Stalking Hunting Agents by Laura Drake
(Part 2 in a series - click here for Part 1 or Part 3)
Finding an agent takes time, so it’s best to start the process before you’re ready to submit.
When you get tired of writing for the day, or editing, take a half hour and work on submissions. It utilizes the right side of your brain, and refreshes the left. At least it does that for me.
Where to Hunt Agents
Here are helpful websites I’ve found: - from Chuck Sambuchino of Writer’s Digest fame. Wonderful research site. He also interviews new agents, who are hungry for clients. New agents are a great starting place for the unpublished author. – good search engine · – An odd, aggressive guy who prints personal editor and agent email addresses (which they may not want you to have.) WARNING: proceed with caution with this info. It could hurt more than it helps. At least look at it though. He includes his rejections from the agents/editors, and he’s hilarious.
There are lots of great sites out there – if you know of some I’ve missed, please post them in the comments section.
Predators & Editors - - Before querying any agent, check out this website. There are scammers in every field, and you need to run everything through a filter. P&E is the most trusted site out for this. In case you’re new to submitting – here’s a rule. NEVER pay an agent to read your submission!
Some agents are now editing and acting as publicists for hire, and the practice may eventually become the norm as the new model of publishing emerges, but I’d be cautious, and understand exactly what you’re getting into.
Organization's not your thing? Right-brained? Does the thought of keeping track of all this make you queasy? Never fear. I have a solution for you.
Writers – It has a huge, up-to-date database on agents. It costs $40/year and is worth every penny. I used it for my first submission experience, and it was wonderful. It has all the tools needed to find and agent and track submissions, plus items the others lack. First, search by genre, then narrow the quest. I found the following criteria invaluable:
One of the best things about Writer's Market is the “Query Tracker.” Select the agent to submit to, note the date, and when you should hear back. After that date, it posts a reminder, so you can follow up.
Simple, organized, unintimidating.
Agent Etiquette
DO: Follow agent’s blogs and follow them on Twitter. Not only is it a good way to “know” an agent, they also post excellent craft and market advice. Most agents have links to other agent’s blogs.
The above will not only spook the prey and earn you a bad name; it could get you arrested! And have you seen how people look in mug shots? You thought your driver’s license photo was bad.
I put in the subject line "Query Follow up YYY(Title)"
Dear Ms.XXX:
I sent the below query for my novel, YYY, on 12/18. I hadn't heard back from you, so I'm just following up. Thank you for your time and consideration.
If the agent requested a partial or a full submission, and they’re a couple weeks beyond their self-imposed deadline, I send the following:
Requested Material Follow-up YYYY (Title)
Dear Ms. XXX (may or may not be on 1st name basis at this point)
I sent the partial/full manuscript you requested of my novel, YYY on Dec. 12, and haven’t heard back from you. I know you’re very busy. Could you just give me a timeframe so I can manage my expectations?
Thanks for your time and consideration.
Share with us all your submission tips and experiences!
Next up in The Great Agent Search: Organizing this mess.
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Great info! I've heard some of this before, but yours had some good and very common sense-y twists. No matter how many times I write a query letter, I always get a little noodlish in the knees. Blogs like this are always such a help because they reaffirm I'm doing the right things. Thanks so much for sharing!
Thanks Stacey - hope you're represented soon!