by Ellen Buikema
When I worked with my first cover designer, we spent a lot of time discussing the best font/typeface for my book. He wanted to ensure that my font "would be good for my brand."
I was a newbie Indie and had no idea what he meant by brand.
Note: I’m using the terms typeface and font interchangeably. Although font is the weight, size, and width of the typeface, the term font is often used for typeface.
My first book was my only work of nonfiction, so by the time I started a chapter book series I had a better sense of my identity as a writer.
Choosing a font is one of those things we don’t think about right away as we’re pondering plots, story arcs, characters, and settings. After the story is written and edited, then the flood of questions begin.
There are two main typefaces: serif and sans serif. Serif has short lines stemming from the upper and lower ends of the letters and sans serif does not.
Use one typeface for your body text, and another for your titles – both on the front cover and your chapter titles (if you decide to use them).
When I’m reading, I prefer a serif typeface. Those little lines seem to help with the flow of the text.
Each font has its own personality. Baskerville, Garamond, and Palatino work well for literary fiction and thrillers. The more rounded Merriweather and Lora fonts lend themselves to genres like romance and fantasy. For non-fiction and academic books, consider Sabon.
Resource: Go to Google Fonts and run a search to see how each font looks.
These font-genre combinations are possibilities. I spoke to several authors in various genres who prefer Times New Roman, another typeface that is easy on the eye.
Serifs help tie individual letters into groups (words), making them easier for the brain to scan. The important thing is that they are easy to read and look good when used for long-form texts.
While stylized fonts can capture the mood of your story, they’re distracting and hard to read when used as lengthy texts. As much as I love some of the “fanciful” fonts, full of curls and swirls, reading lines upon lines could be challenging.
The right amount of spacing between letters makes a vast difference in readability. Look for a typeface with even kerning otherwise that tedious task will be yours.
All the letters, numbers and other characters used maintain the same look.
A blend of thick and thin, heavy and light, is essential in a good font.
Choose a crisp, legible font. An unreadable font is like studying a work of art so busy you can’t figure out what the piece represents.
Resource: Here are 12 easy to read fonts.
The typeface should entice the reader to pick up the book. Since many readers use online sources to find reading material the cover should be easy to read when it's thumbnail-sized. Decisions for purchase are at least in part due to the look of the cover.
Children's books are often enjoyable stories that spark the imagination. The book cover should be visually welcoming. Designers tend to look for something that's either whimsical or relatable.
The best font for children's book covers will depend on the subject with the typeface complementing the visual.
The typeface I used for the Charlie Chameleon books is djb I Love A Ginger. It’s crisp, fun, easy to read, and matches the personality of the book.
There are many typefaces, each with several fonts. Often the more creative typeface choices are hard to read or look odd when in large print. The following are free and are helpful for people who have difficulty reading print.
Created by the American Printing House for the Blind, it's easy to read in any font size or weight, with longer tails on the letters Q, G, J, and Y. To download this font for free, users need to certify that it will be used by someone with vision impairment.
Arial is a great typeface for vision impairment because every letter is simple and looks different from the other letters, and looks great in bold.
Similar to Arial in appearance, Helvetica does well with light text on a dark background. The heavier font makes it easier for the eyes to focus on the text.
Lavanderia may be the best serif font for someone with low vision, because of its heavy weight and easy to distinguish letters, which is beneficial for someone learning to write with dysgraphia.
Fonts used for dyslexia, like Comic Sans and Dyslexi also work well for people with low vision.
In all my years teaching Special Education I only had one student who was visually impaired.
When it was time for the Third Grade State Standardized Testing, she tested with me in the Resource room using the largest testing booklet I’d ever seen. In order to use it, she had to stand over the desk and fill in the ovals to answer the questions. When she was finished, I was asked to transfer her answers to a standard-sized answer sheet so the computer could read it.
The typeface was the same as everyone else’s, just a very large font.
Fortunately, other tools, like portable scanners are available now.
Where do you go to look at fonts and decide what you want? Check out MyFonts the site that will identify any font from an image.
Need to find compatible fonts? See Google Fonts for lots of possibilities.
Unsure if your choice of typeface is too creative? Look here for rules to follow.
What is your preference, serif or sans serif? Do you have a favorite typeface? When you look at a book cover, does the typeface matter to you?
* * * * * *
Author, speaker, and former teacher, Ellen L. Buikema has written non-fiction for parents and a series of chapter books for children with stories encouraging the development of empathy—sprinkling humor wherever possible. Her Works In Progress are The Hobo Code, YA historical fiction and Crystal Memories, YA paranormal fantasy.
Find her at or on Amazon.
Top Image by Foundry Co from Pixabay
Copyright © 2025 Writers In The Storm - All Rights Reserved
Thanks for this information, especially about cover fonts. I keep mine consistent within series, and my name is the same on all my books as part of a branding effort. Since more than 90% of my sales are from ebooks, where the end user can change the font to whatever they like (or the device permits, which is usually quite a few), I stick with TNR for my ebooks. I like Cambria for my print books.
Hi Terry! It's interesting that you point out keeping your author name in the same font for all of your books.
I plan to do that with all the YA novels going forward. The djb I Love A Ginger certainly wouldn't work for Historical fiction or Sci-fi.
I was clueless about fonts with my first book, especially as they relate to my brand. Fortunately, I have had great designers to assist me with that. For me, legibility is critical but I didn't think about what the visually impaired would need. I'm preparing to create large print books, so that is timely information. Thanks.
Hi Lynette! Thank goodness for fantastic designers. They make all the difference.
I'm glad that the information is timely for you.
If you use italics at all in your text (I do - for several things), do a few page comparisons of fonts on a chunk of text with regular and italic versions mixed in.
The font with the right italics will have them approximately the same size and spacing as the regular text, but visually distinct. It's amazing how many fonts' italics are thinner or shorter than the regular version.
I ended up choosing Cambria (native to MS Word) because fonts like Times New Roman or Garamond or Baskerville - otherwise good choices - had horrible presentation when italics were mixed in.
For a quick sample, see my, which has the mix, and decide whether you agree that the italics serve their purpose, and are visually distinctive.
Hi Alicia! Great suggestion regarding italics.
Your link is very helpful. Thank you!
If you want to use the same font as other popular books in your genre, you can identify what they used at this site (for free) by pasting in a jpeg of the cover. The program will analyze and identify which font is used (as well as other close ones) Then you can also put in your own title to see how it would look in that font. The link is: it's fun to experiment
Hi Maggie! I agree, this is a good link to check.
Fantastic link, Maggie! Thank you for sharing!
Thanks for providing that link, Maggie! I had no idea that could be done.
I use Georgia. I have also used Garamond.
It's really fascinating to me to see which fonts resonate with readers. I wouldn't have even know about the dyslexia font considerations if I didn't have a few dyslexic friends. But all of this is golden information for the new indie author. Thanks so much for writing it!