By Leon Conrad
We’ve been telling stories way before we started writing them down.
The structures they follow are embodied within us.
There’s much we can learn about story—and about ourselves—from analysing the patterns that stories follow.
But how?
My approach is to trace the patterns that each character in a story follows. Characters experience events. The events are related and follow in chronological order. The events, when whittled down to their bare minimum, form sequences which are recognisable as story structures.
Here’s the most compressed story structure I’ve found—which is also the most impressive. It’s the structure which the gods’ story lines typically follow in stories from Ovid’s Metamorphoses.
At step 5, while Cornix undergoes a metamorphosis, Minerva remains unchanged.
The approach allows for almost indefinite expansion and contraction, following simple rules.
Sequences of different step types can expand and contract as follows:
Where an encounter between two characters involves (i) an active intention to dupe (ii) a comic outcome, or (iii) a surprising outcome (Huh?!), I use a double barb (⇌).
When one character intends to dupe another, they invariably have the tables turned on them—the dupe ends up tricking the trickster and the status quo is reset. When there’s a comic outcome, there’s often a transformational twist. And for every ‘Huh?!’ there’s usually a balancing ‘Ah!’
While double barbs tend to come in pairs, they only seem to expand and contract in a 1:3 or 3:1 proportion.
A common structure is the Quest structure, which the three little pigs follow in the well-known story. The version below was collected by Hamish Henderson from Bella Higgins who heard it from her mother.
The two story structures depicted above can be compared and analysed. In the table below, step 3 in the Transformation structure symbolises a problematic (negative) 'transgression against the natural order'. It expands, giving rise to the first (positive) meeting (step 5 in the Quest structure) which will be with a friend or helper. The seed of the positive is contained within the negative. You can follow the implications of the expansion of step 4 in the Transformation structure yourself.
The two structures analysed above are linear structures. But how and why are the events in them linked? This is where I see dynamic structures coming in. Dynamic structures map the qualitative change in the relationship between knower and known in a character’s story line. They symbiotically underpin Linear story structures.
I’ve identified two dynamic story structures to date:
The Revelation structure follows a ‘veni, vidi, vici’ pattern (I came, I saw, I conquered). It’s typically found in sequences which build suspense leading to a dénouement. Marie Louise von Franz sees this as a ‘1,2,3,Bang!’ sequence.
It’s mapped as follows:
The Chinese Circular Structure, as I call it, is based on the interplay between yin and yang energies through the yearly cycle and the five-element system visualised in the Wu Xing arrangement.
In Chapter 18 of Story and Structure, I describe how the Chinese Circular Structure can be seen underpinning every one of the linear story structures identified to date. The approaches are informed by close reading of early Chinese texts which clearly map to the structure.
The 18 structures I've identified to date (16 linear and 2 dynamic) can be classified in three ways relating to what happens at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of a story structure. The nature of the first event in a character’s story line gives rise to the following classification:
The ‘middle’ classification is based on whether or not a character crosses a threshold between transcendent (metaphysical or supernatural) and immanent (physical) dimensions of being. The Creation Myth structure straddles both conditions:
And the ‘ending’ classification gives the following:
We can learn a lot by looking at story structures. We can’t avoid the metaphysical, the transcendent. Story gives rise to embodied story structures. Story has a sacred dimension (as language does—especially when used in sacred chant). It shows how these simple patterns tell a universal story: a quest to find balance and harmony individually and universally. It highlights the important of us finding balance and harmony in the larger cosmos of which we are a part. Isn’t this ultimately why we tell stories?
Leon Conrad was born in London, UK, to a Polish father and Coptic Egyptian mother. He moved to Alexandria at age 6, and grew up in a multilingual environment there, among the souks and bazaars of Egypt. He is currently based out of London.
As a writer, Leon sees the written word as sound on the page. Why else do we call nouns and verbs 'parts of speech'? He has written plays, and have published articles, poetry, and books.
As an editor, he offers in-depth proofreading, editing and review of manuscripts, focusing on a work’s structure, the reader’s journey, the narrative presentation, the style of a work, the sound, rhythm, musicality and the flow of a piece of writing.
Find out about his various projects, awards, and services at his website:
Want more information on his writing method? Download a free sample of his book below today.
In Story and Structure, I’ve outlined a new approach to story structure analysis inspired by six simple symbols drawn from George Spencer-Brown’s Laws of Form (1969).
I was Spencer-Brown’s last student and he guided me through the work himself. This is the first time his work (which has been successfully applied in both mathematics, computing, and logic) has been comprehensively applied to the analysis of story structure.
Download a sample from
Copyright © Leon Conrad, July 2023. All rights reserved.
Leon Conrad has asserted his moral rights in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.
Copyright © 2025 Writers In The Storm - All Rights Reserved
Fascinating, but too distracting for me-and most learning writers, I think.
I purchased a book (I won’t name) where the author demonstrated a process of plotting by use of line drawings. It looks similar to the method used for plotting sentences. It was also too distracting to use as a jumping off point, although still felt more intuitive than the method you describe.
Every serious writer must read about and examine tools and methods that might help them achieve their goals, but not every tool or method works for everyone. So, I think this method is worth being familiar with, but mainly for use in post-draft evaluation. It is not intuitive enough, although perhaps it could be (better) applied to evaluating a story board/index card telling.
Interesting comment, Jerold - I agree, some tools work well for some people and not for others. It's like finding the right pen or lead hardness of pencil that just allows your handwriting to flow. One thing I disagree with, however, is that it's 'not intuitive enough'. It's worth spending time with the dynamic structures - particularly the Chinese Circular Structure - and following the analyses in Chapter 13 of 'Story and Structure' in which it features, to really explore its potential as a means of liberating the imagination and inspiring intuitive approaches. What do you find works best for you?
Thanks for this interesting approach, Leon. I do something similar but very simplified to analyze my story structure. I attempt to map how each scene impels or delays the character in her attempt to reach her goal I attempt to have a pattern of impel and delay that contributes to growing tension. I haven't thought about analyzing my own work in terms of the type of structure (ie: quest, revelation, circular, etc.) I'm always up for finding new ways to improve my writing so I'll be looking at how I can add this to my writer's toolbox.
Sounds great, Lynette. I find the structures useful in releasing imaginative ideas when I'm stuck - one example is applying them to inanimate objects in a scene. Another is to apply them to the reader's journey or story line.
Thank you for your detailed dive into story structure. This is a way I haven't looked at story structure before.
You're welcome, Kris. Hope you find it useful.
What I most love about this method is the versatility and the acceptance that structure is not a one-size-fits-all! Thanks for sharing this!
You're welcome, Lisa. I explore more applications on Substack ( and Medium ( if you are interested in going further.
very interesting structure formula.
Thank you, Denise. What did you find most interesting/useful?