Writers in the Storm

A blog about writing

storm moving across a field
December 2, 2013

The 10 Most Popular WITS Posts EVER

Top 10 List

by Jenny Hansen

I hope all my American pals had a great Thanksgiving and that all my Jewish pals are whooping it up during this year's early Hanukkah.

This is the time of year when I begin planning for next year. I assess what worked and what bombed, in both my personal life and in writing. It helps me set realistic goals. (And trust me, if I don't set realistic goals, the wrath of "Goal Queen," Laura Drake, is heaped upon me.)

Periodically, I also go through our site stats to see what y'all liked. It's fun for me, and I thought it might be fun for you too.

Here were your "Top 10" posts (in order of popularity):

  1. Sensual Word Menu
  2. Elizabeth Craig: 15 Tips for Writing a Murder Mystery
  3. How to Begin a Romance Novel: Seven Tips
  4. Sexy Phrases For In And Out Of The Bedroom
  5. Formatting Your Text For Kindle – Revised
  6. Inspiration vs Perspiration in Writing
  7. Fresh, Fresh, Fresh Character Descriptions!
  8. Body Language: An Artistic Writing Tool
  9. 10 OneNote Features that Will Rock Your Writing World
  10. Chinese Element Personality Types-for Fun and for Writing

And if you need a smile, here is the favorite video I've seen so far this holiday season (I love this guy!):


Quick, off the top of your head...Which of the above was your favorite post, and why? (We'll try to do more posts like it in the future.) Also, if you have any favorite holiday videos / books / movies, we want to know about them!

~ Jenny

About Jenny Hansen

By day, Jenny provides training and social media marketing for an accounting firm. By night she writes humor, memoir, women’s fiction and short stories. After 18 years as a corporate software trainer, she’s delighted to sit down while she works.

When she’s not at her personal blog, More Cowbell, Jenny can be found on Twitter at JennyHansenCA or here at Writers In The Storm. Jenny is also the Friday featured writer at Social N Worldwide, Inc., a news and events network that covers 65 U.S. markets.

16 comments on “The 10 Most Popular WITS Posts EVER”

  1. Wow they all rocked my world, Jenny, but arm behind my back, I'd have to choose Margie's Fresh Character Descriptions. And, one more list I didn't make the Top Ten in. Sigh. I'm such a slacker.

    Oh well, there's always those goals you referred to!

    1. Yep, it's pretty hard to top Margie for Rockstar Posts. And remember, this is for all-time hits...your posts do just fine, my friend, so stop moping. 🙂

  2. This is one great list, Jenny. I've bookmarked the page. Another post I particularly liked was Sharla Rae's post on echo words. I refer to that one constantly. Looking forward to your blogs in 2014!

  3. Hey! I have a UPS guy just like that,whistles while he works and everything. Definitely, that little video put me in the spirit.

    As for those top 10 and all the other great posts, this is the only author blog I subscribe to because ... well, because if I have this one, I don't need any others. Thanks, Jenny, and all WITS contributors, for being really terrific, intelligent, creative and generous teachers, and inspiring to boot!

  4. Loved the vid. Jen. 🙂 I think it's so fun to see which blogs our readers loved here. I would add that I'd love WITS readers to post what they'd like to see more of in in 2014. 🙂

  5. I liked the sensual word list and the body language list the most of all the ten. I've spent the whole morning reading each article! Now to apply the knowledge to the book I'm working on. Thank you!

  6. Darn it all, I love every one of them. Since I love mystery ... I am leaning toward No. 2 but must admit that my all time fav was No. 7. As for Laura not making the cut, she made it with me. BTW I save all of these posts and refer to them often. Thanks for another great year of great posts. How on earth will you guys keep up with yourselves??

    1. Laura makes my "list" all the time too, Florence. 🙂 It's readers like you that keep us reaching, and digging for even more topics and posters. THANK YOU!

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