by Margie Lawson
Everyone needs to become an expert on body language. Misreading body language can lead to disgrace, disaster, and divorce.
How well do you read body language?
Take the 10 Point Quiz I created and find out!
by Margie Lawson
Everyone needs to become an expert on body language. Misreading body language can lead to disgrace, disaster, and divorce.
How well do you read body language?
Take the 10 Point Quiz I created and find out!
by Ellen Buikema
More than half of human communication consists of body language, which we use to communicate feelings, thought, and ideas without speech. Body language impacts other people’s perception and conveys our emotions far more than we think it does.… Read the post
By Sharla Rae
Have you ever people-watched and tried to guess by facial expressions and body movements what people are feeling or thinking?
This non-verbal communication of emotion, state of mind or state of physical well-being is known as body language.… Read the post
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