I'll bet this is the first moving party you've been invited to that doesn't involve packing boxes, shifting furniture, or putting down shelf paper.
Why? Because Sierra Fong and Mike Chen over at Atmosphere Websites have already done all the heavy lifting! Take a look around - I think you'll agree they've done an amazing job! Please let us know if you see something we missed.
Laura, Jenny, Fae, Sharla and Orly, along with all our wonderful contributors, will continue to strive to bring you the best craft and inspirational writing posts on the internet here, in our new home.
So wander around, settle in, grab a slice of pizza and beverage of your choice and
let's party!
Shake it, y'all...SHAKE IT!
Pimp & Promote
First, as a thanks for making the bus ride over with us, we're hosting a 'pimp and promote', in the comments. Here's how it works:
Pimp out somebody else’s work– this can be a favorite author, blogger, post or book you’ve read, a wonderful teacher or just someone who has influenced you as a writer or a person.
Promote one of your projects that you’re excited about– a You decide. New project? Achieved a goal? Have a book of yours to tell us about?
How can it be a party
without prizes?
Simply by being a follower, your name will go into a hat - we'll be announcing the winners on Wednesday and Friday of this week.
Just look at what you could win from one of our amazing contributors!
A $25 Amazon Gift Card, from the WITS bloggers
An ARC copy of Laura's August Sweet on a Cowboy release, Sweet on You
Author, Jami Gold, has donated a critique of the first ten pages of your novel
209 comments on “Writers In The Storm is Having a MOVING PARTY!”
[…] See you at the new better-than-ever Writers In The Storm blog! […]
Congratulations on the new site! It's terrific!
Thanks for vising our new digs, Lori! 🙂
Love the new site! Well done!
Thanks. Sierra did the heavy-lifting, but Laura, Orly and Jenny put in a lot of hours above and beyond, too.
Thanks Lora for coming to the party to help us celebrate!
The site looks great and I really enjoy the blog posts!
We're all about the blogs, CL. I've got one ready for Wednesday.
Lookin' pretty snazzy there, gals! Here's a virtual 6-foot-tall potted ficus for a housewarming gift.
I don't need to do anything to continue my email subscription, do I? Can't do without those priceless posts. In fact...where is the subscribe box?
Thanks for the ficus, Faith - I've got just the place for it! This is a very proud day for us, and we're happy you're here! As long as you're a subscriber (get our posts in your inbox) you're subscribed to the new site. So sit back, call a cabana boy for a mojito!
Oh thanks. Love plants. 🙂 So glad you've come to the party Faith.
Congrats on the new site!
Thanks for visiting us at our new digs, Sheri!
Love the new site! I'd love to share another one of my favorite writing sites, http://www.NovelRocket.com . Both yours and theirs are on my daily must-read list.
Thanks for moving with us, Edie. And thanks for the link. I've checked them out--you're right!
Thanks for joining the party, Edie. Novel Rocket is indeed a great resource!
Great sight Edie, thanks for sharing. We love to hear about the latest going on in the writing world.
Love the new site! Lifting a cup to you all as I wander around, inspecting the decorations.
Thanks for taking the tour, Normandie. I'm sure Laura and Orly have coffee brewing.
Cheers, Normandie.
*she says looking around quickly to make sure we dusted all the decorations*
•Promote one of your projects that you’re excited about: I'm excited about my "Theogony" trilogy books. The first book in the series, "Janissaries" (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00I59QVL0), just went over 10,000 copies sold, and I'm happy to announce that I just completed the third book of the trilogy, "Terra Stands Alone," today!
Being the resident science fiction geek here, I appreciate both the Pimp and Promote, Chris.
Congrats on the new site, ladies!
Thanks for the thumbs up, Daphne.
Love the new site, ladies! You've earned your own home for this wonderfully informative blog. As for the pimping party, I'll share that I'm about to submit two historical romances to my publisher, the beginning of the A More Perfect Union series set in South Carolina during the American Revolution. I've been working on finding a home for these stories for years and finally will be able to share them with my readers. I'm very excited about this! If anyone here is interested in learning more about the series, I'll post updates on http://www.bettybolte.com. Thanks!
Best of luck with both your historicals. I'm so glad you kept in the game!
I love reading historicals and as you know that's main genre for writing too. Thanks for the tip and thanks for dropping by.
WOWZA!!! This site makes me want to party...and, follow.
Do I need more caffeine? I've looked and scrolled and searched, but I can't find the "SIGN ME UP!!!!" area.
My shout out? It's to The More Cowbell, held in captivity as my motivational clanger. Jenny, I'll be sending her back, so you have her to ring for service while you're recovering. NOTE: I have learned that taking her into the Loo with me is not a swell plan. She's not quiet, and I suspect people wonder if I'm clanging applause for my stall deposits.
More coffee coming, Gloria. We just found another box to unpack ... subscribe button must be in that one. 🙂
But as long as you're subscribed to the old site, you'll be subscribed to this one as well.
You took The Glorious Cowbell into the loo, Gloria?! Oh, the stories it will have to tell. 🙂
You take in your PooPourri so everyone thinks your cowbell is emitting a glorious meadow, right?
New site looks great! Hope the 'launch' goes smoothly.
As for the pimp and promote...I've been in a bit of a reading slump lately, so I have nothing to offer as a recommendation. And my debut doesn't launch until December, so it's a little early to promote! LOL
Keep up the great work here. It's a "go to" site for me for inspiration, craft tips, and industry advice. Thanks!
Thanks for the good wishes, Jamie. Remind us in November so we're ready to party with you for your debut! Yeah!
Lookin' good! Crank up the music. Get that disco ball spinning. And let's hit the dance floor!
Love the new site. 🙂
Oh, yes! Music and dancing. Jumping onto the dance floor now!
It's not a party without dancing and I've been jigging since I could stand. Let's do it!
The new site looks fantastic!
Thanks, Jess. It took longer than we thought, but we're very happy with it.
Love your new place--great decorator! I feel like I should bake you a big batch of housewarming muffins 🙂
oouuuuu, muffins! I'll fire up the espresso machine. 🙂
Took a look at it--looks interesting. Thanks for sharing the link.
Wow! Yes, this is my kind of moving--this must be what it's like to have professionals do all the hard work for you so all I have to do is relax and enjoy. I like the idea of virtual gifts and mine to you is a weather station to help predict the storms. Thanks for the giveaways too--amazing prizes.
Oh how amazing would that be - "stormy day ahead, not getting out of bed."
The new site looks fabulous!!! I am sure your content will be stellar as always!
And thank you, Denise, for pimping my book. It is very special to me.
I'm glad she did--and that she supplied a link. So easy when I'm just in from the five-mile hike and cooling down...
Love that the wallpaper now goes all the way to the floor!
Congratulations, everyone!
Just don't peek behind the ficus tree Faith brought, I think it's covering up a miss-matched seam. 😉
PROMOTE: I already got to talk about it HERE on the fabulous WITS, but my young adult paranormal short story, My Sister's Demon, is out on Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KCQETE0, and the next one is coming this month: A Little Fairy Dust.
Thanks for moving the subscriber list too, so all we readers have to do is break out the champagne and toast to your success!
Thanks for both links, Julie. All the classes at Margie's Academy are fantastic. Our own Laura Drake has taught a couple there. And I'm excited to hear about the release of A Little Fairy Dust. Now, who doesn't need some of that in their lives?
I can't take credit for any of the new site Julie. I'm a computer idiot but the powers that be within WITS did do a great job.
Love the new site, ladies. Glad you kept the banner and just expanded it. I always thought it was a special pic. Mega thanks for fixing it so I didn't have to sign up again. On occasion,technology defeats me.:) And I'd hate to miss out on anything you offer, all of which is in the A+ category.
I'd like to pimp my good friend, Jerrie Alexander, and her Lost & Found Series. The 3rd book is NO CHANCE IN HELL. Read about her and her books at her website http://www.jerriealexander.com/
Pimping my 2nd and latest release, TRUTH BE TOLD. You can check it out and visit my blogs at http://www.marsharwest.com/ Our books are romantic suspense, but perhaps the titles give that away.
Hope you'll stop by both places.
Party is fun, ladies. I left the giant size bag of Hershey's Kisses on the dinning room table. Enjoy. 🙂 I'll FB and Tweet.
Oh Marsha, you know the way to your hearts - hey everybody, we have CHOCOLATE!!!!
Hey Marsha. So glad you could make it. I just snatched the chocolate from Laura so gotta go. She's hot on my trail.
The new site looks amazing. Looking forward to spending time here!
Thanks, Laurie. We'll be hanging out in party mode for awhile, even while we're posting exciting new stuff.
Congratulations on the new digs! So much more room here for having friends over. I love it. 🙂
Pimp: Am losing much sleep over Barbara O'Neal's The Garden of Happy Endings this week. Such beautiful writing! Despite the fatigue it's causing, I'm inspired to get my work done early in the day so I can kick back with a glass of lemonade on the porch and indulge in a few chapters before the kids get home from school. I'm pimping it at BN.com because of all the Amazon dust being kicked up of late. http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-garden-of-happy-endings-barbara-oneal/1105808590?ean=9780553386783
Ouuu, great pimp, Christine! LOVE, love that book. Well, all of Barbara's books. 🙂
I have all the rest on my to-read list, Orly. I'm sold! 😀
Christine, when you're done with that, go pick upSleeping Night - I think it's her best!
Laura, that one looks great too! Historical fiction (by Barbara Samuel), my favorite! Added to my list too. Thanks! Gonna be a busy summer... Lol
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!! So excited for y'all. The site looks fab, and the Table of Contents makes all the wonderful historical posts 100% accessible. I could spend days and days, and never leave this site. Congratulations, and Love you guys!
PIMP: MY debut novel, The 25th Hour, a Time Travel Historical with the majority of the story set in the beautiful Big Horn Mountain basin in Wyoming. http://amzn.com/B00ETJCKZG
PROMOTE: Circle of Redemtion, Anthology by Shauna Allen, Susan C. Muller, and Janet Nash. Portions of the proceeds go to supporting the wonderful Camp Hope! http://amzn.com/B00JZ1P0DC
Feel free to vacation with us for days, Jaye! Maybe I'll make some homemade ice cream...
A time Travel Historical--Yeah! It's been a long time coming back around.
Thanks for both links!
Congrats on the debut, Jaye! Sit back and enjoy the fruits of all that labor. And if you want to bring a fruit tray, to the party, feel free - it'll counteract some of that chocolate!
Thanks so much Jaye. We think our readers are the awesome ones.
Love the new site! Bragging on my buddy Donna Galanti--proof that consistency and hard work pays off! She's a fabulous writer... http://www.donnagalanti.com
Thanks for honoring your friend--and sharing her link.
Just returned from Buildin' the Dream writers conference in Phoenix. Fantastic. Don't miss it next year. And check out Arizona Dreamin' the sister event for READERS!
Thanks for the info about this, Amber. If I can't make it to New York for RWA next summer, this is a great alternative.
I've heard lots of good things about the AZ Dreamin' conference - I have to get there one of these years....
Thanks, Amber!
I've been a member of Desert Rose Chapter on and off for years and have been a current member now for about four years. I've also been to the Dreamin' Conference several times. I lived in Scottsdale for 10 years and sometimes I meet up with old friends there who like me have moved away. It's always an excellent conference and you can't beat the weather!I sold my first book after some excellent advice from an agent I met there.
I brought the fruit platter, now where's the pizza? Love what you've done with the place.
I'm pimping out my Sisters in Crime at http://wickedcozyauthors.com: Barbara Ross (the Maine Clambake mysteries), Edith Maxwell (the Local Foods mysteries), Liz Mugavero (the Pawsitively Organic mysteries), Jessie Crockett (the Sugar Grove mysteries), Sherry Harris (the upcoming Garage Sale mysteries), and Julie Hennrikus aka Julianne Holmes (the upcoming Clock Shop mysteries).
I'm thick into editing and formatting the 2014 anthology of the South Shore Writers Club, then taking the summer to revise my first novel manuscript, "Nowhere in Sight."
On to the party!
Mo, Jenny's bogarting the pizza, but I think there's some jalapeño poppers left, right next to the Margarita fountain... Check it out!
You're trying to kill me already, Laura? Jalapenos? I'd have to guzzle the whole fountain!
And that would be a bad thing, Mo? This is a party!
Mo, don't listen to her. That Laura is a troublemaker of the first order. I'm only bogarting the GLUTEN FREE pizza. All other pizza is hidden under Laura's desk!
And I don't know what she's talking about with the margarita fountain. Nope, not behind me. 😉
Dang it, Jenny, you are incapable of keeping a secret! Okay, dangit, here's the pizza. Sorry only the anchovie ones are left..
Great site ladies!
I had no time to bake, so picked up some yummy cupcakes for you 😉
Thanks for the party, ladies... and thanks to Marsha West for sending me over to check it out 🙂
Thanks for both links, Kathryn. I wish the cat rescue were closer to me--it looks really fantastic. I support a cat rescue in SoCal, but I'm always looking for other ways to help.
Kathryn - A cat rescue...one of the best pimpages we've ever had! Thank you for helping the helpless.
Oh, Kathryn!! You had me at cat-rescue!! Thank you!!!!!
So glad you took Marsha's advice and stopped by Kathryn. I hope we see more you around here.
Good morning, WITS. I love the new site and have already spent some time pressing all the buttons. Bios, Resources, and About. Sierra and Mike did an awesome job.
I keep up with Laura Drakes books and I'm a big fan of some of your WFWA writers as well.Today, I'd love to recommend Orphan Train, by Christina Baker Klein. It's about so many things we face in life and a wonderful historic about the famous Orphan Train and the thousands of children who rode her rails.
I work hard every week to bring posts (stories) to my blog, fOIS In The City, to enlighten and entertain, and continue to send out my first mystery and do the last chapters on my WF.
I can't mention those efforts without giving a big cyber hug and thank you to Laura Drake, and the wonderful people who contribute here. Glad to be here 🙂
Wow, Florence...that sounds like a fantastic book! Thank you. My latest find is THE ROSIE PROJECT. If you've ever known someone with Aspberger's, this book will have you dying with laughter.
Come back and put in the link for your site so our new readers just have to click. 🙂
Hi Florence,
Pressing buttons is good.
And, yes, we're lucky to have the wonderful, talented Laura Drake in our lives, aren't we?
Thanks, Florence - especially for the reminder of Orphan Train - it sounds intriguing and I've meant to buy it. Going now.
I love your blog!!!
Florence! Now that you are here, it's a "real" party. 🙂
Great new site! I love that you kept your banner but made it the entire background. Awesome!
Thanks for moving us subscribers with you! Cheers to you and your new digs!
Laura Drake was all about keeping the picture. We really worked on a way to do that--it wasn't easy. Thanks for letting us know it was worth the hours.
The banner photo was a 'must have' for me. It's our touchstone, and what everyone knows us by! And it really is beautiful, and sets the tone...
Dance in the rain, everyone!
*throws glitter and Mardi Gras beads*
**dips toe in to test the water**
Eric, I say "Just DIVE in." The water's great!
Yes Eric - nice pool, huh? Check out the Jacuzzi! Yeah, it's a little crowded, but how often do you get to talk books and have hot water bubbles at the same time!
Congratulations! Looks great.
Thanks for the thumbs up, Rich! It's dance party time now.
Wonderful new digs!!! Thanks for moving us subscribers with you.
We wanted a new "home" but we love our old friends! Taking all of you with us. 🙂
Congratulations on the new site! It's awesome. I can't wait to hang out and play.
Thanks for both sites, Ariana. When I'm done partying, my TBR pile is going to grow. Best wishes for The Emerald Sorceress. Looks like it's right up my alley.
Looks Great!!! Congrats on an awesome new website.
Thanks. Dancing time tonight!
Congrats on the new digs 🙂
Love the new site. Congrats on the move!!!
Thanks, Ketari. It's taken longer than we thought, but we do love the results.
Thanks for agreeing with us, Natalie.
Thanks, Nat! It's even better now that I see your name in our comments. 🙂
Congratulations on the new site! It looks great.
Well, if I would have presses the Post Comment button, I would have thanked you this morning. Just too excited. Thanks, Dianne!
Thanks for joining the fun Dianne. Have you seen the cheese plate?
Love the new site! Love your blog!
Thanks, Barbara for the visit, and the love!
Always read your blog--it's been enormously helpful. But, am I being DUMB? I can't find the "Follow" button.
Lisa, we're working on that...but, if you were signed up on our old blog, you'll continue to receive our post emails on this one!
Congratulations! The site is attractive and easy to navigate. WITS has some of the best articles online for writers.
Thank you so much for your vote of confidence, Neva. We hope we can all get better together.
Just WOW. Beautiful site. Congratulations and may it serve you well.
Thanks so much Sharron. Laura Drake really hung in there for our signature picture. I'm glad she did, even when we had to work for it.
Love the new site. I always read the new posts as soon as they're out.
Pimp: Anita Mumm formerly with Kristin Nelson Agency and now doing editing at Mumm's the Word Editing and Critique Services at http://wordcafeblog.wordpress.com/. Experienced and a wonderful person.
Thanks for the contact info, Page.
Good know info on Anita. Thanks.
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! This is awesome! Fancy digs, ladies!
Nicely done.
But, of course!!
Happy to have you here, Tiffany. Thanks for adding to the donations. 🙂
Congrats on the new website. It looks GREAT! and the party - well that's even better. (throws confetti while drinking a glass of red stuff)... I too just returned from Building the Dream and Arizona Dreamin... Can't wait to return to next year. http://www.arizonadreaminevent.com/
Oh, more votes for the AZ conference. I threw a fair amount of confetti myself this morning and afternoon. Now I'm on broom detail...
Is that flying, or sweeping, Fae?
*ducks behind the ficus*
WITS is such a great resource. I've followed your blog offerings for quite a while and even have a huge WITS folder on my computer, and I still keep finding noteworthy nuggets. Thanks for such a helpful site and enjoy your new digs!
Thank you so much for sharing your folder with us. As a teacher (even though it is math) I am always touched when someone saves the "handouts."
Congratulations! This is a wonderful new site! GREAT PARTY!
*Leads guests in THE BUNNY HOP dance around site* 😀 😀
There's nothing like the Bunny Hop on crutches, Debbie! I'm about to get me some, so I'm going to be continuing the dance for DAYS. 🙂
Wow, the new site looks great! Congrats!
Thanks, Callene. Personally, I like all the shiny buttons. I keep trying to attach bells...
Gorgeous site! I love the stormy picture in the background - heck, I love a good storm. Congratulations on the new digs.
If there's one blog I read as soon as it arrives, it's WITS - the posts are incredibly valuable! I've recommended y'all numerous times since I began reading it. (Since my first book doesn't come out until Fall, how's that for pimping and promoting? LOL)
Congrats again!
Thanks SO much, Allison. And I think you're doing some FINE P&P!!
Allison, congrats on your debut! Here, take this Princess crown...you earned it!
Hello Wise and Wacky WITS Warriors!
I love, love, love your new home!
No surprise that you five are partying. Can't wait to party with you all at RWA National in San Antonio.
Speaking of parties and RWA National...
ALL WRITERS ARE INVITED to my Meet & Greet, Hug & Chug at National in a yet-to-be-determined bar after the Literacy Signing. Drop by for a few minutes, or come early, leave late. We'll have drawings for cool stuff!
Since you requested pimping, I'll oblige.
Three Lawson Writer's Academy classes start today:
1. Love Your Voice
2. It's All About Character: Using Character-Themed Words
3. From Blah to Beats: Giving Your Chapters a Pulse
Oh man!! Rub it in that I can't go ...
Love having you as part of the WITS family, Margie!
Whoooo-eeeee! And I'm sad to say, I'm with Orly...I can't come to San Antonio. I'll still be gimpy as all get-out. 🙂
Hug bunches of our friends for us and chug at least one extra for ME. 🙂
You're the best, Margie! Thank you for sharing all your writing knowledge with us. See you in San Antonio.
Cannot wait for your 'Chug and Hug' at National, Margie!
I'm lucky enough to be going - and my fave roomie, Fae, is coming in a couple of days early to hang out at our new Red Door House with me, then we're driving to S.A.
Road Trip!
Looking forward to it!
Love the new site! Will I need to update my feed reader? I almost always end up clicking through for WITS but it's nice to have a reminder. 🙂
Pimping work I love: My friend Laura VanArendonk Baugh has just published her cozy mystery Con Job, a murder mystery set at a fan convention.
Pimping my own work: I just published a fantasy novella Stormshadow, about a princess who travels across the sea to marry a prince she's never met...only to meet with unexpected assassination attempts.
Nope - if you're getting our posts via email - you should continue to receive them!
Stephanie, so glad to see your pretty face. Thanks for joining the party!
Great looking site! Congratulations on the move.
Love the new look, especially the storm-gathering background photo. Nice!
Our original blog photo "grew up" well, didn't it? Thanks, Jeffree.
My favorite writing blog. Congrats on the new look and best wishes. Thanks for all the help, too!
Oh, Kaye. Your favorite? We would have let you into the party without that wonderful admission. Personally, I love to hear it. Thank you!
I love the visual effect of being write (pun intended) in the midst of a storm. This looks great!
Thanks, Debbie. Now you know exactly where your words for your next post will be!
New subscriber enjoying the new site. Want to
pimp and promote Bring Reading Rainbow back for
every child kick starter! I live these stories to share
with my students!
You're absolutely right. I volunteer a few hours every week at my local elementary school. So many great volunteers reading with students...
Pimp someone else's? That's easy -- "The Emotional Thesaurus" is a fabulous resource. And, of course, your blog is always a must-read.
But you all knew that already, right?
Promote my own work? Well, I'm not published (yet), but working on a holiday novella set in the same town as my second book. Also, I'm working on a non-fiction project called "Keeping A-Breast: Cancer Lessons," a blog that will eventually be a self-published book. http://kabcancerlessons.wordpress.com/
And my plain, old normal blog, "Reading, Writing, Ranting and Raving" is http://kymlucas.me.
Thanks for reminding me to order The Emotional Thesaurus. I may have to start making lists so I remember these details.
Kym, if you've read my blogs with lists then you know I love The Emotional Thesaurus. Bought it a few months ago. 🙂
Great site! Love the atmosphere!
And I love you guys - always good stuff to learn here, thanks!
Sooo... pimping:
1. Margie and Tiffany Lawson -
Thanks, Pamela. For your comments about the site and for the shout-out for Margie and Tiffany!
This is a great new site and a very interesting WordPress blogging theme. I'm going to check out the theme further. The way the big picture hangs in the background is ultra-cool.
Hi Jim, Mike and I used a custom theme for our great WITS friends here...we design and develop from scratch.
Thanks, Jim in Montana. If you are a writer, or have ever thought about writing, we're your one-stop shop for great information.
Sierra and Mike are ahmazing, Jim - check out the link to their website development in the post...I can't recommend them enough!
FANTASTIC sci fi about a teen who investigate a derelict spaceship, inadvertently activates the ship's AI, and ends up accidentally "kidnapped" by the ship - along with four other stowaways. Unfortunately for them, the ship doesn't realize that the war it was created to fight ended decades before, and the teens must find a way to work together ... or they'll die together.
Yeah! More sci fi! Sometimes I feel left out, but not today. Thanks for the info, Susan.
The wonderful author Jessica Topper sent me to your awesome site, and I'm so glad she did! Would love to sign up for a newsletter, but I can't seem to find it!!
Best of luck, all!
Love the site!
Hi Jennifer,
We don't have a newsletter, but you can go through our archives at your own pace. That would probably be the equivalent of a whole lotta newsletters.
Thanks, Jennifer - and if anyone hasn't read Jessica's Louder Than Love, shake your booty over to Amazon and buy it.
Seriously one of my top 3 reads of last year.
Rockstar gorgeous angsty hero? Sigh.
Wow, what a great turn out for the party. Thanks everyone for joining us.
Thanks for the link, Karen. I'll check it out--after a little recovery from today's party.
Hey, guys, spent the day finishing up book 2 of my Heart Trilogy--this one The Broken Heart--and just figured out what was going on. Love the new homestead, but so glad the old one lingers on--I loved it too! Glad to squeak in. . .
Congrats on finishing your book. that probably deserves it's own party, Beppie! And don't worry, we've got links across the universe connecting the old and the new.
I was nervous when I heard you were moving, I count on you guys for the good stuff! Now I can relax and sip my coffee in peace once more, the site looks great!
Would we move and not let you know where we're going? Glad you can relax now.
Like some of the other commenters, I loved your photo and was distressed to think it might get shoved aside when you upgraded to the new site. So glad you found a way to keep it, and am looking forward to more good stuff from you.
I'd like to pimp my good friend AE Jones. She won the Golden Heart last year for paranormal, and I just finished proofing her entire book, which she's self-pubbing. It should be out by late summer/early fall, and it's really, really good. (And I don't do paranormal!)
My latest book, Voice Of An Angel, got a lovely review from Loves All Things Books. She said the book made her 'snot cry.' I'm finally snot-worthy!
Thanks for coming Becky. I love snot worthy books. 🙂
I tweeted, linked, and google+'d the new site. It looks great. You guys always provide great info for writers.
Thanks so much, Chris!!!
Oooh, love the new design! 😀
Fantastic new site, y'all! I agree with Marsha that I'm glad you saved the header--it's a gorgeous picture.
I allays appreciate when RWA WOmen's Fiction alerts me to posts on your site- thanks for sharing great work.
I had my LOVE ON THE LINE hit #3 in sports romance yesterday thanks to some advice from you folks! you can see it here: http://bit.ly/PAares
Love Romance? Love Baseball? Get both 🙂
have a great 'move day!
Wow, Pamela, we're honored!!! Congrats on your #3!
I agree with Laura. We're totally honored. But you know what? I'd say you must be a totally awesome writer all on your own! Awesome writers are constantly improving and striving to be the best. Looks like you hit the target Pam.
I'm new to this whole social media thing, I know I'm a dinosaur. In fact, this is my first comment on one. That being said, I love your blogs and usually print them out for later use and reference.
In terms of writers to promote, I love Diane Kelly who writes a series of books with a female IRS agent that are similar to Stephanie Plum and has just released a new series about a female cop with a K9 which I just bought yesterday. And I also just discovered Marie Force and her Fatal series and I am really liking the first book.
Nothing to promote since I'm just starting but I wanted to say that I love your new website and the content there.
Thank you, Pamela! So happy to have you here - check out the old blogs - you may find some to help you on your journey!
Love the new site! The picture is more beautiful than ever. Thanks to all of you for the many wonderful tips and ongoing information about this crazy world of writing. Cheers!
Kris Tualla, who founded Arizona Dreaming, has a heartfelt story up about a little boy and his family today at Romancing The Genres. Please check it out and consider your own donation or posting the link somewhere else! http://www.gofundme.com/gobug. http://romancingthegenres.blogspot.com/
Love the new look! Now the "packaging" will be as terrific as the content. Congratulations and Party On!!
The place looks great! Love the background picture and all! It runs very smoothly, too. I brought a plate of homemade brownies with handmade butterfly toothpicks. I'll set it over by the Margarita fountain, okay?
I'm pimping a writer I'd love to meet in person: Patrick Rothfuss, who doesn't exactly need my help, but still wrote some of the best books I've read lately. http://www.patrickrothfuss.com/content/index.asp
As for promoting, well, it's not a book, but I do have a couple of pieces in an art show here in the Denver area. For more information about a really fun exhibit, visit http://www.40westarts.org/Hubcaps.html. Then, come to the show and check out the hubcap with sculpted flowers--that's me!
Congratulations on the new, awesome site!
Love the new site.
I'm late to the party but wanted to offer my congratulations on the great new site! I couldn't pass up a slice of pizza. And I'm singing along to The Doors...
I'd like to pimp the book I just started reading, A Paris Apartment by Michelle Gable, set in belle époque Paris. Sigh. Can't wait to get back to it.
I don't yet have a book to promote (hopefully someday!) but if you'd like to escape to Paris, Provence or the French Riviera, visit my blog Destination: Fiction at http://destinationfiction.blogspot.ca for lots of photos.
Looks excellent. I've just found you from reading Sally Ann Wilkinson's blog post. Now listed to follow and looking forward to your joint insights.
Hey, WITS! Site looks great. Always great posts. Here's to more . . .
I love the new look. Even more, I love the flawless transition I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't told me. 😉
Self-promotion: I finished my first book! I've sent copies out to friends and family for beta reading, and will be putting on my own editing hat after vacation. In the meantime, if your inclined to give me a cursory read, I have the first 3/4 (approximate) of the story on my blog: http://jamieb-baker.blogspot.com/p/church-hill.html
All comments are appreciated. I can't improve if I don't know where or what to improve.
Sorry I missed moving day. I love the look of your new site! Dramatic and professional! Keep on giving us your great content.
[…] See you at the new better-than-ever Writers In The Storm blog! […]
Congratulations on the new site! It's terrific!
Thanks for vising our new digs, Lori! 🙂
Love the new site! Well done!
Thanks. Sierra did the heavy-lifting, but Laura, Orly and Jenny put in a lot of hours above and beyond, too.
Thanks Lora for coming to the party to help us celebrate!
The site looks great and I really enjoy the blog posts!
We're all about the blogs, CL. I've got one ready for Wednesday.
Lookin' pretty snazzy there, gals! Here's a virtual 6-foot-tall potted ficus for a housewarming gift.
I don't need to do anything to continue my email subscription, do I? Can't do without those priceless posts. In fact...where is the subscribe box?
Thanks for the ficus, Faith - I've got just the place for it! This is a very proud day for us, and we're happy you're here! As long as you're a subscriber (get our posts in your inbox) you're subscribed to the new site. So sit back, call a cabana boy for a mojito!
Oh thanks. Love plants. 🙂 So glad you've come to the party Faith.
Congrats on the new site!
Thanks for visiting us at our new digs, Sheri!
Love the new site! I'd love to share another one of my favorite writing sites, http://www.NovelRocket.com . Both yours and theirs are on my daily must-read list.
Thanks for moving with us, Edie. And thanks for the link. I've checked them out--you're right!
Thanks for joining the party, Edie. Novel Rocket is indeed a great resource!
Great sight Edie, thanks for sharing. We love to hear about the latest going on in the writing world.
Love the new site! Lifting a cup to you all as I wander around, inspecting the decorations.
Thanks for taking the tour, Normandie. I'm sure Laura and Orly have coffee brewing.
Cheers, Normandie.
*she says looking around quickly to make sure we dusted all the decorations*
•Pimp out somebody else’s work: I'm pimping Thomas A. Mays. He does awesome SciFi! He can be found at http://improbableauthor.com/ or on Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/Thomas-A.-Mays/e/B00IQXQF8Y.
•Promote one of your projects that you’re excited about: I'm excited about my "Theogony" trilogy books. The first book in the series, "Janissaries" (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00I59QVL0), just went over 10,000 copies sold, and I'm happy to announce that I just completed the third book of the trilogy, "Terra Stands Alone," today!
Being the resident science fiction geek here, I appreciate both the Pimp and Promote, Chris.
Congrats on the new site, ladies!
Thanks for the thumbs up, Daphne.
Love the new site, ladies! You've earned your own home for this wonderfully informative blog. As for the pimping party, I'll share that I'm about to submit two historical romances to my publisher, the beginning of the A More Perfect Union series set in South Carolina during the American Revolution. I've been working on finding a home for these stories for years and finally will be able to share them with my readers. I'm very excited about this! If anyone here is interested in learning more about the series, I'll post updates on http://www.bettybolte.com. Thanks!
Best of luck with both your historicals. I'm so glad you kept in the game!
I love reading historicals and as you know that's main genre for writing too. Thanks for the tip and thanks for dropping by.
WOWZA!!! This site makes me want to party...and, follow.
Do I need more caffeine? I've looked and scrolled and searched, but I can't find the "SIGN ME UP!!!!" area.
My shout out? It's to The More Cowbell, held in captivity as my motivational clanger. Jenny, I'll be sending her back, so you have her to ring for service while you're recovering. NOTE: I have learned that taking her into the Loo with me is not a swell plan. She's not quiet, and I suspect people wonder if I'm clanging applause for my stall deposits.
More coffee coming, Gloria. We just found another box to unpack ... subscribe button must be in that one. 🙂
But as long as you're subscribed to the old site, you'll be subscribed to this one as well.
You took The Glorious Cowbell into the loo, Gloria?! Oh, the stories it will have to tell. 🙂
You take in your PooPourri so everyone thinks your cowbell is emitting a glorious meadow, right?
New site looks great! Hope the 'launch' goes smoothly.
As for the pimp and promote...I've been in a bit of a reading slump lately, so I have nothing to offer as a recommendation. And my debut doesn't launch until December, so it's a little early to promote! LOL
Keep up the great work here. It's a "go to" site for me for inspiration, craft tips, and industry advice. Thanks!
Thanks for the good wishes, Jamie. Remind us in November so we're ready to party with you for your debut! Yeah!
Lookin' good! Crank up the music. Get that disco ball spinning. And let's hit the dance floor!
Love the new site. 🙂
Oh, yes! Music and dancing. Jumping onto the dance floor now!
It's not a party without dancing and I've been jigging since I could stand. Let's do it!
The new site looks fantastic!
Thanks, Jess. It took longer than we thought, but we're very happy with it.
Love your new place--great decorator! I feel like I should bake you a big batch of housewarming muffins 🙂
oouuuuu, muffins! I'll fire up the espresso machine. 🙂
pimping my friend Patricia Burroughs latest http://www.amazon.com/This-Crumbling-Pageant-Triad-Volume/dp/1940699037
Took a look at it--looks interesting. Thanks for sharing the link.
Wow! Yes, this is my kind of moving--this must be what it's like to have professionals do all the hard work for you so all I have to do is relax and enjoy. I like the idea of virtual gifts and mine to you is a weather station to help predict the storms. Thanks for the giveaways too--amazing prizes.
Oh how amazing would that be - "stormy day ahead, not getting out of bed."
The new site looks fabulous!!! I am sure your content will be stellar as always!
And thank you, Denise, for pimping my book. It is very special to me.
I'm glad she did--and that she supplied a link. So easy when I'm just in from the five-mile hike and cooling down...
Love that the wallpaper now goes all the way to the floor!
Congratulations, everyone!
Just don't peek behind the ficus tree Faith brought, I think it's covering up a miss-matched seam. 😉
Congrats on the new site! It looks fabulous. 😀
I'd like to pimp Cara Bristol. I love all her books and her new Breeder series is awesome http://carabristol.com/my-books-2/terran-book-2-of-the-breeder-series/
Thanks, S.J. I'm the paranormal.sci fi faction here at WITS, so I always appreciate finding new authors in my genre.
Glad you like our new digs S.J. and thanks for coming.
Did someone already bring the wine? If not have a drink on me. I'm buying the first round. Congrats on your new site!
Since you asked, here's my shameless plug: Mystery novel with an edge, "Dead Like Me," can be found at http://www.kellymillerauthor.com.
Any sparkling wine in that case, Kelly? You book looks like it will be a good read. Thanks for sharing the link.
Great new look!
I'm excited to be part of @JuNoWriMo. You can too!
Thanks for checking in, Manju. You've got to be really busy getting word counts done!
great new site!
fave author - I've really enjoyed Heather Burch One Lavender Ribbon
and my news - I'm almost done with the last book in my ghost series, Embraced by Shadow. whew!
Thanks, Cynthia. I'm going to check out your suggestion--and your books!
Look how purty this site is! I love your new digs. I wish I could give you a housewarming gift for moving in!
PIMP: Elizabeth Essex is a wonderful historical romance author. Her Reckless Brides series is great, and starting TODAY she is teaching an online course with Lawson Academy about using character-themed words. Check it out: http://www.margielawson.com/lawson-writers-academy-courses/detail/2-writing/127-june-2014-it-s-all-about-character-using-character-themed-words
PROMOTE: I already got to talk about it HERE on the fabulous WITS, but my young adult paranormal short story, My Sister's Demon, is out on Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KCQETE0, and the next one is coming this month: A Little Fairy Dust.
Thanks for moving the subscriber list too, so all we readers have to do is break out the champagne and toast to your success!
Thanks for both links, Julie. All the classes at Margie's Academy are fantastic. Our own Laura Drake has taught a couple there. And I'm excited to hear about the release of A Little Fairy Dust. Now, who doesn't need some of that in their lives?
I can't take credit for any of the new site Julie. I'm a computer idiot but the powers that be within WITS did do a great job.
Love the new site, ladies. Glad you kept the banner and just expanded it. I always thought it was a special pic. Mega thanks for fixing it so I didn't have to sign up again. On occasion,technology defeats me.:) And I'd hate to miss out on anything you offer, all of which is in the A+ category.
I'd like to pimp my good friend, Jerrie Alexander, and her Lost & Found Series. The 3rd book is NO CHANCE IN HELL. Read about her and her books at her website http://www.jerriealexander.com/
Pimping my 2nd and latest release, TRUTH BE TOLD. You can check it out and visit my blogs at http://www.marsharwest.com/ Our books are romantic suspense, but perhaps the titles give that away.
Hope you'll stop by both places.
Party is fun, ladies. I left the giant size bag of Hershey's Kisses on the dinning room table. Enjoy. 🙂 I'll FB and Tweet.
Oh Marsha, you know the way to your hearts - hey everybody, we have CHOCOLATE!!!!
Hey Marsha. So glad you could make it. I just snatched the chocolate from Laura so gotta go. She's hot on my trail.
The new site looks amazing. Looking forward to spending time here!
Thanks, Laurie. We'll be hanging out in party mode for awhile, even while we're posting exciting new stuff.
Congratulations on the new digs! So much more room here for having friends over. I love it. 🙂
Pimp: Am losing much sleep over Barbara O'Neal's The Garden of Happy Endings this week. Such beautiful writing! Despite the fatigue it's causing, I'm inspired to get my work done early in the day so I can kick back with a glass of lemonade on the porch and indulge in a few chapters before the kids get home from school. I'm pimping it at BN.com because of all the Amazon dust being kicked up of late. http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-garden-of-happy-endings-barbara-oneal/1105808590?ean=9780553386783
Ouuu, great pimp, Christine! LOVE, love that book. Well, all of Barbara's books. 🙂
I have all the rest on my to-read list, Orly. I'm sold! 😀
Christine, when you're done with that, go pick upSleeping Night - I think it's her best!
Laura, that one looks great too! Historical fiction (by Barbara Samuel), my favorite! Added to my list too. Thanks! Gonna be a busy summer... Lol
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!! So excited for y'all. The site looks fab, and the Table of Contents makes all the wonderful historical posts 100% accessible. I could spend days and days, and never leave this site. Congratulations, and Love you guys!
PIMP: MY debut novel, The 25th Hour, a Time Travel Historical with the majority of the story set in the beautiful Big Horn Mountain basin in Wyoming. http://amzn.com/B00ETJCKZG
PROMOTE: Circle of Redemtion, Anthology by Shauna Allen, Susan C. Muller, and Janet Nash. Portions of the proceeds go to supporting the wonderful Camp Hope! http://amzn.com/B00JZ1P0DC
Feel free to vacation with us for days, Jaye! Maybe I'll make some homemade ice cream...
A time Travel Historical--Yeah! It's been a long time coming back around.
Thanks for both links!
Congrats on the debut, Jaye! Sit back and enjoy the fruits of all that labor. And if you want to bring a fruit tray, to the party, feel free - it'll counteract some of that chocolate!
Thanks so much Jaye. We think our readers are the awesome ones.
Love the new site! Bragging on my buddy Donna Galanti--proof that consistency and hard work pays off! She's a fabulous writer... http://www.donnagalanti.com
Thanks for honoring your friend--and sharing her link.
Just returned from Buildin' the Dream writers conference in Phoenix. Fantastic. Don't miss it next year. And check out Arizona Dreamin' the sister event for READERS!
Thanks for the info about this, Amber. If I can't make it to New York for RWA next summer, this is a great alternative.
I've heard lots of good things about the AZ Dreamin' conference - I have to get there one of these years....
Thanks, Amber!
I've been a member of Desert Rose Chapter on and off for years and have been a current member now for about four years. I've also been to the Dreamin' Conference several times. I lived in Scottsdale for 10 years and sometimes I meet up with old friends there who like me have moved away. It's always an excellent conference and you can't beat the weather!I sold my first book after some excellent advice from an agent I met there.
I brought the fruit platter, now where's the pizza? Love what you've done with the place.
I'm pimping out my Sisters in Crime at http://wickedcozyauthors.com: Barbara Ross (the Maine Clambake mysteries), Edith Maxwell (the Local Foods mysteries), Liz Mugavero (the Pawsitively Organic mysteries), Jessie Crockett (the Sugar Grove mysteries), Sherry Harris (the upcoming Garage Sale mysteries), and Julie Hennrikus aka Julianne Holmes (the upcoming Clock Shop mysteries).
I'm thick into editing and formatting the 2014 anthology of the South Shore Writers Club, then taking the summer to revise my first novel manuscript, "Nowhere in Sight."
On to the party!
Mo, Jenny's bogarting the pizza, but I think there's some jalapeño poppers left, right next to the Margarita fountain... Check it out!
You're trying to kill me already, Laura? Jalapenos? I'd have to guzzle the whole fountain!
And that would be a bad thing, Mo? This is a party!
Mo, don't listen to her. That Laura is a troublemaker of the first order. I'm only bogarting the GLUTEN FREE pizza. All other pizza is hidden under Laura's desk!
And I don't know what she's talking about with the margarita fountain. Nope, not behind me. 😉
Dang it, Jenny, you are incapable of keeping a secret! Okay, dangit, here's the pizza. Sorry only the anchovie ones are left..
Great site ladies!
I had no time to bake, so picked up some yummy cupcakes for you 😉
I'd love to pimp a great non-profit cat rescue... https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Cat-House-On-The-Kingscom/131833653546347
And then, my latest release, DARING TO LOVE, a Romantic Suspense I'm very proud of! http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00I13NB9U
Thanks for the party, ladies... and thanks to Marsha West for sending me over to check it out 🙂
Thanks for both links, Kathryn. I wish the cat rescue were closer to me--it looks really fantastic. I support a cat rescue in SoCal, but I'm always looking for other ways to help.
Kathryn - A cat rescue...one of the best pimpages we've ever had! Thank you for helping the helpless.
Oh, Kathryn!! You had me at cat-rescue!! Thank you!!!!!
So glad you took Marsha's advice and stopped by Kathryn. I hope we see more you around here.
Good morning, WITS. I love the new site and have already spent some time pressing all the buttons. Bios, Resources, and About. Sierra and Mike did an awesome job.
I keep up with Laura Drakes books and I'm a big fan of some of your WFWA writers as well.Today, I'd love to recommend Orphan Train, by Christina Baker Klein. It's about so many things we face in life and a wonderful historic about the famous Orphan Train and the thousands of children who rode her rails.
I work hard every week to bring posts (stories) to my blog, fOIS In The City, to enlighten and entertain, and continue to send out my first mystery and do the last chapters on my WF.
I can't mention those efforts without giving a big cyber hug and thank you to Laura Drake, and the wonderful people who contribute here. Glad to be here 🙂
Wow, Florence...that sounds like a fantastic book! Thank you. My latest find is THE ROSIE PROJECT. If you've ever known someone with Aspberger's, this book will have you dying with laughter.
Come back and put in the link for your site so our new readers just have to click. 🙂
Thanks. This is the link to my blog:
Hi Florence,
Pressing buttons is good.
And, yes, we're lucky to have the wonderful, talented Laura Drake in our lives, aren't we?
Thanks, Florence - especially for the reminder of Orphan Train - it sounds intriguing and I've meant to buy it. Going now.
I love your blog!!!
Florence! Now that you are here, it's a "real" party. 🙂
Great new site! I love that you kept your banner but made it the entire background. Awesome!
Thanks for moving us subscribers with you! Cheers to you and your new digs!
Laura Drake was all about keeping the picture. We really worked on a way to do that--it wasn't easy. Thanks for letting us know it was worth the hours.
The banner photo was a 'must have' for me. It's our touchstone, and what everyone knows us by! And it really is beautiful, and sets the tone...
Dance in the rain, everyone!
*throws glitter and Mardi Gras beads*
**dips toe in to test the water**
Eric, I say "Just DIVE in." The water's great!
Yes Eric - nice pool, huh? Check out the Jacuzzi! Yeah, it's a little crowded, but how often do you get to talk books and have hot water bubbles at the same time!
Congratulations! Looks great.
Thanks for the thumbs up, Rich! It's dance party time now.
Wonderful new digs!!! Thanks for moving us subscribers with you.
We wanted a new "home" but we love our old friends! Taking all of you with us. 🙂
Congratulations on the new site! It's awesome. I can't wait to hang out and play.
My pimp: My friend Pamela Moran has just launched her newest book, Blind Sight. It's a great story. And,it's available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble, but here's the link to her Kobo site. http://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/blind-sight-psi-sentinels-book-two-guardians-of-the-psychic-realm
My promote: The Emerald Sorceress http://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/the-emerald-sorceress TES is also available at Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.
Thanks for both sites, Ariana. When I'm done partying, my TBR pile is going to grow. Best wishes for The Emerald Sorceress. Looks like it's right up my alley.
Looks Great!!! Congrats on an awesome new website.
Thanks. Dancing time tonight!
Congrats on the new digs 🙂
Love the new site. Congrats on the move!!!
Thanks, Ketari. It's taken longer than we thought, but we do love the results.
Thanks for agreeing with us, Natalie.
Thanks, Nat! It's even better now that I see your name in our comments. 🙂
Congratulations on the new site! It looks great.
Well, if I would have presses the Post Comment button, I would have thanked you this morning. Just too excited. Thanks, Dianne!
Thanks for joining the fun Dianne. Have you seen the cheese plate?
Love the new site! Love your blog!
Thanks, Barbara for the visit, and the love!
Always read your blog--it's been enormously helpful. But, am I being DUMB? I can't find the "Follow" button.
Lisa, we're working on that...but, if you were signed up on our old blog, you'll continue to receive our post emails on this one!
Congratulations! The site is attractive and easy to navigate. WITS has some of the best articles online for writers.
Thank you so much for your vote of confidence, Neva. We hope we can all get better together.
Just WOW. Beautiful site. Congratulations and may it serve you well.
Thanks so much Sharron. Laura Drake really hung in there for our signature picture. I'm glad she did, even when we had to work for it.
Love the new site. I always read the new posts as soon as they're out.
Pimp: Anita Mumm formerly with Kristin Nelson Agency and now doing editing at Mumm's the Word Editing and Critique Services at http://wordcafeblog.wordpress.com/. Experienced and a wonderful person.
Thanks for the contact info, Page.
Good know info on Anita. Thanks.
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! This is awesome! Fancy digs, ladies!
Nicely done.
But, of course!!
Happy to have you here, Tiffany. Thanks for adding to the donations. 🙂
Congrats on the new website. It looks GREAT! and the party - well that's even better. (throws confetti while drinking a glass of red stuff)... I too just returned from Building the Dream and Arizona Dreamin... Can't wait to return to next year. http://www.arizonadreaminevent.com/
Oh, more votes for the AZ conference. I threw a fair amount of confetti myself this morning and afternoon. Now I'm on broom detail...
Is that flying, or sweeping, Fae?
*ducks behind the ficus*
WITS is such a great resource. I've followed your blog offerings for quite a while and even have a huge WITS folder on my computer, and I still keep finding noteworthy nuggets. Thanks for such a helpful site and enjoy your new digs!
Thank you so much for sharing your folder with us. As a teacher (even though it is math) I am always touched when someone saves the "handouts."
Congratulations! This is a wonderful new site! GREAT PARTY!
*Leads guests in THE BUNNY HOP dance around site* 😀 😀
There's nothing like the Bunny Hop on crutches, Debbie! I'm about to get me some, so I'm going to be continuing the dance for DAYS. 🙂
Wow, the new site looks great! Congrats!
Thanks, Callene. Personally, I like all the shiny buttons. I keep trying to attach bells...
Gorgeous site! I love the stormy picture in the background - heck, I love a good storm. Congratulations on the new digs.
If there's one blog I read as soon as it arrives, it's WITS - the posts are incredibly valuable! I've recommended y'all numerous times since I began reading it. (Since my first book doesn't come out until Fall, how's that for pimping and promoting? LOL)
Congrats again!
Thanks SO much, Allison. And I think you're doing some FINE P&P!!
Allison, congrats on your debut! Here, take this Princess crown...you earned it!
Hello Wise and Wacky WITS Warriors!
I love, love, love your new home!
No surprise that you five are partying. Can't wait to party with you all at RWA National in San Antonio.
Speaking of parties and RWA National...
ALL WRITERS ARE INVITED to my Meet & Greet, Hug & Chug at National in a yet-to-be-determined bar after the Literacy Signing. Drop by for a few minutes, or come early, leave late. We'll have drawings for cool stuff!
Since you requested pimping, I'll oblige.
Three Lawson Writer's Academy classes start today:
1. Love Your Voice
2. It's All About Character: Using Character-Themed Words
3. From Blah to Beats: Giving Your Chapters a Pulse
Check them out! http://www.margielawson.com/lawson-writers-academy-courses
Thank you Wise and Wacky WITS Warriors!
Love you!
Oh man!! Rub it in that I can't go ...
Love having you as part of the WITS family, Margie!
Whoooo-eeeee! And I'm sad to say, I'm with Orly...I can't come to San Antonio. I'll still be gimpy as all get-out. 🙂
Hug bunches of our friends for us and chug at least one extra for ME. 🙂
You're the best, Margie! Thank you for sharing all your writing knowledge with us. See you in San Antonio.
Cannot wait for your 'Chug and Hug' at National, Margie!
I'm lucky enough to be going - and my fave roomie, Fae, is coming in a couple of days early to hang out at our new Red Door House with me, then we're driving to S.A.
Road Trip!
Looking forward to it!
Love the new site! Will I need to update my feed reader? I almost always end up clicking through for WITS but it's nice to have a reminder. 🙂
Pimping work I love: My friend Laura VanArendonk Baugh has just published her cozy mystery Con Job, a murder mystery set at a fan convention.
Pimping my own work: I just published a fantasy novella Stormshadow, about a princess who travels across the sea to marry a prince she's never met...only to meet with unexpected assassination attempts.
Nope - if you're getting our posts via email - you should continue to receive them!
Stephanie, so glad to see your pretty face. Thanks for joining the party!
Great looking site! Congratulations on the move.
Love the new look, especially the storm-gathering background photo. Nice!
Our original blog photo "grew up" well, didn't it? Thanks, Jeffree.
My favorite writing blog. Congrats on the new look and best wishes. Thanks for all the help, too!
Oh, Kaye. Your favorite? We would have let you into the party without that wonderful admission. Personally, I love to hear it. Thank you!
I love the visual effect of being write (pun intended) in the midst of a storm. This looks great!
Thanks, Debbie. Now you know exactly where your words for your next post will be!
New subscriber enjoying the new site. Want to
pimp and promote Bring Reading Rainbow back for
every child kick starter! I live these stories to share
with my students!
You're absolutely right. I volunteer a few hours every week at my local elementary school. So many great volunteers reading with students...
Pimp someone else's? That's easy -- "The Emotional Thesaurus" is a fabulous resource. And, of course, your blog is always a must-read.
But you all knew that already, right?
Promote my own work? Well, I'm not published (yet), but working on a holiday novella set in the same town as my second book. Also, I'm working on a non-fiction project called "Keeping A-Breast: Cancer Lessons," a blog that will eventually be a self-published book. http://kabcancerlessons.wordpress.com/
And my plain, old normal blog, "Reading, Writing, Ranting and Raving" is http://kymlucas.me.
Thanks for reminding me to order The Emotional Thesaurus. I may have to start making lists so I remember these details.
Kym, if you've read my blogs with lists then you know I love The Emotional Thesaurus. Bought it a few months ago. 🙂
Great site! Love the atmosphere!
And I love you guys - always good stuff to learn here, thanks!
Sooo... pimping:
1. Margie and Tiffany Lawson -
Thanks, Pamela. For your comments about the site and for the shout-out for Margie and Tiffany!
This is a great new site and a very interesting WordPress blogging theme. I'm going to check out the theme further. The way the big picture hangs in the background is ultra-cool.
Hi Jim, Mike and I used a custom theme for our great WITS friends here...we design and develop from scratch.
Thanks, Jim in Montana. If you are a writer, or have ever thought about writing, we're your one-stop shop for great information.
Sierra and Mike are ahmazing, Jim - check out the link to their website development in the post...I can't recommend them enough!
Congrats!! I'd like to recommend Rebekah Purdy's writing at http://www.rebekahlpurdy.wordpress.com
Thanks, Traci. Going to go check it out now--just stepping away for the late hour partying for a moment!
I want to pimp and promote L.J. Cohen's new sci-fi release, DERELICT: http://www.amazon.com/Derelict-LJ-Cohen-ebook/dp/B00KNFS8OW
FANTASTIC sci fi about a teen who investigate a derelict spaceship, inadvertently activates the ship's AI, and ends up accidentally "kidnapped" by the ship - along with four other stowaways. Unfortunately for them, the ship doesn't realize that the war it was created to fight ended decades before, and the teens must find a way to work together ... or they'll die together.
Yeah! More sci fi! Sometimes I feel left out, but not today. Thanks for the info, Susan.
The wonderful author Jessica Topper sent me to your awesome site, and I'm so glad she did! Would love to sign up for a newsletter, but I can't seem to find it!!
Best of luck, all!
Love the site!
Hi Jennifer,
We don't have a newsletter, but you can go through our archives at your own pace. That would probably be the equivalent of a whole lotta newsletters.
Thanks, Jennifer - and if anyone hasn't read Jessica's Louder Than Love, shake your booty over to Amazon and buy it.
Seriously one of my top 3 reads of last year.
Rockstar gorgeous angsty hero? Sigh.
Wow, what a great turn out for the party. Thanks everyone for joining us.
Yay! Par-tay! Love the new digs. 🙂 No need to enter me for any of the prizes, but i just want to pimp the first book in a fabulous new contemporary romance series by Marie Harte! The first book, The Troublemaker Next Door, launches tomorrow from Sourcebooks and it's amazing. You MUST read it! http://www.amazon.com/Troublemaker-Next-Door-McCauley-Brothers-ebook/dp/B00HFDVOGO/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1401759602&sr=1-1&keywords=marie+harte
Thanks for the link, Karen. I'll check it out--after a little recovery from today's party.
Hey, guys, spent the day finishing up book 2 of my Heart Trilogy--this one The Broken Heart--and just figured out what was going on. Love the new homestead, but so glad the old one lingers on--I loved it too! Glad to squeak in. . .
Congrats on finishing your book. that probably deserves it's own party, Beppie! And don't worry, we've got links across the universe connecting the old and the new.
I was nervous when I heard you were moving, I count on you guys for the good stuff! Now I can relax and sip my coffee in peace once more, the site looks great!
Would we move and not let you know where we're going? Glad you can relax now.
Like some of the other commenters, I loved your photo and was distressed to think it might get shoved aside when you upgraded to the new site. So glad you found a way to keep it, and am looking forward to more good stuff from you.
I'd like to pimp my good friend AE Jones. She won the Golden Heart last year for paranormal, and I just finished proofing her entire book, which she's self-pubbing. It should be out by late summer/early fall, and it's really, really good. (And I don't do paranormal!)
My latest book, Voice Of An Angel, got a lovely review from Loves All Things Books. She said the book made her 'snot cry.' I'm finally snot-worthy!
Thanks for coming Becky. I love snot worthy books. 🙂
I tweeted, linked, and google+'d the new site. It looks great. You guys always provide great info for writers.
Thanks so much, Chris!!!
Oooh, love the new design! 😀
Fantastic new site, y'all! I agree with Marsha that I'm glad you saved the header--it's a gorgeous picture.
I allays appreciate when RWA WOmen's Fiction alerts me to posts on your site- thanks for sharing great work.
I had my LOVE ON THE LINE hit #3 in sports romance yesterday thanks to some advice from you folks! you can see it here:
Love Romance? Love Baseball? Get both 🙂
have a great 'move day!
Wow, Pamela, we're honored!!! Congrats on your #3!
I agree with Laura. We're totally honored. But you know what? I'd say you must be a totally awesome writer all on your own! Awesome writers are constantly improving and striving to be the best. Looks like you hit the target Pam.
I'm new to this whole social media thing, I know I'm a dinosaur. In fact, this is my first comment on one. That being said, I love your blogs and usually print them out for later use and reference.
In terms of writers to promote, I love Diane Kelly who writes a series of books with a female IRS agent that are similar to Stephanie Plum and has just released a new series about a female cop with a K9 which I just bought yesterday. And I also just discovered Marie Force and her Fatal series and I am really liking the first book.
Nothing to promote since I'm just starting but I wanted to say that I love your new website and the content there.
Thank you, Pamela! So happy to have you here - check out the old blogs - you may find some to help you on your journey!
Love the new site! The picture is more beautiful than ever. Thanks to all of you for the many wonderful tips and ongoing information about this crazy world of writing. Cheers!
Kris Tualla, who founded Arizona Dreaming, has a heartfelt story up about a little boy and his family today at Romancing The Genres. Please check it out and consider your own donation or posting the link somewhere else! http://www.gofundme.com/gobug.
I've published Book Four in The Sacred Women's Circle series. You can check it out at http://www.JudithAshleyRomance.com or http://windtreepress.com
Love the new look! Now the "packaging" will be as terrific as the content. Congratulations and Party On!!
The place looks great! Love the background picture and all! It runs very smoothly, too. I brought a plate of homemade brownies with handmade butterfly toothpicks. I'll set it over by the Margarita fountain, okay?
I'm pimping a writer I'd love to meet in person: Patrick Rothfuss, who doesn't exactly need my help, but still wrote some of the best books I've read lately. http://www.patrickrothfuss.com/content/index.asp
As for promoting, well, it's not a book, but I do have a couple of pieces in an art show here in the Denver area. For more information about a really fun exhibit, visit http://www.40westarts.org/Hubcaps.html. Then, come to the show and check out the hubcap with sculpted flowers--that's me!
Congratulations on the new, awesome site!
Love the new site.
I'm late to the party but wanted to offer my congratulations on the great new site! I couldn't pass up a slice of pizza. And I'm singing along to The Doors...
I'd like to pimp the book I just started reading, A Paris Apartment by Michelle Gable, set in belle époque Paris. Sigh. Can't wait to get back to it.
I don't yet have a book to promote (hopefully someday!) but if you'd like to escape to Paris, Provence or the French Riviera, visit my blog Destination: Fiction at http://destinationfiction.blogspot.ca for lots of photos.
I love the new site!
If you're a fan of YA SciFi, I'd suggest reading Ali Cross's Blood Crown (http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/blood-crown-ali-cross/1118733243?ean=9781927847039).
As for me, I've got my April A to Z Challenge story up on Wattpad. Any and all comments and critique welcome=)
Great new website!! Love it!!!
Looks excellent. I've just found you from reading Sally Ann Wilkinson's blog post. Now listed to follow and looking forward to your joint insights.
Hey, WITS! Site looks great. Always great posts. Here's to more . . .
I love the new look. Even more, I love the flawless transition I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't told me. 😉
Self-promotion: I finished my first book! I've sent copies out to friends and family for beta reading, and will be putting on my own editing hat after vacation. In the meantime, if your inclined to give me a cursory read, I have the first 3/4 (approximate) of the story on my blog: http://jamieb-baker.blogspot.com/p/church-hill.html
All comments are appreciated. I can't improve if I don't know where or what to improve.
Sorry I missed moving day. I love the look of your new site! Dramatic and professional! Keep on giving us your great content.