It's Labor Day here in the United States and we hope you are taking a break from your regularly scheduled labors. For those like Jenny with kids to carpool...we hope you follow her example and pawn them off on someone who owes you babysitting favors. For those who are caregivers...we hope you can line up some respite care, even if it's just for a few hours.
And for anyone who feels guilty taking that "responsible person" break, perhaps you can be comforted and lifted up by focusing on your responsibility to yourself. Even when we write for others, our first audience is ourselves.
Go entertain yourself on the page for a while! Be as happy as that kid in the photo up top, even if it's only for an hour. Take a break from writing what you have to and write what you want to write.
We hope that your labor (or lack thereof) brings you joy today!
~ Ellen, Kris, Jenny, Lisa & Lynette
Top Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash
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And thank YOU for your labor of love all year round for the WITS community!
Happy Labor Day!
Thanks, Denise!