Writers in the Storm

A blog about writing

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January 2, 2013

Writerly Links that Made Our Hearts Sing (Happy New Year!)

All of us at WITS try to stay abreast of the latest and greatest in the writing industry whether it's craft related, inspiration or Industry related. To start the new year off right, we're sharing some of our favorite websites, articles and blogs. Enjoy.

From Sharla Rae

What We’ll See In 2013 In Digital Media

5 Reasons Novelists Should Write Short Stories

Rethinking book marketing and its organization in the big houses

Agree or disagree, this site always lists some great articles on writing and the writing market so although we’ve posted it before, I’m listing it again: The Passive Voice

Here at WITS Orly just did a blog about Beta readers. The following blog is about Mathew Turner who wrote a book about women and how he used beta readers to aid his insight. Male Authors, Discover Your Feminine Side

Need edit help. Here’s a new one and it’s color coded! Plug in your writing. It shows adverbs, passive voice, sentences ending a preposition, misspelling, cliches and more! Edit Minion.

From Laura Drake

Tormented By Toothless Writing goals? Try These.

Amazon is Ripe for Disruption

Three Lessons From Writing A Thriller Heroine

From Fae Rowen

http://janefriedman.com/  A treasure trove website with tips for writers

www.StoryMastery.com  Michael Hauge's website with writing advice and special offers

http://storyfix.com  Larry Brooks's website with blogs, articles and tips for writers

From Orly Konig-Lopez

How to Write a Synopsis by Nathan Bransford

I'm still looking for the "debut" title, but this post by the Roni Loren, From Debut to Multi-Published: What I've Learned in My 1st Year as a Published Author, has great advice

The 7 Rules of Picking Names for Fictional Characters

Character Emotion: Is It Written All Over Their Face?

How Long Should You Keep Trying to Get Published?

From Jenny Hansen

If you are looking for a ton of great writing advice all in one spot, I highly recommend Gene Lempp's Saturday Blog Treasures and Reetta Raitanen's Link Feasts. These two are my undisputed king and queen of mash-ups. 🙂

From the NaNoWriMo blog ~ How To Write the "Impossible"

Funniest breakdown of what's wrong in 50 Shades of Grey that I have EVER seen!

The Five Most Common Fiction Writing Mistakes by Writers Write

And finally, J.A. Konrath's New Year's resolutions for writers fascinate me. He's got them lined up from 2006 to the present in this post. Watching the market progression from year to year is...WOW.


Happy New Year, from all of us here at Writers In The Storm!

That's twenty-three links from us...What sites have made your writerly heart lately?

0 comments on “Writerly Links that Made Our Hearts Sing (Happy New Year!)”

    1. You are most welcome, Reetta! You put a ton of work into those Feasts and save the rest of us so much time...you deserve the title. Trust me. 🙂

  1. When I get the email from Steven Pressfield's site for his "Writing Wednesdays" I drop what I'm doing and read it right now: http://stevenpressfield.com

    The author of "The War of Art" and "Turning Pro" is the reason I've grown as a writer in the past two years.

    Another great resource is Rosanne Bane's "Bane of Your Resistance" where she focuses on the brain science behind the concept Pressfield calls "Resistance." She's at http://baneofyourresistance.com

      1. Oh, Jenny, do that. I've read eleventyleven books on motivation and inspiration (part of my continuing education as a coach) and few have had the impact that book did. It's my first recommendation to every single artist I meet who hasn't read it yet.

        Love to hear what you think of it. And follow his blog, too. Beautiful balance of practical how-to, and like today's post, gut-kick transparent vulnerability.

  2. so many lists, so little time! (hey, someone had to say it.) Just looking at this list is getting me pumped up.

  3. Happy New Year, WITS !! I'm a day late and breaking in a new computer. Here we go once more with great links from my fav group blog. Thanks to each of you. I'll save post and refer to your links often. Have a great one and let's all ... Write On !!

  4. Great line-up. I like JA Konrath the best, although I still haven't figured out how to subscribe. Last time I tried 'follow this blog' but I never received any updates. This time I tried to subscribe by clicking on Google and it started showing me how to 'create my own google page'

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