We have a surprise for you today - our 1000th post happened this week and we're celebrating big time. That means we're celebrating you, our amazing readers. We're more than a little bit misty over this, as we never expected to get this far when we started our little blog back in 2010.
Thank you, Amazing Readers!
Thank you, Wonderful Contributors!
We appreciate all of you who have taken this journey with us, even when we were a mostly-unknown pixel on the map of the blogosphere. We hope y'all keep bringing new friends to visit so we can continue to grow.
Click on our Resources page to see who helps keep this blog running.
There's a Rafflecopter you'll want to enter for the most chances to win. Winners, except for those detailed at the end of this post will be announced on our Facebook page. If you haven't Liked us on Facebook yet, click here or just complete the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post.
The giveaways will start in the morning (Eastern Time)
and go all day on our Facebook page.
Read on for some of today's giveaways, and please share on social media with the hashtag #WITS1000. We'll be combing the internet for cool tweets and updates and share them on for you.
Laura and Orly are giving away copies of their books.
We're a crafty bunch, so you'll get fun in between all the useful, just like you do with all our posts.
Laura has opted to give away several of her most useful craft books (gently used), along with several new copies of her own wonderful works.
Additionally, Laura has offered up two query letter critiques. Considering she teaches entire classes on query letters, that's a stellar prize!
There are some research books coming to you from Jenny and Fae, and a few fun favorites as well.
All of the above will be given away on our Facebook page, but the prizes below will ONLY go to one of our readers who comment on this blog.
(We lo-o-o-ove to spoil y'all.)
$20 Amazon Card
A Craft Book from Janice Hardy at Fiction University.
Winners choice of one e-book from Angela Ackerman's Thesaurus series.
Giveaway caveat: If it can be emailed (i.e. gift card codes or e-books), we will send it to you wherever you live. If it must be shipped, we ship to U.S. residents only.
To visit our homes away from WITS, click the links below. We'd love to see you at our other sites too!
Fae Rowen - Website
Jenny Hansen - More Cowbell (blog), Pinterest
Laura Drake - Website, Mailing List, Pinterest
Orly Konig - Website, Mailing List
Come chat with us in the comments! Tell us what you like most here at Writers In the Storm, and what you'd like to see more of in the future.
~ Fae, Jenny, Laura and Orly
Copyright © 2025 Writers In The Storm - All Rights Reserved
I just want to say, it's been my honor and privilege to be a part of this group.
From the first meeting to discuss this in Char's den (huge shout out and kudos to her!), I know what we'd hoped this would become.
For me, WITS has exceeded every goal I had!
Thank you, constant followers, for that. Because we might have been scrambling in the background, but YOU made WITS what it is.
Here's to what we learn in the future!
I absolutely agree! And a huge shout out to Sharla Rae, who came up with the name for this blog. It has exceeded all our hopes and become it's own brand of wonderful.
Here's a link to Shar's books - they are WONDERFUL:
I never thought Writers in the Storm would become what it is today. And, uh, Jenny...I hate to be the one to poke at your memory, but I came up with our title. It's the only title I've ever come up with!
I'd also like to thank our readers for motivating us through your continued reading and comments. And to our contributors...you not only share your expertise and lives with us, you help us improve our craft, pick us up when we're down, and teach us how to get our stories to readers.
Thank you. Thank you.
I bow to your memory, Fae! I wasn't there for that bit of genius...and I just love it. 🙂
Wow! Congrats on such a huge milestone! I think I've reading this blog most of the time since you started. I've learned a lot from the great variety of topics you've brought up and discussed. Every aspect of writing and publishing and marketing. Thanks!
Thanks, Betty! We sure appreciate all the people who have hung in since we were a tiny pixel on the blogosphere map. 🙂
Congratulations! I love this blog and have learned so much here over the years. Here's hoping to at least 1,000 more posts!
Thanks, Nicole! We're hoping too. 🙂
Congrats on such a huge milestone!
Thank you, Kayla!
Congratulations! I don't always comment, but I always read--and many times save to my "writing craft" file. I have learned so many things from this blog. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Sweet Amy! My girl still treasures the books you gave her. 🙂 Thanks for coming out of lurk-mode to say "hi!"
Awww, such a sweetie that girl of yours!
Congratulations on a fabulous milestone! I've learned so much from all of you and have especially loved the craft posts, but also posts on the state of the industry and your personal experiences. I've found brand new authors and that's been the best part. Have a wonderful day celebrating!
Wonderful to hear, Laurie! And yes, the contributors here - from Kathryn Craft to Susan Spann - all write stellar books. We feel blessed to have them.
I've only joined fairly recently, but your blog always provides useful information. Congratulations!
Welcome, Geraldine! We love our readers. 🙂
And we love you1! 🙂
Wow, hearty congrats to the WITS founders! I treasure the community you've built here and I'm thrilled to be a continuing part of it as a guest contributor. Off to promote!
You are an integral part of WITS success, Kathryn! And I adore your books. 🙂
(Read her books, people!!)
Congrats! That's a LOT of wonderful advice and information you've shared.
Thanks, Terry! Hugs to you. 🙂
Congrats! I learn so much from WITS. So many great topics on craft. Thank you!!
Thank you! And head on through the Rafflecopter so you up your chances of winning cool prizes. 🙂
Wow! Congrats to the WITS Team, and thank you so much for doing this! Keep up the amazing work. 🙂
Being part of the WITS community has been amazing! You guys are the best!!!!
I've enjoyed all the posts over the years. Not only informational, but inspirational. Thanks to all your contributors for their great submissions. And hopefully lots more to come.
What a milestone! Y'all have done a great job. I look forward to reading more terrific posts about writing. Thanks for what you do!
Thanks, Julie! And you just one one of Fae's 6-packs of cards - photo is on Facebook!
Congratulations on such a magnificent milestone!
Count me in with relatively new readers. I discovered WITS via Writer's Digest's 2017 yearbook, and it's now a part of my daily reading circle.
Personally, I like the varied content I've read thus far. Sometimes I need advice or industry insight; other times, it's simply nice to read about someone's experiences, who shares a similar path.
Congratulations! I'm a newer reader as well. Lots of helpful information delivered with a big dose of encouragement and inspiration. You all are a nifty (or is that knit-ty?) bunch of creative folks. Keep 'em coming.
Congratulations!!! I love checking in on WITS every day.
Hey Carol, check the WITS FB group. You won a copy of my ARC and a bookmark. 🙂
Wow! A thousand posts on a single blog! Heartiest congratulations. I searched my emails to see when I subscribed, and it was in October of '13. I know I was a reader for at least a year before that, while I was working on my first novel. Since I regularly try new blogs and then cull the less interesting or helpful ones, that puts you in the cream of the crop! Great job, everyone, and here's to many more posts in the future 🙂
This is exciting! I love this blog, so many helpful tips. Thanks for sharing all your advice!! 🙂
Thank YOU, Charity! And go to the FB page - you've won a prize. 🙂
Congrats on 1,000 posts! Love the blog and am about to find you on FB!
Congratulations and thanks for all you do!
So excited for this accomplishment. Grateful to be a part of this community.
You guys should be so proud of this blog--week after week it delivers great content, on all facets of writing and publishing. I've enjoyed posting with you, and look forward to continuing to do so. Hugs to each of you! And gosh, how sweet of you guys to put one of our books in our giveaway--thank you for that! 🙂
You are welcome, Angela! We appreciate YOU. You and the other contributors here are building a bunch of strong writers. 🙂
I'm behind! (because I don't read well) - Head on over to the FB page - I'm giving away books!!!
Remember, y'all! If you do the Rafflecopter entry, you have MANY more chances to win fun stuff!!! Winners happening on the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/WritersInTheStorm/.
Congratulations on your achievement! WITS is my "go-to" writing blog. I always find useful tips as well as anecdotes about the shared challenges of a writer's life. Here's to the next 1000!
Random.org says you have won the Janice Hardy Book!! You go, girl. 🙂 Please let us know which of hers you'd like.
WOOT! I'd love a copy of "Revising Your Novel..." Thank you Jenny, WITS and Janice!
Perfect! Send me an email at jenny (at) jennyhansenllc (dot) com and we'll get it out to you!
What a marvelous achievement! Congrats to all who contributed. I have followed this for a couple of years and am always inspired, even though I seldom comment.
Hey, Mandy Perveiler! You won Angela Ackerman's Book, from her Thesaurus collection!
Head over to our FB page!
Congratulations! What an awesome achievement!
I've followed WITS from the start and have to say I've read nearly every one of the 1,000 posts! WITS deserves all the praise and awards this site has garnered over the years. Looking forward to the next 1,000!
Barb Delong - YOU win the stack of craft books from me!
CONGRATS! And thank you, thank you, thank you for all you've done - and continue to do - for the writing community! *raises glass* Looking forward to 1000 more! Love you guys!
Harley, Random.org just said that you won my adorable slouch beanie!! PM your mailing address on Facebook and I'll send it. 🙂 Congrats!!
We're overwhelmed by the sentiments - thank you all!
Congratulations on your huge milestone and here's to many more. I always save the posts to my blog file and search it when I need an answer to a burning question.
Long time reader...
I get so much from your posts, even if I rarely leave a comment. Long may WITS continue to land in my inbox.
You all are the best way to start a writer's day. I love the youthful energy I find in every new blog - as a late bloomer, this site is my best inspiration for keeping at it and plowing ahead. Many congratulations!
Congratulations on the accomplishment.
I'm an Aussie and I only discovered WITS last year, but it is my favourite blog site for writers. Yep, I've gone through the archives and read some of the older posts too. Cheers and here's to the next 1000 posts. Keep up the great work. 🙂
Smart, Julie! There is some AH-mazing stuff in our archives!
Many thanks for putting this together. It is one of the best, most informative blogs I've come across. I know you didn't just "slap" this together. Your professional presentation shows. Thanks again,
Sam Turner
Thanks for everything I have learned on Writers In The Storm! Happy 1,000!
Congratulations! You have given me so much invaluable advice over the last few years, you should be so proud of yourselves and what you've achieved (and are achieving) here.
Littlemissw - you just won the craft books from me - pictured above! Be watching for an email from me....
That's lovely! I got your email but, as I said in it, I live in Australia so I know that's too far to send the books. Keep up the good work on WITS.
Ugh, I'm sorry! I'm sending you an ecopy of my book, Days Made of Glass, Instead.
Congratulations on 1,000 posts! I've been following since 2014 and really appreciate all the good advice you've provided.
Chris Owens, it's your lucky day. The first winner lost out from not commenting. Random.org says YOU won the Amazon card!! Woo-hoo!!!!
Congrats! I love all the craft advice and the community.
Debbie, you get your choice of THREE of the following books (Congratulations!):
Research and Writing related Books:
- Voodoo in New Orleans - Robert Tallant
- The Book of Courtly Love, Medieval Songs and Stories - Edited by Robert Yagley
- The New Diary (How to use a journal for self-guidance and expanded creativity) - Tristine Rainer
- A Woman's Journal, a Blank book with Quotes by Women
Other books:
- Eat, Pray, Love - Elizabeth Gilbert
- Tuesdays with Morrie - Mitch Albom
Whenever I come here, I learn something I didn't know to ask about. Both the advice and the comments are exceptionally helpful. Thanks to everyone.
Guys! We had so much to give away, we couldn't get it done in one day! Continue to check out the FB page today, to see if you won!
My favorite part of this blog is the writing tips and insights that you give. Thank you for your valuable time sharing with us things you've learned to help us on our writing learning curve.
I agree with Danielle. I love the writing tips. I have been following since 2014 also. I find the writing advice uplifting and helpful, in an often lonely pursuit. So nice to know that others are experiencing the same struggles I do. Feeling part of a community of writers is wonderful! Thanks for all you do! Loved the duck post - I tried to maintain that attitude when I was a school principal. I was mostly successful LOL PS I don't do FB as I am on Twitter, & 1 distraction is enough for any writer.