by Fae Rowen
Let me offer this disclaimer first: Even though I've spent a lot of hours researching this particular blog, it is purely for entertainment purposes. Take what resonates with you, what you find fun (or funny), what you can use to construct your personal, unique understanding of this information. I want to thank Jeanine Just for her insight and helpful research.
One of the things I committed to this year at WITS is to share a bit of my "out there" beliefs and knowledge. I can identify with you if you cry, "Hogwash!" because I've been there, too. Change is inevitable. Remember entrophy in chemistry and physics?
Yeah, I agree. Maybe it's better to forget those classes.
I know this is an important year for me, so I've been talking to my "woo-woo" friends, reading articles, and attending lectures about what this new year, 2012, the Year of the Water Dragon, the last Mayan calendar year, will bring us. I believe if we are aware of potential opportunities we can take advantage of them. Now is the time to get inspired and get going. I'm excited about the possibilities for 2012.
Breathe a sigh of relief, because 2012 promises to be calmer than 2011. You may find yourself focusing more on the well-being of others as well as your own. You may even volunteer or become involved to help, as one source says, "correct a social problem." There is great potential for new-found freedoms.
Here's a list of advice to take advantage of possibilities for a fuller life in next twelve months.
- Tie up loose ends, complete unfinished projects
- Acquire new success skills to build foundations for what's next in your life
- Go forward fearlessly with your heart's desires to confidently make life changes
- Let go of past losses, bad decisions and shattered dreams--without drama
- Focus on things you prefer to experience
- Respond rather than react
- Prepare for an intense, fast-paced year with major breakthroughs
- Turn crisis into blessings
- Do not get caught up in the manufactured fear of the unknown, change, security, or loss of control
- Be discerning
- Reorder your priorities
- Move forward, it's the only direction we can go this year
- Do expect the unexpected
- Logic and linear thinking won't always work
- It will be possible to get greater control of your destiny
- This is not a year for outer revolution
- Listen to your intuition
- There will be many new innovative ideas in all areas
- Step out of your comfort zone
- Throw away the rule books
- Develop calmness; be the eye of the storm; find your inner peaceful place
- Make conscious choices
- Make a commitment
- Show courage
- Show resolve
- Break free of old patterns and habits that make you depressed or unhappy
- Revisit your "old" life to help close the doors on the past that you no longer need
- "Be truth"
- Indecision is worse than the wrong decision
- Beware of irrational behavior, destructiveness, indecision and worry in yourself and others
- Be a visionary
- Be an inspiration
- Stop playing the victim role
- Avoid burning your bridges
- Manifest what you really want by only envisioning what you want
- Look for the opportunities in everything, everywhere
- Use your heart-based energy
- Choose to free yourself
- Businesses that are passionate about their products and services will flourish
- Interdependence, not dependence or co-dependence are
- Surround yourself with positive supportive people
- Connect with like-minded people
- You will rarely be in the situation for the reasons you think; very everything from a broader perspective
- Upgrade your energy--physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually
- Don't personalize "stuff"
- Quiet your brain
- Give yourself a time-out to walk in nature
- Nothing can stand in the way this year
- Let go of preconceived ideas about people, places, ideas, and situations
- Staying stuck will become more painful than making changes
- Logic and linear thinking won't work like they used to
- Bravely take trips into the unknown
- Paradox will abound
- Use your imagination to envision your best future
- Empower and heal
Actually, the advice seems helpful for any year. But this year, in particular, the list may prove quite powerful. My suggestion is to highlight a handful of items that relate to you and your situation right now. In a different color, highlight another set that you're drawn to, even if you don't know (now) why they call you. Review your highlighted possibilities/reminders once a month to refresh your memory of your potential for this year.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if this time next year we have taken advantage of the opportunities available to us this year to reach our potential to enjoy our lives fully?
Which ideas resonated with you? Do you have additional "movie trailer" suggestions for 2012?
I agree, Fae. That lists applies for EVERY year and every DAY of the year.
Mayan Calendar believer or not (I'm personally not), we never know when a beer truck might roll over us and change life-as-we-know-it forever.
Thanks for the inspiration.
Beer truck--much better than a bus! Thanks for today's first smile.
I love this list of yours. Thanks for compiling it. Of course, I'd go a step further and say to review it daily--once a month is just not enough. (no voodoo here, I just so happen to have read Michael Hyatt's post a few days ago about writing a vision statement and reading it daily)!
Stephanie, you are so right about reviewing goals every day. The "mean teacher" in me tries to step back every once in awhile and not give daily homework, but it's truly warranted in this instance. Thanks.
That's a great list. Too often we get busy and forget ourselves and what we need each day to protect and fill our soul.
I'm all about "going to the well" often, Sharon. Thanks for the reminder.
Fae, there is so much that resonates for me in this post. Since we discussed the signs, mine the Wooden Monkey, I would like to share my personal insights on "signs" ... It is said that the year of the Monkey is that of great change and upheaval (1968 was the year of the Monkey and any boomer her can agree, it was one of the most epic years for change in US and world history) ...
There has been much said about the last Mayan Calendar that speaks of the year to end all years. Instead, we cannot know that this advanced culture did not mean to mark the end of it all, but instead the end of for cycle here in our universe. In science we learn that "matter" is never actually destroyed, but rather changed. Our bodies become carbon that enriches the soil, water evaporates to air, which later collects in new molecules than produce rain ... soil erodes to wash into the ocean to rest on another shore thousands of miles from where it all began. The Mayans did not predict the end of the world, but the end of this phase of our world and I would rather believe they meant for us to mark this year as a new beginning 🙂
I couldn't agree more with you. I think this is going to be a transformative year for anyone who's willing to "get on the train" and "do the work." It's going to be a great year--for Monkeys, Dragons, Ox, Hares, Rats, Dogs, Pigs, Tigers, Snakes, Horses, Sheep, Roosters and WRITERS!
This is a powerful list, Fae. If one were to practice this advice on a daily basis, just imagine how awesome we would be by the end of the year.
I've printed the list out and I'm going to put it beside my computer so I can read it daily. Thanks for a wonderful post!
Thanks so much for this, Sheila. Validation is always good.
Was this post written JUST FOR ME?? Gosh it sure looks like it 🙂
I would print this out, but my printer takes 75 dollar ink. Better plan for me -
I'm going to write down the ones that resonate with me (and they might further
resonate when written in my own handwriting anyway) then I will make art!
A few weeks ago you guys did a post on Vision Boards. I held off from that one
because I was afraid of what the glue and scissors would do with my day's
productivity (I'm addicted to crafty projects...I'm sure there are meetings for
people like me...somewhere?)
Not doday, because-I'm-editing-darn-it, but sometime in my near future I will combine
these two projects and make an inspiration wall. Actually I will be doing it on a closet
door. Hoping it will look something like LIVE LAUGH LOVE swag that is all over
HobbyLobby - only mine will have Tiffany Style 🙂
Thank YOU for the inspiration to do something like this.
Cheers! Happy #WW!
I'm happy that I can send you to Craft Land, Tiffany. One of my teachers says to make a mental movie of what you want and watch it until it happens. Vision boards work the same way.
Have fun!
Great list! It will give me food for thought for a long time.
It also became my inpiration for my own blog on family life. Thank you for the list; it prompted writing!!! I did give you credit for the inspiration and jotted a note about your blog at the end. May it bring you more readers.
I love the Writers in the Storm blog and have recommended it to my Writing Wrokshop-Writing Community at Bogart's.
I really liked the list! I will return to it as 2012 progresses.
May you have a fuller life--writing life?? in 2012
Thanks for the blog love, Reece. I am honored to have inspired your creativity today. And thanks for the blessing.
The Mayan calendar ended because we were supposed to self-destruct by this point. Thankfully we've decided as a people to evolve instead. Your list is amazing and so well balanced. All of the challenges we are about to face would be best served by paying attention your list of suggestions, as they will all be applicable.
Thank you for the time and effort it took to compile this!!!!!
Thank you, Lorraine. I am fortunate to have some very gifted folks in my life. I do believe human consciousness is evolving and, maybe in my lifetime, we'll see how amazing we are.
Love this list Fae. It's one we should use for every year. Thanks.
Thanks, Sharla. I pulled out my "master" list for 2011 and it was totally different, but had great suggestions. I believe all the items in the list are "doable" this year, but it means we've got to get to work. There's a lot to do!
I Second that love of the list !!
Funny how some of them are already happening in my life. Woo Hoo!
5.Focus on things you prefer to experience
This one is the one that calls to me. There so many things I want to see and do. And I will do what I can. Great blog.
Manifest what you want, Mary. And you will do more than you thought possible.
I enjoyed your post. Falls in line with a lot of my beliefs.
Thanks for reading, Allison, and letting me know you liked it.
[...] (And y’all have been cranking out some truly excellent bloggage this month. I think the Year of the Water Dragon is getting people fired [...]
Thank you, ma'am. I hope you're including yourself in that y'all!
[...] 2012 is the Year of the Water Dragon and, according to Fae Rowen (who I consider reliable in all matters woo-woo), this is the best year in SIXTY YEARS for writers to reach for, and achieve, their dreams. [...]
Thank you for the kudos, Jenny. We all have woo-woo in us; we just need to listen to it.
[...] What To Look For in 2012, The Year of the Dragon [...]