continue to push ourselves, trying to finish what we started. According to Ellen L. Buikema, author of children’s chapter books, some of us a driven by the joy of creativity, other by […]