Writers in the Storm

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September 3, 2012

Author Charlotte Carter Is Jamming On Labor Day

Today Writers In The Storm welcomes Charlotte Carter! Since it's Labor Day weekend she's keeping things relaxed, easy and ever so sweet by sharing her wonderful spiced nectarine recipe.

Charlotte is a multi-published author of more than fifty romance, cozy mystery and
inspirational titles. Her books have made Waldenbooks Best Selling lists and have been translated into a half dozen different languages. Her awards include winning the National Readers’ Choice, Orange Rose and Romantic Times Career Achievement contests.

By Charlotte Carter

Everyone I know is going to get a jar of Spiced Nectarine Jam for Christmas this year. Again. They have for past four years.

We have a dwarf white nectarine tree in our backyard. About four years ago it started going crazy producing fruit. One year my husband, who prepares and freezes the fruit for my jam making (bless him!) saved all the pits. He had harvested FOUR HUNDRED nectarines!

Even total strangers have received the gift of Spiced Nectarine Jam. Last year I filled 25 jars; I’ll do that and more this year. Three more batches to go!

The nectarines are positively, absolutely Organic. No spray. No fertilizer. Hardly any extra water. (My husband isn’t exactly fond of gardening.)

Since it’s hard to send jam via the internet, I thought you might like the recipe. The jam’s really yummy.

Spiced Nectarine Jam

4 Cups prepared fruit
7 ½ Cups sugar
1/4 Cup lemon juice
1 tsp each of cinnamon, cloves & allspice
1 packet of Certo

Combine fruit, sugar, lemon juice, cinnamon, cloves and allspice in a large pan. Bring to a rolling boil for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Add packet of Certo. Stir to cool and skim foam for 5 minutes. Pour into jars. Use either self-sealing jars or cover with melted household wax. (This recipe can be used for Spiced Peach Jam.)

Happy jam making....

Do you garden? What do you preserve from your garden? Do you have any easy recipes to share?

Don't miss Charlotte's upcoming books

Montana Love Letter, Love Inspired, 10/2012
Home to Montana, Love Inspired, 3/2013

0 comments on “Author Charlotte Carter Is Jamming On Labor Day”

    1. It is yummy! I saved the recipe from a very old Certo recipe, and they don't include that one any longer. My mother used to make spiced peach jam. Hmmm....

    1. Wish I could, Ella. I've found the jam leaks when shipped. The post office doesn't care for all the sticky stuff on the package. 🙁 I've never tried making mango or papaya jam. Might be interesting.

    1. I dunno, Jenn. I think there is such a thing as fig jam, but I sure don't have the recipe. Google? Or can the figs? That's good too.

      1. I have a friend with a fig preserves recipe that's amazing too. But still, spiced nectarine jam...makes my mouth water. I think I might need a sample jar. 🙂

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