Writers in the Storm

A blog about writing

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Tag: Laura VanArendonk Baugh

Laura’s Big Guide to Conference Networking

(or How To Meet People in Mutually Beneficial Ways Without Feeling Like a Salesman or Wanting to Chew Your Eyes Out)

by Laura VanArendonk Baugh

Against a blue background are black silhouettes of men and women in various poses, some talking together and some isolated. with empty speech bubbles above their heads.

I see a lot of writers stressing about talking with other writers at events. The stereotype, of course, is that writers are writers because they would rather sit in a dark room by themselves than interact with other people.… Read the post

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Just. Write. The Thing.

by Laura VanArendonk Baugh

writer not actually writing

Today, I want to tell you to get over yourself.

I am in a lot of writers’ groups online and off, with literally tens of thousands of writers in various stages of their journeys. I regularly attend several writers’ conferences, am in a couple of critique groups, I had a weekly stream talking about the business of creativity, I both formally and informally mentor or help writers, you get the idea.… Read the post

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The Intimidating Business Details of Contracts

by Laura Vanarendonk Baugh

Contract with pen for signing

GOOD MORNING, WRITERS! Today’s topic is Intimidating Business Details, and I’m your host, Laura VanArendonk Baugh!

Not like it’s not hard enough to develop a craft and manage time and set priorities and finally get a complete story on paper in a coherent form which someone other than your mother will also like, now we have to sell the darned thing.… Read the post

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The Varied Paths of Traditional vs Self-Publishing

by Laura Vanarendonk Baugh

Two publishing roads diverge in an industry wood and…you can take either one. Or both. Or a third road that circles around and intersects repeatedly.

So often people worry about which way to publish, whether traditionally (submit to a publishing house which first pays you for your work and then pays to publish it for a greater share of the profits), or independently (publish at your own effort and expense, and reap the whole profit).… Read the post

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