By Fae Rowen
I’m pretty certain 2020 didn’t turn out like you thought it would. I usually pick one word as a focus for the new year, but 2021 is going to require THREE -- Hope, Edit and Love.… Read the post
By Fae Rowen
I’m pretty certain 2020 didn’t turn out like you thought it would. I usually pick one word as a focus for the new year, but 2021 is going to require THREE -- Hope, Edit and Love.… Read the post
by Colleen M. Story
If you want to start the New Year off with a bang, there’s one thing you have to have: hope.
Hope that next year will be a great year for your writing. Hope that you’ll be able to accomplish more than you did this year.… Read the post
By Barbara Linn Probst
Writing a book is hard. So is getting published, and so is achieving success as a writer. If that’s true, then why do we do it?
We may have asked ourselves this question, and others may have asked us.… Read the post
I don’t know about you, but everything is taking me twice as long these days. Sometimes more than twice as long. When you throw a pandemic into the mix, once-simple things seem to take forever. This is the reality of writing and working in the time of coronavirus.… Read the post
Some people talk about writing like they are chasing butterflies along the pretty garden paths of their manuscripts. Like their words frolic with Disney characters. They speak of churning out pages like a high-end laser printer.
I am not one of those people.… Read the post
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