by Eldred “Bob” Bird
Every writer runs low on ideas at some point during their journey. One way I’ve found to get inspired to write again is to take a page out of Hollywood’s book. I look to the past.… Read the post
by Eldred “Bob” Bird
Every writer runs low on ideas at some point during their journey. One way I’ve found to get inspired to write again is to take a page out of Hollywood’s book. I look to the past.… Read the post
by L.A. Mitchell
Book number one was a bit defiant and ugly. Professional book one, I should clarify. By this point, I had six finished manuscripts behind me. I had an agent. I was nominated for a national unpublished award. It was 2009, and I was on the cusp of a ten-year journey to busting past the gatekeepers of traditional publishing.… Read the post
by Colleen Story
Whether you’re a James Bond fan or not, you can adopt some of his strengths to improve your writing career.
I’ve enjoyed the action and excitement of James Bond in the past, but I became a huge fan when Daniel Craig took over the role.… Read the post
By Barbara Linn Probst
When we publish a book, we want it to be read. Obviously. But what else do we want?
At the most obvious level, we want our book to be bought, liked, shared, and reviewed.… Read the post
I have been writing since 2010 and have penned six book-length manuscripts and several short stories. Among all those, one always stood out to me as the breakout book. I'm not saying the others aren't good — I certainly like them — but one particular novel has a high concept, a timely topic, and has been written, rewritten, and edited so much it's pretty much print-ready.… Read the post
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