Writers in the Storm

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June 29, 2011

Druids Part 3, Druid Religion

By Lyn Horner
Click here for Part 1 and Part 2 of the Druid series.

In the preface to his book, Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions, James Bonwick stated about the Druids, “They were, doubtless, neither so grandly wise, nor so low in reputation, as represented by tradition. Their ethical lessons must have assuredly prepared the way for Christian missions.” (First published in 1894)

According to Bonwick, early Christian writers believed the Druids possessed a literature.
Some of these writers claimed St. Patrick burned 180 Druid books, setting off a
book burning spree by his converted followers that eradicated Druid manuscripts.
Truth or legend?

Archaeological evidence proves Celts used a written language for everyday matters. Yet, Julius Caesar states the Druids studied up to 20 years, memorizing huge quantities of poetry (knowledge) rather than writing it down. But why?

One source quotes Caesar: “I believe they practice this oral tradition for two reasons:
first, so that the common crowd does not gain access to their secrets and second, to improve the faculty of memory.”

However, Peter Berresford Ellis, in his book A Brief History of The Druids, suggests the answer lies in the Druidic concept of Truth as a supreme authority. They believed the Word held magic power, that all Words, and even the earth itself were founded upon the Truth. Ellis says, “Truth was the Word and the Word was sacred and divine and not to be profaned.” Thus, it violated Druid beliefs to write down sacred knowledge.

We should also keep in mind that Caesar was writing about the Gaulish Druids of Europe, not Irish Druids. Had the Irish broken away from that ancient taboo against recording
their teachings? We don’t know. But if this was the case, they may well have possessed the books that St. Patrick reportedly burned. If so, what a tragic loss!

The Druid belief in the sacred Word bears a striking resemblance to this passage from the
New Testament: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1. Is this similarity mere coincidence? Maybe not if we remember that many cultures, including the Jews and early Christians, were influenced by the pre-historic Indo-Europeans, from whom the Celts and Druids sprang. Fascinating, isn’t it, how interconnected we all are through our long ago ancestors. But I’m drifting here. Back to Druid religion.

Although Romans claimed the Druids practiced human sacrifice, no Celtic insular writings back this up. Keep in mind that the Romans sought to undermine all “barbarian” groups they conquered. Their writings were often intended to vilify Druids because they were spiritual leaders who wielded great power among the Celts. Therefore, while it’s possible the Druids did practice human sacrifice, we can’t know that for certain.

Whether or not there were female Druids has also been disputed. Considering the Celtic
attitude toward women, it seems certain some would serve as Druids. If women could be warriors, why not priests? My sources bear out this conclusion.

Both classical and indigenous writers refer to the role of the “prophetess,” a diviner of future events, but this term came from the Greeks and Romans. Other indigenous texts
call such women Druidesses or Vates. In his book War, Women and Druids, Eyewitness Reports and Early Accounts of the Ancient Celts, Philip Freeman says: “. . . that of the few individual Druids known from antiquity, some are women.” In a later chapter he sites three passages from a 4th century collection of (Roman) imperial biographies, which mention Gaulish (Celtic) women called “Dryades,” meaning Druidesses. That’s good enough for me!

Sadly, no record exists of the original Celtic creation myths. However, Irish mythology
does speak of Danu, the mother goddess, and her children, the Tuatha Dé Danaan.
Danu’s name relates to the Danube  River, whose headwaters spring from the area where early Celtic tribes evolved. As in other countries, the concept of a sacred river flowing from a divine source existed in Ireland. Irish bards believed wisdom, knowledge and poetry sprang forth at the river’s edge. The worship of sacred springs and wells also traces back to this belief in waters from heaven.

Despite the Druids’ belief in Truth as the wellhead of existence, the ancient Irish also worshipped a large pantheon of hero gods and goddesses. I don’t have the time or space to go into all the old hero legends here. If you’d like to learn more about them, and about Druid ceremonies, astrological work and views of nature, I recommend the following sources.


A Brief History of The Druids by Peter Berresford Ellis
Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions by James Bonwick
The Celtic Druids' Year, Seasonal Cycles of the Ancient Celts by John King
War, Women and Druids, Eyewitness Reports and Early Accounts of the Ancient Celts
by Philip Freeman  **This book is a little gem!


Gods and goddesses in Celtic lands
Celtic Gods and Goddesses  **A lovely site!
Druid Beliefs and Values

Watch for the fourth and final post in this series, which will focus on modern day Druids.

Remember, I love hearing from you! Whether it's Druids or some other hint of magic, do you try to add that extra bit of "something more" to your stories? Do you find these differences help you answer some questions, or that these legends and special abilities bring up more questions? I'm interested to know!

ANNOUNCEMENT: This Friday's Summer Sensational guest blogger is Connie Flynn!

Connie Flynn is the author of ten published novels and several short stories (click the links for story excerpts or a complete list of her books). Connie is a co-founder of Bootcamp for Novelists Online and also teaches a novel writing series at Phoenix College. Her werewolf series has recently been reissued by Back in Print and is available on Amazon and two of her Harlequin books are scheduled for re-released in July.

0 comments on “Druids Part 3, Druid Religion”

  1. Great posts, but I do believe there is current evidence to support some level of sacrifice practiced by Druids. This shows up in the "bog people" of Ireland (one reference here - http://www.connellodonovan.com/lindow.html). These appear to have been ritual and voluntary deaths, possibly related only to times of great stress when a direct messenger to the gods needed to be sent. It's also worth noting that Cesar had a huge interest in undoing the power of the Druids and the Celts -- they controlled the gold trade over northern Europe, so he had to undo the existing power structure. We end up with the Christian "devil" due to the Romans demonizing most of the Celtic gods. And, of course, we end up with a lot of our current holidays due to the addition of Celtic holy days (and customs) being melded into to the Roman (early Christian) religion.

    1. Shannon,

      How nice to see you here!! I'm totally impressed on the Druid front...I know you're eclectic, but WOW. 🙂

      We hope to see you back here soon!


  2. I'm really enjoying these blogs on Druids. I've taken classes and have a collection of books about them. I really appreciate your sharing all you have learned about their culture and beliefs. I've had a story brewing for a long time and every morsel of knowledge I gain will make the book that much stronger. You've helped with that.

    Teresa Reasor

    1. Hey Teresa,
      What a wonderful compliment! I'm happy to know my Druid tidbits are helping you. I don't claim to be an expert about those mysterious people, but I've found some terrific sources over the years and wanted to share them.

      Good luck with your story idea!

  3. SD Writer,
    So glad to hear from you! Thank you for the helpful information. You have obviously done considerable research on the Druids. I'd love to keep in touch with you so I can pick your brain. 🙂 If you're interested, please contact me direct: texasdruids@hotmail.com

  4. The early Druids embraced peace and nature and share some of the ancient values of the vedas or Hindus ,there are some really interesting ties from the druids to many ancient cultures and it was true the Romans were in fear of the Druids powers ,the Romans killed off mostve the Druids in Britain and while the Roman armies were killing the passive Druids ,Queen Boutica led a revolution to destroy Romes occupation ,but the very same Roman legions that killed the druids were the Romans that defeated the queen and her armies

    1. Bobby,
      Thanks for sharing such interesting information. When reading about the Indo Europeans, from whom the Druids sprang, I found repeated references to their influence upon the Hindus, Middle Eastern and European cultures, as well as the British Isles. Isn't it a shame so much of their history has been lost, thanks in part to Rome and other conquerors.

  5. [...] Druids Part 3, Druid Religion | Writers In The Storm BlogJun 29, 2011 … Back to Druid religion. Although Romans claimed the Druids practiced human sacrifice, no Celtic insular writings back this up. … [...]

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