Writers in the Storm

A blog about writing

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February 11, 2013

14 Posts You Loved ~ A Valentine's Flashback and News!

You know Valentine's Day is this week, right? Well we love you. And we love that you love us. So we're posting links today to our most popular blog posts over the past three years, in case you missed any of them.

Share the love this week, people!

Top 14 posts:

  1. Sensual Word Menu
  2. Inspiration vs Perspiration in Writing
  3. Formatting Your Text For Kindle – Revised
  4. Fresh, Fresh, Fresh Character Descriptions!
  5. Guest Blogger – Elizabeth Craig: 15 Tips for Writing a Murder Mystery
  6. How to Begin a Romance Novel: Seven Tips
  7. Copyright, ISBN, Royalty & Pricing With Amazon E-Publishing
  8. Chinese Element Personality Types-for Fun and for Writing
  9. Myers-Briggs: A Tool for Authors and Other Humans
  10. Can Writers Rock LinkedIn?
  11. 6 Key Writing Lessons I’ve Learned From Horses
  12. Talking Back to Your Brain
  13. Body Language: An Artistic Writing Tool
  14. Mining For Character Emotions

Speaking of sharing the love . . .

Laura Drake has news!

The Sweet Spot ARC Best

Fifteen years ago, I made a goal - to hold a book in my hand with my name on the cover.
Last week, that dream came true - the ARC copies have arrived! My debut novel, The Sweet Spot, will be released from Grand Central in May, but it's available for pre-order here (you all know how much preorders help rankings, right? 😉

I'm giving away an ARC copy to a random commenter!

Just leave a comment, and if you win, I'll send you either the paperback (U.S. residents only) or a digital version. Thank you all, for your support!

0 comments on “14 Posts You Loved ~ A Valentine's Flashback and News!”

  1. Thanks for all the love, Jenny. Those are indeed some of the best posts here on WITS.

    Laura, that is a dream worth sharing. It must be the greatest feeling to know that all your hard work has come to fruition 🙂

    1. These are some of my favorite posts too, Diana. That Myers-Briggs one kept us majorly entertained. And don't even get me started on the sensual words list. 🙂

  2. Congrats, Laura. That is indeed super cool news! Love the list of blogs and I recognize quite a few. You guys do really good work here. Thanks for always having meaningful and helpful posts, Jenny.

  3. Jen, is Media and software guru and I thank you Jen for revisting these posts. It's also very edifying. 🙂 It makes us aware of what kinds of blogs our readers love here at WITS. 🙂 And Laura, I think you took with a grain of salt when I said, you were destined to be published and soon. But honey bun this old gal is been around a few years and I KNOW big talent when I read it. This is one time when I'm so very happy to say "I told you so." Now I'm going to pre-order a copy right now!

  4. Wow, Laura, congrats! It's must be such a thrill for you to hold your own book in your hands. Best of luck with sales. I plan to pre-order a copy.

    Um, I'm just a wee bit tickled to see two of my posts on the list of fourteen. Yippee!

  5. Huge congratulations, Laura! The cover looks great, you look great, and I'm loving that your shirt complements the cover cowboy's. The links are tempting me, too. Orly, stay away from the links!

    1. Lorrie - I'm a Detroit girl, so I wanted a 'signing shirt' that had a western theme. Looked for months before I found this one - just love it! Now, if I can make myself wear the cowgirl hat I bought....

  6. Reblogged, tweeted, preordered and tweeted that, which is now being re-tweeted. Congratulations, Laura. My first, The Temptation of Lady Phoebe, from Kensington goes on pre-order in April or May.

  7. Yes!! Well done, Laura on sticking to your dream with the tenacity to see it accomplished. Enjoy every moment. I can almost smell that new-book smell from here!

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