Writers in the Storm

A blog about writing

storm moving across a field
December 26, 2018

Our Holiday Wishes For You

All of us at Writers In The Storm wish our loyal reader friends a wonderful holiday season. Below, we've gathered some wishes for you, and a few of our favorite holiday photographs.

My mom - my confidence mentor
My mom - my confidence mentor

Laura Drake:

I would give our readers confidence.

Writing is brutal, sweat and blood work, and I'll bet even Nora has bouts of wobbly confidence. Crit feedback, agent/pub rejections, pitch sessions -- the opportunity to feel like a hack are legion.

Know that you're not alone, and push through the self-doubt.

Your published book is waiting for you on the other side of that wall!

A Christmas kiss for my handsome, supportive husband

Julie Glover: They won't fit in your stocking, but I wish you all a circle of faithful supporters. Your circle might come from publishing professionals, personal friends, fellow writers, or close family, but we all need people in our corner to remind us that we're on the right track.

Find, or treasure, those cheerleaders who help you put out your best work, pick yourself up when things go awry, and believe in your stories and ability to write them.

And remember that we at Writers in the Storm are your supporters too. You can do this!

Jenny Hansen: I wish you the gift that makes so many other things possible: Time.

The Cool Happy Bean

Time can be found, if you know where to look. I found four hours a month with the addition of monthly housekeeping. It is the best $90 I spend every month.

You will find more time in your life by being willing to ask for help. It can be found in making lists, using timers for tasks, and in making ironclad appointments with your writing.

Most important tip, and the hardest for me, time can be found by letting go of "perfect." Letting go of the perfect image-face-body-house-child will save a ton of time in your life. Do your best, work on happiness for you and your family, and let the rest go.

Fae Rowen: If I were one of Santa's elves, I would give all of us more joy in our writing. The joy of creating our own stories and our own characters to share this life's journey. The joy of putting together just the right pieces of a plot to complete the puzzle that is the evolution of our novels. The joy of growing in our craft. The joy of finishing our books. The joy of knowing others will read our words and be inspired by them.

We hope you get more writing time in 2019.

Happy Holidays to you and yours from all of us here at WITS. Writers In The Storm wouldn't be what it is without every one of you. THANK YOU!!

If you have virtual gifts for our WITS Writing Community, please use the comments to share them.

26 comments on “Our Holiday Wishes For You”

  1. Happy New Year; the joy of creating is the best gift and one shared by most humans I hope - whether writing, crafting, planning your garden or designing a miraculous new invention.

  2. Lovely pictures - what a beautiful group of caring giving writers. Thanks for everything you have shared this year with all of us. Each of you have your own writing that beckons you but you've taken time to help your fellow writers through this blog and it is truly appreciated.

    1. Thank you, Maggie. I was just thinking how grateful I am to all of our guest bloggers. I get to read their articles before they go live, and sometimes I feel I little bit of wicked pleasure from the sneak peeks!

  3. WITS is an award-winning blog site for a reason - you bloggers. I look forward to every post and have saved many. Thanks so much for being so generous with your time and your expertise. I'll take to heart each of your holiday wishes. My wish for the WITS crew: the greatest of joy and success in the new year.

  4. This is one of the few blogs I read consistently. I love the support I find in the words y'all write. That's what I would wish for my fellow writers...to find the support to continue with the writing. Happy New Year and Write on!

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