Writers in the Storm

A blog about writing

storm moving across a field
July 18, 2011

Going To The Chapel Contest Winner Announcement!

black and white church

Writers In The Storm is delighted to announce
the winner of the Going To The Chapel Contest!!!

There was major finagling amongt the WITS bloggers as we all jockeyed for our favorite entry. It was close, and very nearly bloody (kidding), but one entry got the most votes with a super-secret ballot.

Congratulations, Carrie Rogozinski!

All details, along with Carrie's winning entry can be found on the Going To The Chapel contest page.

Thank you to ALL the contestants who entered. We hope you had as much fun as we did.

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0 comments on “Going To The Chapel Contest Winner Announcement!”

  1. Wonderful story. I missed the deadline. I hadn't yet become the rabid WITS and Jenny Hansen fan I am today. After reading your entry, Carrie, I'm glad I didn't. First, because the ideas I had didn't top your entry. Second, because wicked talons and wickedly twisted endings might not bode well for your competitors. Life. Art. Imitation. Tapping temple, trying to get the connection.

    Congratulations, Carrie! Well done.

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