Is there any writer who actually likes asking for blurbs? I suppose there is, but most of us wish we didn’t have to do it. We understand that it’s necessary—and we all like praise—but we cringe at having to ask for it.… Read the post
Is there any writer who actually likes asking for blurbs? I suppose there is, but most of us wish we didn’t have to do it. We understand that it’s necessary—and we all like praise—but we cringe at having to ask for it.… Read the post
What makes people talk about your book before they've ever read Page 1?
Well, maybe they remember you from high school and can’t wait to see if they’re featured on page 28.
Or maybe they heard the publisher paid a billion-dollar advance to get your manuscript.… Read the post
By Sharla Rae
Readers choose a book in one of three ways: They like the author, it was recommended or they read the back cover blurb. After people-watching in Barnes & Noble, I’d venture to say most books are chosen by the last method.… Read the post
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