Kimberly Brock
Taking a fresh look at things
I am consumed by the idea of perspective. At the moment, I’m witnessing the effects of a visual processing disorder in one of my children, which means that for him, nothing is as it seems.… Read the post
Kimberly Brock
Taking a fresh look at things
I am consumed by the idea of perspective. At the moment, I’m witnessing the effects of a visual processing disorder in one of my children, which means that for him, nothing is as it seems.… Read the post
One of the most common writing challenges is avoiding point-of-view errors. It doesn’t seem to matter where we are along the writing path—from newbie to multi-published—point-of-view errors crop up like many-headed hydra. Just when we think we’ve got them all, there’s another head coming around to bite us from behind.… Read the post
Rhay Christou
Agents want it. Editors want it. Readers are begging for it. Deep point of view is all the rage.
But what is deep point of view?
Deep point of view is intense. It not only represents the sights, sounds, and actions filtered through a POV (point of view) character but goes deeper into emotions as well as a character’s unique worldview.… Read the post
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