We're throwing open the comments at Writers In The Storm today for a little of what I like to call "Pimp and Promote."
How does this work?
I’m taking a page out of Chuck Wendig’s book once again for you guys to do the following...
Better yet, do one of each! And please peruse the comments. You might find something else you like in the plethora of pimping that's about to ensue.
We hope y'all are looking forward to an amazing August!
~ Fae, Jenny, Laura, Orly and Sharla
Copyright © 2025 Writers In The Storm - All Rights Reserved
[…] that’s not enough excitement for you today, there’s a “Pimp & Promote” going on over at Writers In The Storm. Get on over there and join the month-end […]
Oooh, what good timing - I have a project to promote!. But first, with an eye on Karma, my pimp: http://myndishafer.wordpress.com/2013/07/24/wedding-ring-do-over-vote-for-23/
That link will take you to Myndi Schafer's page, and a (true) story about selling her rings, and the one her husband designed for her as a replacement, based on the trees from her Shrilugh books. They could win the ring, but the contest ends Aug 2. For some reason, this story just tugged my heartstrings to hard I can't stop thinking about it. Click and vote for her ring (It's really the best one, anyway!).
The project of my own to promote is a Triberr tribe, that shakes off the inbreeding and content recycling I keep seeing. I started a new tribe - Zeitgeist - and I am looking for a few good bloggers that want to participate. MANY topics will be covered, it is deliberately a topicless tribe - http://rantravewrite.com/2013/07/14/bloggers-wanted-no-seriously will lay out the finer details, but I am looking for a total of about 20 bloggers, flips sides of the coin, lots of stuff. Read the post, hit me up if you are interested.
And thanks for the venue, Jenny!
You are so welcome, Lynette! Great job. 🙂
Jenny, this is too much fun. I can shout out about our very own Laura Drake, who after having her first launch with Sweet Spot, will release her second in August, Her Road Home ... AND who after teaching with Margie,turned around and taught with OCCRWA. Thanks for reaching back to help hapless souls with the daunting task of querying.
And then I'd like to shout out the book launch of my good buddy Shelley Noble, Stargazey Point, who also writes as Shelley Freydont, who made it to the NYBSL (Beach Colors) and has a new book out this month and all WITS readers should look up her books in both of her names.
And about me? Well me is so busy with submissions for my first in a series mystery. Sent to agents and independent pubs like Kensington ... Framed in Black and White. I am revising and preparing to submit two other novels for this year of 2013 ... one romantic susense and one paranormal fantasy AND of course visit my blog because I do fabulous Flash Fiction and Features that are fun and subscribe to my blog because I am also fun ... fOIS In The City; Ramblingsfromtheleft.wordpress.com ... AND I am getting my shop on Etsy.com ready for the Christmas season. I sell collectibles and crafts so go to Etsy.com and Finds of The City is my shop.
How's that for one of my long-winded, drawn out and increditlby lengthy response comments ?? Love you guys 🙂
Florence, let's get some links to those books and your Etsy shop, girlie!!
Okay, Jenny ... instead of a link to one of their books, I linked to each of there amazon pages so readers can select any of their books and read their bios as well 🙂
Shelley Noble: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_13?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=shelley%20noble&sprefix=shelley+noble%2Caps%2C154
Shelley Freydont: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_13?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=
Laura Drake: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_13?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=shelley%20noble&sprefix=shelley+noble%2Caps%2C154#/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_11?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=laura+drake&sprefix=Laura+drake%2Cstripbooks%2C218&rh=n%3A283155%2Ck%3Alaura+drake
And this is my shop in the process of being updated. I have a few dozen more items that will go on the site by the end of August. So come and take a look and visit until you find something you like ... for you or for a gift 🙂
Finds In The City at Etsy.com: https://www.etsy.com/shop/FindsOfTheCity
Throwing *kisses* to Florence! Thank you!!!!
My books are still in the write and query stages so let me promote Ace Hansen's hilarious MG Julius Caesar Brown and the Green Gas Mystery for those that need a juvenile laugh and Mary Waibel's forthcoming August release from MuseItUp Publishing of a cozy fairy tale retelling, Charmed Memories.
Thanks Melissa!!! For those interested in the first book, QUEST OF THE HART, it's still on sale ($2.99) at Amazon, B&N, iBooks, Kobo, and other major retailers.
Links, y'all! Give us some order links!! 🙂
p.s. This is some lovely P&P. Great job!
Here is the Amazon link to Ace Hansen's book: http://www.amazon.com/kindle-store/dp/B00DV704KU
and here is Mary's author page on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Mary-Waibel/e/B00CGZPKUW/ref=sr_tc_2_rm?qid=1375299070&sr=1-2-ent
Oh, I do love this website, and you just keep me coming back. LOL! Okay, there are several authors who've captured my heart, but I'd have to say that Julie Garwood is my all-time favorite. She turns a plot twist to an art form, and the opening lines and closing hooks in each chapter make her books fresh and exciting. That's a tactic I worked to achieve in my writing. We'll see what the world thinks on how successful I was, real soon. My debut novel will be available on Amazon as an eBook first on August 28th. I'm so excited! This is a Time Travel Romance, on the sweet side, but peppered with suspense. Thanks for the opportunity to share!
Thanks, Jaye! Our readers are the bomb. 🙂
Congratulations on getting your first book out. That's no small achievement!
LOVE Julie Garwood!! I emailed her once and she replied with such a nice note, it made me like her even more! 🙂
Sweet time travel romance?? I'm there! Is it available for pre-order, or do I need to mark it on my calendar?
Pimp: RISE OF THE MACHINES by Kristen Lamb is out. There's a reason she is known as a social media maven. No one understands social media and how to use it as an author like she does, and her voice even makes it an easy and entertaining read.
Promote: FIRELANDS -- 5 Star Dystopian Thriller available now from Amazon, B&N, Kobo, and iTunes. "Thrilling, moving, and ultimately hopeful . . . a novel to be savored." ~James Rollins, NYT Bestseller of THE EYE OF GOD
Thanks, Jenny!
Firelands is on my want so bad list! I just have to convince the hubby that it should be part of our budget. He's a bit reluctant... we have three birthdays this month so it's a bit tight.
Kristen's book (social media for authors made easy): http://www.amazon.com/Rise-Machines-Authors-Digital-ebook/dp/B00DP7II4A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1375278740&sr=8-1&keywords=kristen+lamb
Piper's book (which is full of awesome): http://www.amazon.com/Firelands-ebook/dp/B00D71YOEW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1375278873&sr=8-1&keywords=piper+bayard
Thanks, Jenny!
If you enjoy Historical Romance, why not give THE DEVIL TAKE YOU or YOU FOUND ME by HK Carlton a try. They will sweep you away. If you enjoy romance with heat, her LOST TIME is another excellent read. Think Jude Devereaux's KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR, but with lots more heat (and IMO a better ending!)
Very fun stuff! I loved Jude Deveraux. 🙂
KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR is one of my fav's 🙂
YES! One of the only books I've read several times! 😀
My OTHER favorite romance author is Jude! I read, no DEVOURED, the first couple dozen of her books. 🙂 Lost interest when her heroines got older and seemed to mostly be divorced single moms, but her early stuff is SO FUN!
Her Montgomery family series was EXCELLENT, wasn't it?
KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR was the first romance book that made me cry. And I got to meet Jude Devereaux at the RWA conference! I am for sure going to buy HK Carlton's books. Thanks, Mary.
Self-promo: I'm thrilled to share that my debut, Equilibrium, releases from Kensington on August 27, and is available for pre-order now! According to RT Book Reviews: "Thomson's debut is riveting...Romantic, yet heartbreaking all the way through, this novel is a beautiful take on starting over in life."
Other-writer promo: I'm currently reading and adoring Sharla Lovelace's Before And Ever Since. A cast of realistic well fleshed-out characters that pull in you and provide a delightful juxtaposition for the elements of magical realism.Sweet, romantic, and unputdownable.
Lorrie's pre-order link: http://www.amazon.com/Equilibrium-ebook/dp/B00C6BFSDU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1375279030&sr=8-1&keywords=lorrie+thomson
Sharla's link: http://www.amazon.com/Before-and-Ever-Since-ebook/dp/B008EXNO3U/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1375278963&sr=8-3&keywords=sharla+lovelace
Thank you for looking out for us/adding order links, Jenny!
No problem, Lorrie!
Oh man, Lorrie - you hit my 'Sweet Spot!' I'll read anything from Sharla Lovelace - even if it were written on toilet paper! (draw the line on used, however.) If you guys haven't read her, you should - she'll be your next favorite author, promise! The RITAs screwed up this year, when they didn't give her one.
I love, Love, LOVE Dawn Rae Miller's 'Larkstorm'. YA, with Paranormal? Magic and a pair of so sweet lovebirds who just can't be together, in fact one is fated to be the death of the other, but they are trying SO HARD anyway. It made me cry, and I couldn't put it down. There's a bit of world jolt a few chapters in where your understanding of what's going on violently shifts, but the actual world totally fits and makes the story far more interesting. So good! And it's a small press/self pub (not really sure how that falls) so it's easy on the wallet. There is a sequel out that's also fantastic, but I'm just pushing the first book so you can try it for yourself. 😀
As for myself, I don't have any projects at the Reveal stage. Still learning to revise now that I've mastered the first draft! 😉
Hey, Addy! Thanks for the book recommendation. I love stories like that. 🙂
This is a two-in-one...
If any of you haven't checked out http://searchingforsuperwomen.com/, do it. This month there's a special series about internalizing equality through fiction that various contributors will be participating in.
On the same site, my first post as a contributor goes up tomorrow - the intro to a series about the companions of Doctor Who.
Much geekery. Lots o' superwomen.
Oooo! I'm totally going to read that site! And I'll go back tomorrow to read your Doctor Who post! LOVE the Doctor!! 😀
Kitty, it's really amazing what's evolved over the last few months. I'm really excited to be a part of it.
And YAY, Whovians! 🙂
That site looks super cool, Amber. Book marked it for further perusal. 🙂
You had me at 'geekery.' I love me some good geekery....
There's a nice variety of it, too. 🙂
Self promo - probably the most important thing I've learned while writing is that I LOVE critiquing/editing as much (or more) than writing. And I think I'm pretty good at it. My goal is to offer editing services, both line-editing and high level but skewed toward the line editing side, for a fee. But for right now, I'm offering these services for free. I give comments on "why" I offer a particular suggestion, so the author can learn and move forward improving their writing skills. My blog is http://www.marlenemoss.blogspot.com or my email is writing(at)marlenemoss(dot)com.
Blog promo - http://operationawesome6.blogspot.com/ is a fantastic blog, full of great information and of course contest! Who can pass up a potential agent attention grabbing opportunity?!
Great info, Marlene. Good luck with the line editing start-up. I don't know anyone who doesn't appreciate a thoughtful line edit.
What a fun post! And great comments! I have several new tabs open in my browser now! LOL! My latest book came out last month. (I can't believe it's been a whole month!) It's a humorous urban fantasy called Unexpected Superhero, about a young woman who returns from her honeymoon to find out she has super powers! It's lots of fun. 🙂 It's free to borrow for Amazon Prime members and - tell your friends - the Kindle book will be FREE to everyone August 10-14. Watch your BookBub email for the reminder. 🙂
My current nonfiction reading right now is the awesome Your First 1000 Copies by Tim Grahl. It's got great information on how to get the momentum going in your initial book sales. I'm loving it!
The novel I'm reading right now is my friend Anne Cleeland's debut, Tainted Angel. When she said, "it's Mr & Mrs Smith in regency England" I knew I had to read it! I'm about 1/4 through it and I'm LOVING it!
Thanks, WITS friends! This is fun! 🙂
I just finished reading CODE WHITE, a debut medical thriller you don't want to miss! I met the author at Thrillerfest (he's in my debut class *s*) and I can't wait to read his next books. Here's the amazon link to the Ebook but it's available in hardcover, trade paper and audio: http://www.amazon.com/Code-White-ebook/dp/B008BU6XZM/
Have to do a SNOOPY-DANCE-'O-JOY at some major progress on the sequel to my debut thriller--wrote another 12k words this past week on HIDE AND SEEK. It also includes dog viewpoint and takes place about a month after the ending of LOST AND FOUND (now 68 starred reviews, woot!). Oh, it's in audio too...would love some more feedback on the audio version, if anyone is inclined (you can get it free if you sign up for a trial audible membership, hint hint!). http://www.audible.com/pd/ref=sr_1_4?asin=B00AU81K4M&qid=1375291150&sr=1-4
*rubs hands together* Can't wait, Amy. I loved Lost and Found!
[…] http://writersinthestorm.wordpress.com/2013/07/31/promopalooza-at-wits/ […]
Self-Promo--I'd like to promote my debut book DEADLY SYNDROME. It's a thriller, heavy on the medical and suspense with a touch of romance. So far, I have nine 5-star reviews on Amazon and one 5-star review from a Goodreads reviewer. It's available in print as a trade edition and as an e-book on Amazon and on Smashwords. My ad on the book just came out in the August issue of the RWA Reporter. Take a look! For a detailed description and to chech out Amazon reviews go to:
Congrats on the great reviews, Arline. You're making my TBR pile grow, but a medical suspense with romance--I'm all in. Thanks for letting us know.
I'm so glad I took time to stop today. Great ideas and super congrats to all!
Promo:1) A Different Kind of Honesty by Jane Richardson--cool cop drama (romance) between a Britisher and a Yank set in NYC. Hard to put down. 2) Forewarning by Kate Wyland--mystery/romance with of hint of paranormal. Soo good. 3) Sugarwater Ranch by Stephanie Berget--set in the world of the rodeo, ranching, and cows. 4) Anything by Jerrie Alexander-awesome romantic suspense.
Pimping: So excited to announce my first book VERMONT ESCAPE debuted July 19 & is available at B & N http://goo.gl/llR6D, Amazon http://goo.gl/qhzBm (Don't know how to make those blue here. LOL) My book has been at the MuseItUp Publishing bookstore, but it's undergoing some remodeling. Should be up and going by next Monday. There it's in any e-format.
Thanks for this opportunity. Loved hearing everyone's promo and pimping ideas.
I'm glad you took time to stop in today too, Marsha!!
Our client Katie Fingerhut Heaney is almost done with her non-fiction book "Bananacondas: The Natural Method to Raise a Kid Who'll Eat Anthing" -- http://bananacondas.com/
She's a dietitian, her co-author sister is a doula, and they write convincingly about how to raise non-picky kids (though my kids are older than the authors, this is how we raised them, and they weren't picky.)
And Someday Box, my book shepherding service (http://SomedayBox.com/) continues to grow. Coaching clients, publishing packages, and continued interest in my planned book about commonsense zero-cost DIY marketing for indie authors.
But I've always got room for Pathfinding Sessions (http://somedaybox.com/) -- I'll help you be sure you're writing the right book, for the right fans, for the right reason.
And my Chandleresque cozy "anodyne" is gonna be done. Someday. Not today, but someday. And then I can finish "anacrusis" and start on "backscatter" and, er, the "b" entry for the Jade series, whatever I decide to name it.
I wanted to pimp out The Sweet Spot by Laura Drake. I totally loved that book and I'm counting the days until Her Road Home comes out in August and then a long wait until Jan 2014 for Nothing Sweeter.
And I also want to pimp my very own critique partner's Man Of My Dreams by Faith Andrews. She doesn't have a release date yet but I am told it's coming to an e-reader near you soon. 😉
Nothing of my own to promote but I'm working on it.
OMG, Carol, thank you SO much! 'They like me, they really like -' Okay, I'll slink off and squee in private...
Just in case no one told you, Laura's new book from Harlequin Super Romance, Her Road Home, is in bookstores tomorrow, August 1. It's already gotten fabulous reviews. Yeah, Laura!
You people are killing me... Here's the link to order Her Road Home:
Chrissy Szarek's Sword's Call is a wonderful, almost epic tale of a man and a woman's search for their place in their world and how they find love and happiness after overcoming all the obstacles.
Usually, I don't pay attention to their e-mails, but this caught my eye with its comments about the first lines of great books. It makes me wonder whether I should spend time on the setting, making the character sympathetic, or jump in in the middle of the action. Of course, a great first sentence might do all three, but that is hard to do in one sentence.
I'm looking forward to the release in late August or early September of Romancing the Gold, from Noble Romance. It's a tale of smuggling and danger at an archaeological dig, complete with a hunky photographer with a secret agenda, a feisty heroine, and a jungle trek. Carolyn Rae Author - facebook, AKA Carolyn Rae Williamson
I'd like to mention two brand new releases.
"Vermont Escape" by Marsha West http://goo.gl/qhzBm A great suspenseful cozy.
And "The Secret in Grandma's Trunk" by Cherley Grogg. A fun mystery for older kids. You can read about how it came about and get the buy link by visiting http://tinyurl.com/kyy5cq7
I recently released "FOREWARNING" http://tinyurl.com/l93s8ml A romantic suspense story set on an Oregon horse ranch with a paranormal twist.
Wow, Kate. I'm trying to wrap my head around a horse ranch with a paranormal twist as a romantic twist. Guess I'll just have to buy it and read how you pulled that off!
Finding some great additions to my TBR list here. I want to pimp my fellow misterio press authors who are now helping me out with the blog at our site. This summer they have a variety of fun and interesting posts planned, from quirky recipes to true crime, at http://misteriopress.com So please show Kathy Owen, Stacy Green, JoAnn Bassett, Kirsten Weiss and Catie Rhodes some blog love and stop by often to see what they're up to.
And I wanted to share with the writerly world that I wrote a short story recently. You're probably thinking 'Whoopdedoo' about now. But the big deal FOR ME is that it is populated by completely different characters than my mystery series. I'm so excited to discover I can actually write something besides Kate Huntington mysteries. The story's not ready for publication yet but if you'd like to check out my series here's my Amazon author page link where all the books are listed: http://www.amazon.com/Kassandra-Lamb/e/B006NB5WAI/
And thanks, Jenny, and WITS for providing a place for me to blather on about all this. 😀
It's no blather, Kassandra. Congrats on finding a whole new cast of characters. If you're like me, that just means more voices in your head!
Gettin' crowded in there, and noisy. LOL
I have been fortunate enough to contribute several essays to WITS, and I want to thank everybody for the kind words about them.
On to business!
Pimp -- Alan Brennert, author of best selling Molokai and Honolulu, has a new book out, called Palisades Park. Historical fiction built around the New Jersey amusement park, and a great read.
Promote -- My new book, Pennies For Her Eyes, is doing really well. My last signing was at a bookstore in Orange, CA, called Book Carnival. I drew an audience of 40 readers, so I'm a happy camper. Look for Pennies For Her Eyes at Book Carnival, Amazon, or on http://www.jamesrpreston.com.
Thanks again!
Yeah, James! I was so sorry to be out of town for your Book Carnival signing. Your series is great--what's better than murder in Vegas?
Thanks, Fae! It was a great afternoon and we sold a lot of books. Ann Saller, owner of Book Carnival, was really pleased with the results. For pictures, check out her site, annesbookcarnival.com. Me? I was stoked! Are you going to blog about your presentation at RWA? I'd like to hear about it.
I'm going to look at those pictures--thanks for the link. As to blogging about the talk that Laura Drake, Tessa Dare and I gave on Fear and The Courageous Writer, I wasn't planning on going to that dark side again here at WITS. Those of you who are interested can find the handout with lots of quotes about fear on Laura's website. However, thanks for the nudge. I probably need to share my amazing conference experiences with everyone that couldn't make it to Atlanta.
Wow, James, LOVE your title! I'm going to check it out, as soon as I finish squeeing (is that even a word?) about Florence and Carol's comments....
Laura, if "friending" can be a verb, why, sure, you can have "squeeing!" All kidding aside, thanks for the kind words.
Hi folks... sorry I don't have anyone else's work to pimp, but thank you kindly for the opportunity to promote my latest book, "The Timothy Trilogy: Resurrection~Reclamation~Recompense" by R. J. Jones, available in PDF format as well as ebook formats at:
It's only $11.25 for over 800 suspense-filled pages which involve mystery, murder, kidnapping, rogue government agents, a maniacal doctor harvesting psychic abilities, etc. If you click on this link it should take you directly to the book where you can preview the book and read comments from readers. Since I'm new to this I'm uncertain if this link will work, so if not I can be contacted at jroxanne44@yahoo.com. Once again I thank you kindly for this opportunity.
Sorry... that link was incomplete... hopefully this is the correct one 🙂
Sorry I'm late - hobbling on crutches makes everything take longer in my world.
PIMP: Women's Fiction Writers Association (WFWA) is almost open for business (within a month or two) but in the meantime, we've got a very active loop of over 250 members (men too) talking WF. If you're interested, email WITS, and I'll get you on the loop!
PROMOTE: My 'biker-chick' book, Her Road Home, releases Aug 6. It's not cowboys, but if you liked the deep emotion in The Sweet Spot, I don't think you'll be disappointed. You can enter to win a free digital copy by signing up for my brand new newsletter - just go to: http:/LauraDrakeBooks.com Thanks, WITSers!
Great cover for Her Road Home! Nice job!
Someone sent me to the loop for WFWA but couldn't tell me how to get in. Now I know! Email on the way. And congrats on another book out.
PIMP: My good friend Lisa Hall-Wilson did a really great post called Want to be Interesting on Facebook? Let Your Followers See Oz (http://warriorwriters.wordpress.com/2013/07/29/want-to-be-interesting-on-facebook-let-followers-see-oz/).
PROMOTE: I had a blog post up on Kristen Lamb's site called 7 Reasons Every Writer Should Be on Twitter (http://warriorwriters.wordpress.com/2013/07/30/7-reasons-every-writer-needs-to-be-on-twitter/). It has links to my upcoming Twitter classes, but I hope it has takeaway value even if people aren't interested in the classes.
Both those posts were EXCELLENT, Marcy! But then you and Lisa always are. 🙂
p.s. If y'all haven't taken classes from Marcy or Lisa, you are seriously missing out. Plus, they both will analyze your profiles, pages, usage, etc of the social media platform and put you on the right road. It's priceless.
I can't really promote myself, because I tore up my shoulder 4.5 mos ago which has stalled the revision of my manuscript--so I'll 'pimp' for my childhood friend, Kate Brady.
Her big sister was my best friend when we were kids, and I'm so proud of what she's accomplished. Kate worked for years to hone her skills in order to fulfill her dream of becoming a published author, and refused to quit until she succeeded.
Here's a link to her last book: http://www.amazon.com/Where-Angels-Rest-Family-ebook/dp/B007BGQ9FQ/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1375311688&sr=1-1&keywords=Kate+Brady
Pimp: Mr. Wendig has a new novel out that I think would appeal to many of you: Under the Empyrean Sky (http://terribleminds.com/ramble/2013/07/30/under-the-empyrean-sky-out-now/ ). Also, I just finished reading K.M. Weiland's Dreamlander and it was fabu (here's my review: http://melaniemarttila.ca/2013/07/27/review-of-k-m-weilands-dreamlander/ )
Promote: Hell and dang, I'm still revising! But I should be finished soonish. SOON. 😉
PROMOTE: I already saw several books I might have promoted mentioned above, so instead I'll mention a woman I recently met at Margie Lawson's Immersion class. Elizabeth Essex is an historical romance author. I asked which book of hers I should start with, and she said Your TextALMOST A SCANDAL. Reading her book kept me up long past my bedtime last night! If you like that genre, check it out.
PROMOTE: I got nothing. I'm in the middle of edits, I'm on blog vacation, and I'm recovering from summer activities.
Okay, why do I even try to be tech savvy? That "Your Text" was supposed to link to "ALMOST A SCANDAL." *sigh*
Julie, welcome to Margie's Army! Wasn't immersion class amazing?!!!
Jenny,First thank you for a wonderful,chance.
As a fairly newbie, finding ways to find more followers, readers and just friends is not easy. I was so fortunate to meet Miss Keith Of MyLifeIn24Hours.As a frequent guest writer she surprised me with wonderful birthday present in June,she handed over the reins of My Life.So i hope you don't mind but im pulling double duty,Promoting my blog and her new blog,as her gift was so generous. Miss Keith,my soul sister from across the world, has a new blog http://theharmonyseekingidealist.wordpress.com/ she is the sweetest young woman,who gave me the open door to follow my life dream of writing.
I have been working my blog to be filled with posts on music.poetry,funny stories,important stories and some memories. I love your blog and as in the past i have commented you have made me feel welcome from day one. My blog http://mylifein24hours.wordpress.com/.
Please come visit,grab a cup of joe,or a frosty diet pepsi (my addiction) and enjoy both blogs.Thank you Jenny
I want to pimp the site of my friend Kruti, from India, whose first novel "Fossils of Memory" has just come out. She would love some support on her blog site - 10eveningflowers -to promote it. The link is: http://10eveningflowers.wordpress.com/
I would also like to promote my own, newly set up, writing site "Write Out Loud" designed to put thoughts and resources I come across which are helpful for writers. It's my way to put back in to the community what I've got out. I've even got some reblogs from WITS coming up there with an encouragement to join this wonderful blog!
I've also set it up to build a writing community in readiness for my own first novel - "The Pukur" - which comes out later this year. As the year goes on I hope to throw out some goodies linked to that for followers.
It's early days for the blog with only a few posts up yet so I would love to have WITS followers join me and add comments, support etc. The link is: http://writeoutloudblog.com/
Pimp: S.G. Rogers is having a free day for her latest Victorian Romance novel DUKE OF A GILDED AGE, today only (August 1st). You can get it on Kindle from: http://www.amazon.com/Duke-Gilded-Age-ebook/dp/B00DO5DAPK/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1375365213&sr=1-1&keywords=S.G.+Rogers
I’ve read her work before and I highly recommend it!
Promo: Meanwhile, my very first paranormal romance PASSION’S SACRED DANCE was just released from The Wild Rose Press.
Herein, Celtic Warriors come to a modern woman and protect her from an evil god who wishes to wrench the sacred ground she holds from her:
Battling mounting debt, Stacy Macken is determined not to lose her historic art gallery. When Aaron Fielding appears and offers to help, she fights to keep the attraction sizzling between them from clouding her judgment. He may be her savior in disguise--but can she trust him?
It’s available from Kindle Select at:
I hope you enjoy them both. Thanks for this opportunity, ladies!
Hi Jenny & crew. I didn't think I had anything for P&P, but I do!
First, I'd like to pimp Susan Reiss' debut mystery, Tarnished Silver. It's set on Maryland's Eastern Shore, has a great storyline and characters, plus an overgrown black lab puppy. How can you go wrong? She's selling a lot of print books in St. Michael's (the town where she lives and it's set), but hasn't done much online/e-book marketing yet. It's on Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/Tarnished-Silver-Sterling-Mysteries-ebook/dp/B00CYOVZL8/ref=tmm_kin_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1375483906&sr=8-1. (I hope that shows up as a link!)
For promoting, mostly I'm just glad to be done with summer semester, with whole two weeks now until fall semester starts. That's right, just two. (It was three, but one of them is half gone) Anyway, if I can get my brain back in gear, I'll be pulling out a short e-book project from last year, with the hopes of launching it in September. And maybe even writing a few blog posts!
Thanks for the chance to do shout-outs. Cheers!
I have a question... is this site's comments/responses simply for a group of established writing friends promoting one another? If so, I apologize for using it to attempt promoting my own...
Not that I'm aware of. 🙂 I posted too, and I don't know any of these lovely folks! I just don't have anything of my own to promote yet.
Thank you Addy... was feeling like an intruder 🙂
Addy Rae is exactly right...we do this for our readers periodically, and you are here reading and interacting, so pimp away. 🙂
Thank you kindly Jenny... I do so appreciate the opportunity as I can't afford to advertise my books! People who have read them say they love them/want more, but "word of mouth" is an uncertain-at-best means of "advertising/promoting" 🙂 So again I thank you kindly for this opportunity! "I'd rather think 'too much' and feel 'too much' than be guilty of doing either Too Little! The Blessings of Love, Light, Happiness and Inner Peace be Yours... Roxanne aka "WolfLady"
>________________________________ > From: Writers In The Storm Blog >To: jroxanne44@yahoo.com >Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 6:27 PM >Subject: [New comment] Our Month-End Gift To You: Promopalooza at WITS!! > > > > WordPress.com >Jenny Hansen commented: "Addy Rae is exactly right...we do this for our readers periodically, and you are here reading and interacting, so pimp away. :-)" >
Roxanne, in my 3 businesses (one of them is as a marketing adviser to entrepreneurs) I emphasize that word of mouth is the *surest* marketing. Not the fastest, certainly. And not the easiest either. But the surest, the most long-lasting, the most satisfying, the most effective.
I'd love to chat about how your experience has been different, and what I could do to help change that. Feel free to give me a shout in the contact form on my website if you'd like to continue the conversation. (And anybody else who'd like to have the conversation is welcome as well.)
Hi Joel & thanks. How do I access your website?
Roxanne, you can always click someone's name to see what they linked themselves to. Mine should go to http://joeldcanfield.com/ but who knows; I have a dozen websites. (I'm trying to cut back.)
Or just Google me. I'm ubiquitous. Or email joel@somedaybox.com.