Writers in the Storm

A blog about writing

storm moving across a field
December 24, 2021

Happy Holidays from Writers In the Storm!

Whether you celebrate a lot or a little, on your own or with family and friends, all of us here at Writers In the Storm are wishing you a joyful holiday season. There is no blog today because we're all being busy holiday elves, but we hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend.

Happy Writing!

Warm holiday wishes from
Ellen, Kris, Jenny, Lisa & Lynette

16 comments on “Happy Holidays from Writers In the Storm!”

  1. Thank you! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and looking forward to a great new year of WITS posts.

  2. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!

    I've been so behind on emails since Thanksgiving, I've been out of touch, but I'm still around.


  3. Happiest Holidays. May you and yours enjoy more eggnog than the elves do while rocking out to the jingling silver bells wrapped round the horses as you sleigh ride into next year. Oh and don't forget to roast a S'mores over an open fire. It's so much more satisfactory than chestnuts will ever be, once the marshmallow and chocolate melt down onto the graham cracker cookies.

    blowing out a New Years Party Horn

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