Writers in the Storm

A blog about writing

storm moving across a field
September 11, 2013

Take Your Writing By Storm with Chuck Sambuchino


Big News!

We are absolutely giddy to announce a new monthly blogger - Chuck Sambuchino, of Writer's Digest and Guide to Literary Agents fame!

To celebrate, today we're posting six amazing blogs from his vault of brilliance, and one brand new one. Going forward, Chuck will be blogging with us on the first Friday of every month.

You are going to notice several gems from WITS today, sparkling in your inbox (you've subscribed to WITS, right?). We've scheduled one every hour throughout the morning with a few more this afternoon. It's like your own mini-writing seminar!

We hope you enjoy it. We know we will.

For now, we bring you Part 1:

Literary Terms Defined: The Uncommon and Common

Welcome Chuck! We're delighted to have you on board here at Writers In The Storm.

~ Fae, Jenny, Laura, Orly & Sharla

15 comments on “Take Your Writing By Storm with Chuck Sambuchino”

    1. Thanks, Gillian! This one was all Laura, but we're all terribly excited to add Chuck to the roster at WITS.

      Thanks, and we hope you enjoy the plethora of Chuck on what is otherwise a rather somber day for us Americans.

  1. Chuck has a sharp wit but he tries not to cut you with it. He is very knowledgeable! He is a return speaker at the San Francisco Writers Conference President's Day Weekend 2014. Always valuable information in rapid fire succession, never boring when Chuck is speaking.
    Loved the Garden Gnome book! Will we be seeing a movie from Sony Pictures?

  2. It is not possible to find great idea every where i have bookmarked this site as it saves time in searching some good idea about improving your writing.

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