Should you spend the money to go to that writing conference?
Pay for a professional edit on your book?
Invest in new computer equipment for your writing office?
Risk cutting back on work hours so you can write more?… Read the post
Should you spend the money to go to that writing conference?
Pay for a professional edit on your book?
Invest in new computer equipment for your writing office?
Risk cutting back on work hours so you can write more?… Read the post
When the money doesn’t come flowing in or when the market ignores your book, it’s easy to lose the joy in writing. Fortunately, you can get it back.
In almost everything we do, there are two types of rewards involved:
Colleen M. Story
I attended a week-long writing workshop once that nearly destroyed my confidence as a writer. Though workshops can be very helpful, it depends on the teacher, and this particular one didn’t know how to guide and motivate writers.… Read the post
If you’re a hard-working writer, are you a workaholic?
And if you are, is that necessarily a bad thing?
With all writers have to manage today, including consistent marketing, maintaining an online presence and oh, yeah, writing and editing, it’s important to step back every once in awhile and say, “Am I overdoing it?”… Read the post
As part of one of my recent freelance projects, I read an interesting survey about how women and men differ when it comes to setting and achieving goals.
You can read the full report at Leadership IQ.… Read the post
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