Writers in the Storm

A blog about writing

storm moving across a field

Tag: Becca Puglisi

Characterize with Clothing Choices

by Becca Puglisi

“Fashion is a language that creates itself in clothes to interpret reality.”

This quote by Karl Lagerfeld is pretty heady. I’m still chewing on it, but what I gather is that clothing and other appearance choices are one way we interpret and reflect reality—the reality of who we are, of our passions.… Read the post

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The Difference Between Character Archetypes and Tropes

by Becca Puglisi

What exactly is a character archetype? How many are there? And how are they different from character tropes?

These are the questions that were keeping me up at night as Angela and I started research for the newest thesaurus at our blog.… Read the post

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First Pages and Character Emotion

by Becca Puglisi

As I’m sure you’ve heard roughly a gajillion times, your story’s first pages are very important. Editors and agents typically request just a portion of your story’s opening, and potential buyers read only a sampling when they’re looking for books to buy.… Read the post

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How To Create a Fascinating Cast of Characters

by Angela Ackerman

Let me ask a question: how much time do you spend crafting a character for your novel, say a protagonist? Ten hours? Twenty? Fifty or more?

Whatever you answered, I bet we all agree that characters require a lot of work.… Read the post

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9 Tension-Building Elements For Character Dialogue

by Becca Puglisi

I’ve been thinking a lot about dialogue lately, because when it’s done poorly, it pulls me right out of the story. There are a lot of issues that contribute to weak dialogue: incorrect mechanics, stilted speech, characters calling each other repeatedly by name (Hi, Bob.Read the post

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