In Star Wars, Obi-Wan Kenobi refers to Mos Eisley spaceport as a “wretched hive of scum and villainy” and adds, “we must be careful.”
Obi-Wan’s wisdom applies to the Internet too.
Regardless of your publishing path, if you write for publication, you should take steps to protect your copyrighted work against Internet-based infringement.
Today, we take a look at how to do that. While no single post can cover all of the ways to protect your work online, here are some tips on things all authors can do to protect and enforce their copyrights:
Internet searches are important even if you also use Google Alerts or another monitoring service. While effective, automated alerts don’t catch all infringement, and can’t be relied upon to screen for all uses of an author’s work on the Internet.
Warning: Not all sites that come up on these searches will be safe to click on. Protect your computer with anti-script and antivirus software and other protective measures before clicking through to unknown or untrusted websites. Many websites that contain infringing content also contain trojan horses and other dangerous computer viruses. Protect your rights…but know that you click through at your own risk.
As with Internet searches, authors should set up Google Alerts for the author’s name and for each of the author’s published (or soon to be published) titles. Also: beware clicking through links on Google Alerts or other alert notifications. Be sure your computer is properly protected against viruses and hacking before you travel to the Mos Eisley Cantinas of the Internet.
A proper copyright notice looks like this: © [year] [author name]. All rights reserved.
Traditionally published authors should check with their publishers before preparing and sending DMCA notices, because in many cases the publisher prefers to handle those notices in-house. Self-published authors need to learn the procedure and how to use a DMCA notice, in order to protect their legal rights.
While these steps can’t prevent infringement altogether, and no one can control the Internet (in all its gruesome glory), they do offer concrete steps all authors can take to reduce the chance of infringement and theft.
If infringers refuse to respond to DMCA notices or requests for removal, authors should consult a copyright lawyer to determine their legal rights and whether legal action is worthwhile. In some unfortunate cases, infringers host their sites “offshore” in countries where copyright protection is nonexistent or favorable to thieves. These sites are difficult to shut down and often impossible to regulate, so pursuit of their owners may be a waste of time. However, other infringers may respond to attorneys (or court orders) even if they ignore the author’s initial contact. It’s often worth a call to an experienced lawyer if an infringer ignores or disregards your rights.
Have you ever had to police your legal rights on the Internet? How did the experience go for you?
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Susan Spann writes the Shinobi Mysteries, featuring ninja detective Hiro Hattori and his Portuguese Jesuit sidekick, Father Mateo. Her debut novel, CLAWS OF THE CAT (Minotaur Books, 2013), was a Library Journal Mystery Debut of the Month and a finalist for the Silver Falchion Award for Best First Novel. The second Shinobi Mystery, BLADE OF THE SAMURAI, released on July 15, 2014, and her third novel, FLASK OF THE DRUNKEN MASTER, releases in July 2015. Susan is also a transactional attorney whose practice focuses on publishing law and business. When not writing or practicing law, she raises seahorses and rare corals in her marine aquarium. You can find her online at her website,, and on Twitter (@SusanSpann).
Copyright © 2025 Writers In The Storm - All Rights Reserved
Susan, thanks for the great advice, and the reminder - I just to Google my titles all the time (okay, so I was obsessive), but haven't lately. Going to do that now!
I'm glad the post was helpful Laura! And yes - we all can use the reminder from time to time (present company included!)
Thanks, Susan. I'm putting this in my file. It's a keeper!
I was hoping people would be able to save it as a reference. Glad you found it useful!
Thank you for this much needed information. I too will put this in my file.
Thank you!
Sound advice. Thanks!
Dee Willson
Author of A Keeper's Truth and GOT
thank you, and I hope it proves useful!
A great reminder Susan. Thank you.
As for answering the end question of policing your rights. I was head of a research group who collaboratively translated a relative's diary. We put it on our private web site for family only, with a copyright notation. One of our more obscure (read untrustworthy) members logged into the site only twice - found it and hijacked it. Later, I found it on his web site by doing a google search. Names of all of the family members who participated in transcribing the document were still intact sans copyright. I contacted the thief and told him to take it down from his site (in Canada) which, of course, he ignored. Since then someone in the Far East hijacked it, probably from the first person, and put it on a web site claiming copyright. I gave up, as there was no way to contact the second thief from the web site.
The moral of the story is, unless you have unlimited money and time to spend defending it; don't put anything on the Internet you want to protect. On my new historical web site, I have tried to use tools that prohibit the copy/paste function, but there always seems to be a way around it. Therefore, I put up only abstracts (no citations) of my work online. It's not worth the headache.
Sue Simonich, author of: "God's Painted Skies"
administrator of: The World Wide Newburgh Project
I'm sorry you had to go through that, Sue - so many of my clients have had similar experiences, down to the initial theft being done by someone they know. Thank you for sharing your story, and you important advice - hopefully we can save someone else the same heartache.
Thanks for the information.
Glad to be of assistance!
Thanks, Susan, for sharing the information, and Sue, for sharing your experience.
Thank you Judy! I hope the information helps.
Thanks for this informative piece, Susan. Just a shame there are folks in the world who do such bad things. I realize in the big scheme of things someone stealing our work may not seem so big to others in comparisons to death and destruction taking place, but it is our work. It's still stealing. And it's wrong. Yuck one more thing to add to my todo list. Bummer. LOL Thanks, Susan.
It really is a shame, Marsha. And you're right - it's not on the scale of murder or war or, but at the same time, it's theft - and it's no less criminal just because the thieves don't have to see the victims' faces. Most artists make so little for their efforts - it's sad people don't respect the writer's right to be paid for his or her work the same way any other professional deserves payment for time put in.
Hi Again Susan; I don't want to be the one who hogs the conversation, but, another writer friend of mine has been trying to combat theft of her work. She was doing a google search last year, and found a title that was similar to one that she had created. She looked it up and it appeared on Amazon. She started reading and it was almost word for word the same as her work. The beginning scene was the same and as she continued to read, she realized the entire plot was stolen.The only difference was, they had twisted it into some very unsavory imagery which she would never have used. Where she made a suggestive comment, the pirate used vulgar, coarse language. She was just heart sick. I haven't heard from her in a while, so I don't know what she was able to do to protect her rights. I wish we could get a lawyer to comment on some of this too.
There's a wonderful Yahoogroup called AuthorsAgainstE-BookTheft ( which is for authors, small publishers, etc., to share info on pirate sites, methods of takedown notices, etc. It's well worth joining.
Marilynn, Thanks so much for passing that on - I'm going there now!
Thank you for sharing the information, Marilyn. It's great when authors band together to help protect their rights, online and otherwise!
Susan thank you for a great article. Although I am sort of aware I kind of hope it doesn't happen to me and then I found one of my eBooks had been pirated. That smartened me up pretty fast. I am much more careful and your words gave me even more information of how I can protect my work. Just one more thing to do
It's unfortunate that we have to fight this kind of thing at all, Susan - but at least if we have the information, we can stop at least some of it. I'm glad you're protecting your rights.
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