I am uber-impressed with the WITS blog and the WITS bloggers. I’m always honored to be a guest. Thank you!
Most writers know to avoid clichés. Every basic how-to book for writers includes a section on avoiding clichés.… Read the post
I am uber-impressed with the WITS blog and the WITS bloggers. I’m always honored to be a guest. Thank you!
Most writers know to avoid clichés. Every basic how-to book for writers includes a section on avoiding clichés.… Read the post
I like directions. I am, moreover, very good at following directions. Lately, however, I find myself balking at one particular set of directions: writing rules. Now I’m the last person to suggest that everything about writing is subjective and therefore any rule should be kicked in the gonads before it even walks through the door.… Read the post
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