We’re excited to announce that Writers In The Storm was named in the 15th Annual Writer's Digest "101 Top Blogs for Writers" list! And to show our thanks to our amazing guest bloggers and readers, we're throwing open the comments today for a little “Pimp and Promote.”
How does this work?
To quote Genie in Aladdin, "There are a few provisos, a couple of quid-pro-quos" ...
Better yet, do one of each! And please peruse the comments. You might find something else you like in the plethora of pimping that’s about to ensue.
Thanks again for making WITS one of the top writer's blogs! We appreciate you.
~ Fae, Jenny, Laura, Orly and Sharla
Copyright © 2025 Writers In The Storm - All Rights Reserved
Huge congratulations!! You deserve it!!
Thanks, Ella!
Ella, we are SO excited! But where's your pimp & promote, girlie? 🙂
Thanks, Ella! You've helped with all your re-blogs.
I know that must feel amazing as it is a huge accomplishment. Congratulations.
I am going to be selfish and pimp my own work. I recently came back to writing and seem to have a knack for poetry, what do you think? http://www.thepoetrychannel.wordpress.com.
If you like it, you will love my first book, Poetry From A Wabi Sabi Heart, for sale on Amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/author/mzanemcclellan.
Thanks for the opportunity. Congrats again!
M. Zane, after reading your poem, 'Come To Me' I'm ready to dump Alpha Dog. You available? Just kidding. But wow! Nice!
I don't know if LOL or a bwahhahhha does justice to what I did when I read your comment, both kind of happened. Scary. Thank you so much for you kind words Laura. Peace ~ Michael
I love poetry and second Laura's sentiment! 🙂 Much success!
I'm glad that you do Deb. I hope you'll visit some more. Thank you for the good wishes. I wish you every success as well. Peace. ~ Michael
Congratulations, ladies! You all provide such a great variety of timely topics. Thanks to you, too! I'm excited b/c not only will my debut, Traces, be released on 4/28, but I'm looking at publishing a historical romance trilogy this year also. Oh, and the sequel to Traces, Remnants. If all goes well, I'll have 5 romantic fiction novels out this year.
Holy poop, Betty - when you sell, you don't mess around! Huge congrats!
Hey Betty - post a link to your FB release party!
Thanks, Laura! Here's the link to the party: https://www.facebook.com/events/1411168342473968/ We'll have a great time, talking books and characters and wine. 🙂
And hello? Those three topics...my FAVES. 🙂
YAY! Congratulations, Betty!!
Thanks, Orly!
Congratulations, Betty!! Wow, what a huge year for you.
Thanks, Jenny! Feel free to swing by on 4/28 and partake of your fave 3 topics. It'll be fun!
Hi, Betty! Wow...you are prolific! I found you on Twitter and followed you. 🙂
I'm going to pimp the blog of a long-time WITS reader, Florence Fois. A hardy New Yorker, she brings the town to life with her writing. Check her out! http://ramblingsfromtheleft.wordpress.com/
No promoting from me this time - but a recommendation - if you're looking for a new domain - check out GoDaddy. They have the BEST customer service on the planet!
Go, Florence! While I do love GoDaddy, I like TechSurgeons better. 🙂
Congratulations! As a subscriber, I'm getting all this goodness delivered straight to my email each week, and look for it! Always great info I can use here to help me as a writer.
You didn't put a restriction how many friends I could pimp out, unless I missed it. Dangerous oversight b/c I love my friends! LOL
*My agent buddy and good friend Katie Oliver (@katieoliver01) has an awesome chick lit series, Dating Mr. Darcy. For all my Austen-ites and Anglophiles, you'll love this series. http://www.amazon.com/Katie-Oliver/e/B00HGQ93VS
*One of my writing besties and a brilliant fellow-Margie Lawson grad Kimberly S. Belle (@KimberlySBelle) has a book releasing through MIRA on my bday! Sept 30! She is such a fresh voice in women's fiction. Don't miss this! Already available for pre-order here. http://www.amazon.com/The-Last-Breath-Kimberly-Belle/dp/0778317226
*Into New Adult? My fellow Forever Romance writer and buddy Lia Riley (@LiaRileyWrites) writes about one girl's journey into love down under. Available for pre-order right NOW, people! She's one to watch!
*Like it a little hotter? Want some steam rising up off your pages? Another writing bestie Sofie Tate (@sofiatateauthor) releases her first erotic novel through Grand Central called Breathless For Him. It is up for pre-order now!
Awww, thanks, Kennedy! But she forgot to pimp her own books ~ the first two of the Bennetts trilogy coming out June 17 and October 7. Check 'em out at http://www.amazon.com/Kennedy-Ryan/e/B00HBHK09Q. I've read them. They're fabulous. And bonus! For every single one she sells, she's donating 25% to families living with Autism.
Kimberly, this status is why I LOVE pimp and promote. The generosity of the writing community always floors me.
Kennedy is amazing! As a mom of a child with autism, thanks for all you do.
Kimberly, I'm excited to see your book come out!
And thanks for prompting Kennedy's generosity. This community is amazing.
Congrats to the good folks at Writers in the Storm and thanks for this opportunity.
I'm excited because this month I'm putting the finishing touches on the manuscript of HOW TO CRAFT A WRITER'S BUSINESS PLAN, my first book since 1980 (second book ever). As a reader of Writers in the Storm, if you'd like a copy of the pdf of the manuscript, email me (rpetty at thewiredcity dot net) and I will send it to you free... as I turn my attention to production details for the eBook. Is it great? I don't know. Is it unlike anything else out there? Of that I am certain.
Wow, Ryan ... Congrats and thanks!! The WITS community is so amazing!
OMG, congrats Ryan, and YES we'd love a copy! I'll send you an email right now. 🙂
Very kind of you! Will email.
So awesome! Thanks! 🙂
See? THIS is how amazing our WITS community is! Thanks, Ryan! Best of luck with the book!
Well deserved honor Writers in the Storm.
I'm a published non-fiction writer who got the fiction itch, swtiched genres and recently finished a historical novel set in Victorian England. Talk about a learning process. Couldn't have done it w/o my virtual and physical support team.
I'm at a good point in my writing, sending the mansucript for polishing to editor, finally getting a website, moving forward full of hope and dreams.
YAY for taking the leap into fiction! We all need our support teams - virtual and physical! Glad you're part of ours.
I'm a huge fan of hopes and dreams, Yvonne. Good luck with all these cool things you're doing. 🙂
Congratulations!! I'm thrilled to know many more folks will benefit from reading this fabulous blog. I remember voting for you guys too. 😀
I'd like to pimp my friend and writer Doris O'Connor who has a release day today. She's celebrating with a giveaway here: http://thetardisscribbles.blogspot.com/2014/04/mwtease-from-mating-project-projects3.html
I'd also like to pimp a friend who has helped me countless times, Sandra Bunino. She's one of the nicest people I've ever met. Her Mid Week Tease meme is today. You can find all the posts (including mine) through her blog here: http://sandrabunino.com/blog/
Lastly, I'm pimping myself. 🙂 I recently signed the contract for my third release and second in my Love Projects series. You can find all the details here: http://sjmaylee.com/my-books/the-love-projects/
Thanks for the links, S.J. And congrats on the new contract!
Congratulations on the contract!!! Love sharing good news with our WITS buds.
Thanks for the shout out, Laura Drake. I am a big fan and congratulate WITS for this well deserved recognition. I have a select group of blogs I read each week. I wish I could pimp them all, however, the one I pimp today is also a WD 101 Top Blogs for Writers; Anne R. Allen ... http://annerallen.blogspot.com. Anne helps so many who are new to blogging, publishes some of the best advice for emerging and wanna-be writers and is also a talented author.
Nothing published to promote, I am happily in the process of submitting the first of a mystery trilogy, Songbird, and writing the last chapters of my women's fiction novel, A Step In Time ... "Hiding a dark secret from their past, three women meet at a crossroad, unaware they hold the key to each other’s freedom."
Love you guys 🙂
I checked out your blog this morning. Well-done!
Thanks, Deb. I appreciate the visit 🙂
Love your logline, Florence! And SO happy you're getting Songbird out there!
Reblogged this on ldbush21.
Thanks for the reblog love!
[…] Sharing the Love at Writers In The Storm. […]
HUGE smile on my face when I first read about this! So happy for you! Thanks for all the hard work you do...so well-deserved!
Thanks, Natalia!!!!
Congratulations! As a subscriber, I’m getting all this goodness delivered straight to my email each week, and look for it! Always great info I can use here to help me as a writer.
You didn’t put a restriction how many friends I could pimp out, unless I missed it. Dangerous oversight b/c I love my friends! LOL
*My agent buddy and good friend Katie Oliver (@katieoliver01) has an awesome chick lit series, Dating Mr. Darcy. For all my Austen-ites and Anglophiles, you’ll love this series. http://www.amazon.com/Katie-Oliver/e/B00HGQ93VS
*One of my writing besties and a brilliant fellow-Margie Lawson grad Kimberly S. Belle (@KimberlySBelle) has a book releasing through MIRA on my bday! Sept 30! She is such a fresh voice in women’s fiction. Don’t miss this! Already available for pre-order here. http://www.amazon.com/The-Last-Breath-Kimberly-Belle/dp/0778317226
*Into New Adult? My fellow Forever Romance writer and buddy Lia Riley (@LiaRileyWrites) writes about one girl’s journey into love down under. Available for pre-order right NOW, people! She’s one to watch!
*Like it a little hotter? Want some steam rising up off your pages? Another writing bestie Sofie Tate (@sofiatateauthor) releases her first erotic novel through Grand Central called Breathless For Him. It is up for pre-order now!
Thanks for all the linkage, Kennedy.
Congrats! Well-deserved, ladies!
Thanks so much, Lisa. 🙂
Many, many thanks, Lisa! I appreciate all the writers like you who share valuable information with our readers. 🙂
Mega Congratulations on being recognized! I must confess it is because of you and your amazing blog posts that I was able to sign a contract with a publisher, get my book published and continue to expand my own blog. Your articles are so informative and gave me the inspiration to make my dreams come true! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
I will do a little self promotion. My book, PRINCESS OF THE LIGHT, is being published this Summer and my blog is a place for everyone to be inspired. I do an Inspirational Thought of the Day and also writing articles. Check it out: http://princessofthelight.wordpress.com
Congrats again and keep up the great work!
Congratulations on your upcoming release!!! Glad we could play a small role in that. 🙂
Way cool! We started the blog three years ago to help aspiring writers - so gratifying to hear that we've managed that in some small way. That's even better than the WD nod!
Thanks for letting us know.
What Laura said!
Congratulations! Recognition well deserved. I'm pimping two of my favorite history bloggers: David Lawlor writes History With A Twist: http://historywithatwist.wordpress.com/ and Mary Todd at A Writer of History: http://awriterofhistory.com/ They're excellent writers, helpful writing friends, and they always have something fascinating to share in the history world.
I also want to pimp my upcoming World War One-era novel. Scheduled to launch in July, GO AWAY HOME explores the reality that life is not as simple, or the choices as clear-cut, as we often think they are, and that when confronted with the conflict between dreams and reality we sometimes learn that getting what you want can be a two-edged sword. Read the first chapter at: http://www.carolbodensteiner/books/
Thanks for the history links, Carol. And good luck with your launch in July!
Whatever you're doing for promo is working, Carol - I remember seeing your title!
Best of luck with it!
I'm going to promote (and I suppose it's a kind of a pimp since I'm president of the group). The Women's Fiction Writers Association has launched the Rising Star Contest for unpublished women's fiction manuscripts. If you write women's fiction but haven't published yet, check it out. And if you are a published author (doesn't have to be in WF although you should probably enjoy reading WF), we could use your help as a first round judge. Great way to give back to aspiring authors. You can find out more about the contest on the WFWA website - https://womensfictionwriters.org/contests/rising-star-contest/ or email me if you have questions or can volunteer. 🙂
I vouch this is a great organization I recently joined. Will sign up to judge.
Congrats, guys! I haven't commented here, but I have lurked. You've created something special, so it's great to see it acknowledged.
I guess the "entity" (not sure what else to call it, because "blog" seems so inadequate) I would share that has influenced me (read: changed my writerly life!) is Writer Unboxed. The daily articles are inspiring, the conversations are invigorating, and the community is encouraging. (And WU also made WD's list).
I see you have them in your sidebar, so no link is necessary. I see you guys over there often enough to know I'm probably preaching to the choir. But I'm honored by every chance I get to serve WU. Keep up the great work here!
We love Writer Unboxed!! And I'll second that promo! No surprise to find WU on the WD list AGAIN. 🙂
Thanks for finally saying hi, Vaughn. 😉
We're honored to know you lurk, Vaughn! WU comes to my inbox every day, and though I tend to lurk there, I never miss it! You all are our heroes!
I love this blog and can certainly see why it's in the top 101 blogs! Yeah!
I'm going to pimp my favorite teacher which I'm sure you all know and love, Margie Lawson and Margie's Lawson's Academy. And my own new release, a romantic suspense novella co-written with my friend Sandra Tllley set in and around the emerald waters of Destin Florida titled
Destined for Deception available on Amazon and Prism Book Group.
I'll raise you a pimp on Margie, Suzanne, as a fellow Margie-ite and immersion grad (Holla to the VV Class - July '13), cannot say enough about how Margie has impacted my writing. LOVE that woman. Run, don't walk, if you have the chance to engage with her materials.
And congrats on Destined for Deception! Yay, you! 🙂
We LOVE Margie at WITS! All of us are Margie-grads.
Back at you Kennedy. Loved our VV Class. You be sure to let me know if and when you'll go again. 🙂
Congrats to all of you...WITS is part of my daily inspiration. I would like to second the pimp from ramblingsfromtheleft... http://annerallen.blogspot.com., is a great blog that I draw from, too.
Thanks for a second pointer to Anne Allen's blog, emlee. Just visited it and it's rich.
Writers in the Storm serves up some the BEST information for writers. Congratulations!
In my old age, I sent a manuscript to Soul Mate Publishing and now it is a "for real" book on Amazon at: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=Casey%27s+Courage
Is yours Casey's Courage? It looks good! Congrats.
Aww, thanks. 🙂
Double a huge congrats on the "for real" book!!!!
Thanks and Congrats WITS!!
I'm pimping my own mermaid romance published by Harlequin: (Will pimp a friend shortly!)
Deb, what a simply GORGEOUS cover! I can't stop looking at it.
Ah thanks, Jenny! Harlequin did a special underwater photo shoot for the cover and blogged about it: http://paranormalromanceblog.com/2013/09/16/go-behind-the-scenes-and-underwater-with-a-harlequin-nocturne-cover-shoot/
Well, that's certainly fun, to be a featured author in that photo shoot. Congratulations!
Wow, Deb, that cover is gorgeous!!!! Congrats! 🙂
Thanks, Orly!
An eye catcher for sure. Congrats!
Beautiful cover, Deb. I've got a mermaid pond with a bronze mermaid sculpture outside my kitchen. Good luck with the book!
Jenny (and all) the book is even better than the cover! How can an author make a mermaid believable? Damned if I know, but Debbie did it! It's an awesome book. I recommend it!
Sorry I'm running behind this week. What a fascinating post about shooting the cover photo! Thanks for the link.
And this wonderful book lives up to its gorgeous cover.
Thanks Carol and Laura!
Congratulations! And thank you for all of the great postings.
Nothing to pimp yet. I'll be publishing my debut novel, a romantic comedy, in a couple of months. You can check out the cover here: http://www.richamooi.com
Maybe that's a mini-pimp. 🙂
You made me laugh, Rich. No small feat at oh-dark-thirty. Good luck on your debut!
Thanks so much! Now get some sleep!
As I told you earlier today, Rich, I LOVE your cover! Can't wait to read your book! 🙂
Thanks Alison! I'm excited about your debut too. How cool!
Thanks, Rich!
Rich, this looks absolutely darling! Am now stalking -- err, following -- you on social media. Will snag this when it comes out. 🙂
You're so sweet, Orly. Thanks for following. Now it's time to head to your site and see what you're up to. Enjoy the day!
I'm promoting a friend of mine, Wendy Beck, who's book is to be posted to Amazon later this week. If you love New Adult paranormal, I highly recommend this one!
Thanks, Deb. I'll check it out.
Ouuuu ... will go check that out. 🙂
Oh wow! Thanks, Debbie! You rock!
Was there ever any doubt you'd be named as one of the best? Not for me!
Thank for the opportunity to pimp and promote -- I would love it if all of you could help me and my alumni association promote our contest for unpublished writers of crime novels. Simply sharing the link with all your followers would be HUGE! Here's a link with all the details: http://www.whidbeymfaalumni.org/writing-contest/
Entries cost $25 and net proceeds go to the scholarship fund. Entries are open until May 23. The finals judge is New York Times Bestselling author Robert Dugoni! First prize is a 5-day residency at Northwest Institute of Literary Arts' MFA program on Whidbey Island, WA, a small cash award, and a review of the winning submission by Laurie McLean of Foreword Literary.
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Charlotte! 🙂
I've heard great things about the Whidbey Island events.
Just Tweeted it!
Thanks a ton Laura!
Awwwww, thanks Charlotte! And I hear the most amazing things about all the writing programs and workshops on Whidbey Island. It's one of my fave places in the world. 🙂
Yay for you guys. Not just on the list, but in good company, too!
My pimp is near and dead...a fledgeling FB page - the Hope Index, giving love to those people who are struggling with thoughts of suicide and tempted to find a permanent solution to temporary problems. https://www.facebook.com/HOPEINDEX
And my own promote... come visit me at http://www.rantravewrite.com where I try to make the catastrophic into some funny.
Great post on the PPJ sandwich. 🙂
She's right, Lynnette. That blog post is a stitch. Your son sounds like a fabulous kid. I had to go tweet it immediately. 🙂
Loved the post on the PPJ sandwich. I have an 8 year old son (well, 9 next month he keeps reminding me) so we're having a lot of bizarre and somewhat awkward discussions lately. And yes, you'd think parents would know when to quit while they're behind. 🙂
Congratulations on the well-deserved recognition. I'd like to promote author/editor/instructor Carol Hoenig author of "Finding Grace" and "Of Little Faith". Carol is a brilliant writer and teacher. Discover her work at http://www.carolhoenigh.com
Thanks for the link. It didn't work but this one did: http://www.carolhoenig.com/
Hi all my fellow bloggers...I'm new to this blog site yet have followed WITS for a long time. It guides me when I go off course which is everyday. I'd like to begin by saying Congratulations! to WITS for their accomplishment and to me for knowing finally, a good thing.
I'd like to bring your attention to an author RJ Pepper who recently penned a novel, The Hot Cloth. It is not a shade of grey but I promise, agree or not with the writer, it will spark many conversations. Since I'm new on here please feel free to check out this semi autobiography on jmrosiphillipswriterreal.blogspot.com or spitfirerosi.blogspot.com
Next week is exciting for me as I have scored a no holds interview with RJ Pepper. I will post it on here. I have lots to do to ready my new blog here. For now, Please leave a comment if you jump over to my other blogs and have a minute to do so. I am so excited to join all of you here. Thank you to WITS for giving me this opportunity to pimp RJ and myself. I am a writer progressing in my own wors, titled Breaking Birth. If all goes well, I'm looking at a 2015 release.
Good luck on the interview and Breaking Birth!
How exciting! Congratulations! 🙂
Thanks, C.B.
Perfect day to share. "Hearts in the Vortex" my re-issued Arizona romance went live in print on Amazon today! It was my first published book and dear to my heart. A Sedona paranormal romance...
Sedona. Romance. 'Nuff said. My TBR pile grows.
Congrats again, WITS team! I'm proud to be a guest blogger here.
I see Lisa Verge Higgins commented yet didn't pimp her new release, RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS, so I will! Check it out!:
Also I'm reading Therese Walsh's new title, THE MOON SISTERS, and it is wonderful! Therese is a co-founder of Writer Unboxed, another "WD 101 Best" site, mentioned above:
And Kristin Bair O'Keefe's novel THE ART OF FLOATING just came out:
If you are an avid women's fiction reader please check out the Women's Fiction Book Club on Goodreads! We've just started Barbara O'Neal's THE GARDEN OF HAPPY ENDINGS and you have all month to catch up!
Oooh, I loved that book. Does this mean I could join the club and enjoy that book with OTHERS? Rockstar!!
Seriously, Jenny ... you're not in THE club yet? Don't make me come out there! Go join ... NOW. 😉
Okay, I joined. Quickly. (Dominatrix Orly is scaring me.) 😀
Laura Drake says that THE GARDEN OF HAPPY ENDINGS is her all-time favorite book. Guess I may have to get serious about Women's Fiction--if I can just quit fighting bad guys in space!
THANK YOU, Kathryn!
And guys, Kathryn's debut, The Art of Falling, is a must read.
<3 <3 <3
Congrats, you guys deserve it, I've learned so much from your blog. Such as Margie Lawson's on-line academy. I've taken two classes, one through the wonderful Laura Drake and the other with Margie herself and can I just say WOW!! I feel as if my writing has grown by leaps and bounds thanks to them. I look forward to many more great blogs on Writers in The Storm, and more classes through Margie Lawson. 🙂
Margie's the real deal (oops! cliche alert!). If you get a chance to "go to the mountain" take it! Great fun, great scenery, great new friends, and, of course, great work and learning with Margie.
Congrats to you. The site definitely deserves the recognition.
Thanks so much, Susan. Laura and Jenny knew where we were going. Me, I was just along for the ride. But I'm sure ready to party now!
Congratulations, WITS! I am so thrilled for you! I've learned so much from your blog. And enjoyed a few laughs, too!
Thanks for reading--and commenting--Gillian.
And, since Gillian won't promote herself, I will. Her book, Losing Lisa is finally available at Amazon! Here's the link: http://dld.bz/dnrWY
Here's the blurb:
Drug addicted and crazed with greed, Kevin Norris shot their mother, father and younger brother in their opulent suburban L.A. home, leaving them for dead.
Apprehended in Las Vegas, Kevin proves smarter than the system by behaving psychotic to get a mental evaluation in the jail ward of the Los Angeles county hospital. Escaping custody, he eludes authorities during a five-state manhunt with one goal in mind: Eliminate Lisa so he will inherit the entire family fortune.
Afraid for her life, Lisa turns to Deanne Acuña, a private eye renowned for her sixth sense as well as her common sense. In a true story of extraordinary courage and intuitive skills, Deanne offers a safe haven for Lisa then sets out to track down Kevin Norris—a journey that will test her abilities and Lisa's will to survive as she is stripped not only of family and friends but of her very identity.
I understand it's a TRUE story!
Laura, thank you so much!!! 🙂
I feel like such a dork pimping myself out...but I didn't say I wouldn't do it. 😉
Here's my shameless plug:
My debut book, RULES OF PROTECTION, will be released this summer by Entangled Publishing. It's a humorous, sexy contemporary romance, in which a woman who witnesses a mob murder is spirited away by an FBI agent to his uncle's backwoods Texas bird farm, where she has to contend with a psychotic rooster, a group of crazy Texas cowboy friends, her growing attraction to her protector, and the mafia which has tracked her down.
If this sounds like something you'd be interested in learning more about, please give me a like over at my author page https://www.facebook.com/AuthorAlisonBliss.
I also have launched a street team, as well. For more information, please go here: http://www.authoralisonbliss.com/p/street-team.html
Thanks, everyone! Hope to see you there! 🙂
Good job, Alison! It's hard the first few times, isn't it?
I had to force myself! LOL
I'm coming to the party late as I'm out of town. I recently read Keary Taylor's indi series, Fall of Angels with the first one being Fallen. I had no idea what to expect but these stories were so different from anything else Ive read that I couldn't put them down. They are not the usual Angel stories at all. I also like Catherine Bybee's books and the historicals by Lynn Horner. 🙂
I just found out about this but wanted to chime in. Such a well deserved honor! this blog is always the first one I turn to for writing craft and inspirational stories. Congratulations!
Thanks, Nancy! The readers here the THE BEST.
Like Nancy (see above) I just saw the news. Congratulations! Well-earned! I am proud to be an occasional contributor (There's the pimp.)
Reblogged this on jmorrisseyrosiphillips's Blog and commented:
Exciting news we all can share. Congratulations WITS
First, pimping a mate, Simon Haynes:
* Author: "Hal Spacejock" http://www.spacejock.com.au/ - comedic Sci-Fi in the vein of "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".
*Software engineer: http://www.spacejock.com/, including some really nifty tools for writers, such as yWriter (to rival Scrivener) and Sonar (for tracking sub(mission)s). Definitely worth a visit.
Second, pimping myself:
* Blog: http://romancespinners.blogspot.com Stop by and leave a comment.
* My latest novella: "As Good As Gold". http://amzn.com/B00I28UYXA
Very well deserved! I often refer authors who need just a bit more honing of their skills to your site, often to specific posts. Great job.
Reblogged this on Rakes Rogues and Romance and commented:
This is one of the finest blogs on writing and craft. They've been named one of the Top Blogs and it's so well deserved!
Congrats, WITS! Well deserved recognition. Anytime I'm asked about places to learn I recommend your blog. It's great for both experienced and newby writers. I always learn something when I visit.
I would like to Pimp my good friend and writer, Jo-Ann Carson's blog. She is always delightful and makes me think at the same time. This is just one of her many entertaining blogs http://lovindanger.wordpress.com/2014/01/22/my-first-presentation-to-a-book-club/
A little Promotion. My second book, TRUTH BE TOLD, a romantic suspense will be released by MuseItUp Publishing next month and I've sold a 3rd book to them coming in Winter of 2015. Thanks again for such a great blog. Appreciate your efforts and wish you continued success.
Snappy informational site.