By Lyn Horner
Click here for Part 2 or Part 3 of the four-part Druid series.
Since publishing my book Darlin' Druid, I’ve been asked more than once if there really are Druids in Texas. The simple answer is yes. There are modern-day Druids, not only in Texas, but in many parts of the U.S. and around the world.
Hoping to satisfy everyone’s curiosity, I decided to write a series of blogs that includes some of my research. This first installment deals with Druid origins. Much of this information comes from The Druids – A Brief Cultural History by Christopher M. Nixon. I will also include other sources you might find interesting.
Mr. Nixon tells us: “The group of people known as the Druids, their practices, beliefs, and lives are shrouded in a great deal of mystery and misconception. Many people are fascinated by Druidism, and the tales of clandestine powerful wizards-quietly working their magick under the velvet cloak of night. Thus the truth is often overlooked, and not well understood. But who were they? Where did they come from? To truly understand them, it is imperative to examine what linguistic studies have taught us about their origins.”
Linguistic studies show that nearly all languages except for Finnish spring from early Proto Indo-European (PIE) dialects. Latin, Sanskrit and Greek all stem from PIE dialects. These dialects were spoken by prehistoric people known as Indo-Europeans. According to another source, many groups of people, including Celts, Indians (as in India) and Persians stem from the Indo-Europeans. The beginning of their culture may date from between 4300 to 7000 B.C.E. – or even earlier. These early tribes of people probably originated in a region of Asia now known as Southern Russia.
The people we call Celts left their Asian homeland and spread across Europe. Celts from the Eastern Mediterranean first migrated to Britain around 2300B.C. A second such migration took place about 300 years later.
The Celtic people gave rise to the Druids, a special class of wise healers, teachers and spiritual leaders. The Druids viewed seasonal patterns and elements in nature, and related these phenomena to Man’s place in the world. They created rituals and beliefs meant to improve human lives through herbalism, holistic medicine and spiritual rites celebrating birth, death, and marriage. In later times, Druids came to be respected by other races and groups such as the Jews and early Romans.
Nixon lists the Druid hierarchy as follows:
Druids are classified as having shamanistic beliefs similar to the American Indian. Shamanism is a magical practice in which the shaman, or priest, attempts to identify and use natural forces, animals and spirits. Druids are responsible for many occult systems. Some of their sacred symbolism has been adopted by religions such as Christianity, Judaism and Wicca. For example, they believed in the power of the number three, and in tripods or trinities, as seen in a well known Druidic symbol, The Triscale, a swirling pattern of three lines meeting to form a balanced circle. They also believed trees possessed magical properties and sought to employ their energies, a practice that survives today in folk magic. I will delve further into Druid religious beliefs in future posts.
This is just a summary of the Druid origins. If you'd like to read more, you might try the following resources:
The Druids by Peter Berrisford Ellis
In Search of Ancient Ireland by Carmel Mccaffrey and Leo Eaton
The Lore of the Bard, A Guide to the Celtic & Druid Mysteries by Arthur Rowan
The Celtic Realms, The History and The Culture of Peoples from Pre-History to the Norman Invasion by myles Dillon & Nora Chadwick
Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions by James Bonwick
Web sites:
History of the Celtric Druids
Druids In History
Brehon Law, Everything Celtic, The Druids (a lovely website)
Time Line of Druids In Ireland
Do you have any resources that you go to for historical research, particularly on the Celts?
Copyright © 2025 Writers In The Storm - All Rights Reserved
Very cool. Great post.
I didn't know about the robes. Great start, I'm looking forward to reading more.
Hey N.R. Glad to see you here. I didn't know about the robes either until I found Mr. Nixon's article on the net. My next installment will be up soon, and I'm going to hold a giveaway here on WITS. I'll announce it on the amazon threads when it starts. See you there. Lyn
Hi Regina. Thanks! I'm glad you like this first post in my Druids series. I hope you'll come back for the next one. Everyone who leaves a comment for that post will be entered in a giveaway drawing. The prize will be a Kindle copy of my book Darlin' Druid.
[...] Druids Part I: Druid Origins is an interesting blog by Lyn Horner over at Writers In the Storm which explains a few basics of the Druidic religion, which is not the same as Wicca, and it’s origin with the Celts. [...]
[...] By Lyn Horner Part 2 in a series – Click here for Part 1 [...]