Writers in the Storm

A blog about writing

storm moving across a field
July 4, 2011

A Fourth of July Mash Up!

fireworks, sparkle, sky, glow, explode, shimmer, celebrate, joy, freedom, fourth of july, new years, shine, illuminate, life, scene, lunar new year, fireworks, fireworks, fireworks, fireworks, fireworks, celebrate, fourth of july, fourth of july, nature, fourth of july

I didn't realize it had been so long since we've had a mash-up -- we had a ton of links for you!  I've tried to organize them into categories, but it was like herding cats!  Have a wonderful Holiday for all our readers in the States!

Changes in the Market:

Is publishing turning into the wild west? - By Randy Ingermanson
Publishers Plan a one-stop book site – NY Times article

Indy and Epublishing:

3 Publishing Trends Writers need to be on top of – by Jane Friedman
Author Marketing lists book marketing articles  
Market news, Entangled Publishing by Cindy Myers
Love me, read me, buy me, promoting
Why authors fail
Setting up a brand page on Face book without needing a personal profile
Estributor a new position for agents
How to advertise your book on a budget

Amy Shojai’s Tuesday Tip Series on all thing DIY and Kindle are WONDERFUL!


Tools to promote your blog – from Galleycat
10 steps to blog fame

For any of you who worry over your Blog/Twitter/Facebook numbers like a mother hen, this post is for you!


Transition words for INTENT  
Making the past come to life 
What’s in a character name

Inspiration / Creating

37 plot situations
Thinking outside the box 
Theme Generator
Common book themes
Great First Lines to Inspire you

Stray Cats:

Writing Contests, the best ones to enter
Anatomy of a kiss
So you want to be a writer A video
Struggling With Burnout
Advice on Zen Habits
A great mash-up from Piper Bayard – The End is Near and We Deserve it…
10 MORE ways to support authors you love…by Chuck Wendig
Haley Whitehall has a great list of Mark Twain quotes to make every writer smile.

Gene Lempp gathered a magnificent list of Blog Treasures so the rest of us writers wouldn’t have to – AWESOME list!

If you don’t hop on over to Mystery Writing Is Murder every Sunday for Twitterific, you are missing out!

And finally, just for the Holiday:

If you want to get a peek at the Declaration of Independence, and hear Lee Greenwood sing, get on over to Angela McGill’s July 4th blog, Celebrate Your Independence.

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