Writers in the Storm

A blog about writing

storm moving across a field
June 17, 2011

Devilish Fun...A Worldwide Book Launch Party!

by Jenny Hansen

The Man of the Week here at Writers in the Storm is author, James Rollins. His new book, The Devil Colony  will be out on Tuesday, June 21st!

For a great summary of the entire Sigma Force series, take a peek at Tiffany White's post today over on "The Ooo Factor."

The current book took James nearly two years of research to write and it looks like it's going to be amazing!

Writers in the Storm started the party early last night at our favorite Italian place with signs and books and witchy hats. Below are my favorites of the pictures we took.


How can you get in on the party?

  • Come hang with us on Twitter at #DevilColony.
  • Hold your own Devil-themed party and take pictures.
  • Stock enough of your favorite munchies to stay close to your computer on Tuesday.

What are we gonna do at #DevilColony?
Have a blast, of course! Socialize, hang out with James, our favorite tweeps and all the literary luminaries who happen to stop in. You know, the best-selling authors, agents, editors who want to visit with James.

FUN FACT: Did you know James is a veterinarian in real life? (A handsome guy who loves puppies...*sigh*)

What else is happening on #DevilColony besides “hanging out?”
Prizes! Not only are you there to meet, greet and Follow, you are encouraged to upload pictures of your party in progress. People will randomly be chosen for prizes, but the MOST CREATIVE pictures will make their way to a Wall of Fame over on James’ site, and can also win the big Mystery Prize.

As you know, Kristen Lamb is hosting the main party on Twitter over at #DevilColony, plus there's a Facebook page if you prefer to post your pictures there.

Are there other places to party? (Of course!)

So, are you a James Rollins fan? Do you just love books, and hanging out with other writers, in general? Will we be seeing you at the Party of the Year??

p.s. If Twitter is what's holding you back, go get signed up!

0 comments on “Devilish Fun...A Worldwide Book Launch Party!”

  1. I absolutely wouldn't miss it!

    I've rounded up all my devil costumes, pulled out every single deviled-egg recipe I can find (thank goodnees, because I still have easter eggs left - kidding).

    This going to be a blast - can't wait to see who shows up!!

    1. Jen,

      I NEED a deviled egg recipe! Maybe there needs to be a devilish food recipe-off??!! How fun would that be. Thanks for visiting - I'm so looking forward to the party as well. For all of you that do Twitter photos, what upload tool do you like best?


  2. I'm so pumped about this--will be blogging on my Monday Mentions (with a link back here...youse guys rocked it!).

    Hmnnn, costume costume...it'll have to have lots of sparkle-icity. *s* Great blog. I don't always have time to comment but I do read lots.

    1. Awesome, Amy! We have even more pics that I think we'll have to post later. It was a fun pre-party for sure...do you see how wilty I look under that hat??

      Great to see you over here at WITS. 🙂

  3. What a fabOoolous post with fun pictures and all! Thank you so much for the blog linkage, and I just wanted to let you know that I personally can't wait for the big party on Tuesday! I haven't been able to find my devil's costume yet, but I'm not giving up that easily!

    Writers in the Storm ROCKS!

    1. You are most welcome for the linkage - you did a GREAT blog on the Man of the Week. I loved it.

      I've been looking for my devil costume too!! I think since I'm coming up empty, I'll have to dress up Baby Girl. Oooh and Amy can dress up her pets too....it's endless, isn't it? And fun!


  4. Darn it, having trouble finding that picture I KNOW I've got somewhere...I shall be joining the party soon, once I've got OPK* out of my house....

    *Other People's Kids

    1. I feel for you, Damian! I've got enough issues having my own kid in the house. 🙂

      And you ARE joining the party, though we really want to see you rockin' that devil's costume. Maybe, you can just draw horns and mustaches on the OPK's?? (Am I mean?)

      Is anyone good with Photoshop? We can put the whole WANA crowd together from afar...

  5. I heard the buzz and came to check out what was going on. I'm going to be out of town Tuesday, so no official party-holding event from me, but I will keep close to twitter so I can join in the fun. Also, I know I have a really cool Devil king mask somewhere around here from a trip to Mexico, I'll dig it out and take a picture to share.

    James Rollins' book sounds great and I can't wait. So many days in the summer to read. I love it!

    Jenny, you guys here at Writers in the Storm rock! Thanks for always giving us such good content to follow.

    1. Oooh, oooh...a Devil King mask from Mexico! Does anyone here know Photoshop??? That's one program I always wish I'd learned already. We could move the Devil Mask around WANA if I had that talent. 🙂 So, anyone feel free to step up and we'll chat Photoshop.

      We will miss you, and thanks for that lovely compliment! I like our content here too, but I'm biased. It's nice to see my tweeps over here.


  6. Love the pics! I will have a wicked post about the book party on monday and will link back to Writers in the Storm. Great blog title by the way!

    Fantastic job... see you on tuesday!

    1. Oooh, Shellie....post early enough that I can include you in my Monday More Cowbell Mashup, OK?? (or just email me the link to include) This #DevilColony business is so much fun!!


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