by Jenny Hansen
What happens when you hold your iPhone up and click that weird looking square on the left?
You see these in magazines, at the grocery store, on clothing labels, and YES, in the back of eBooks. What are they and how do you use this sexy little bit of free Techie gadgetry that’s all the rage?
After last week's chat about social media, a great follow up seemed to be a post about QR Codes!
I know, I know…QR just doesn’t sound sexy and, unless you’re more the nerdy type, “code” probably doesn’t either. But QR Codes are getting me hot these days. Seriously.
QR Codes are one of the EASIEST marketing tricks you’re not taking advantage of, especially if you’re a self-published author or a small business person. Sit back to bask in the warmth of a new piece of technology fun that doesn’t cost a thing!
What is a QR Code?
QR stands for Quick Response and was created by the automotive industry to help track vehicles during the manufacturing process. How is this sexy, Jenny? you might be thinking…
Well, I’ll tell you. A QR Code is a barcode that stores a web address of your choosing. If you scan the one above, you’ll go to our WITS Facebook page, where we hope you'll take a moment to click the "Like" button.
There are free apps available in both the Android and the iPhone that let you scan a QR code to quickly go to a website.
Note: To scan the code, you’ll need an app like QR Scanner [iTunes link] for the iPhone and iPod touch, or ShopSavvy for Android devices.
Uses for QR Codes…just think about this, folks:
Why couldn’t my self-published and indie author friends use this on the front or back covers of their books, or hidden as Easter eggs in the pages? (Ex: Click here to get a free short story, or to submit a review, or to sign up for my monthly newsletter.) The possibilities are ENDLESS.
Are you juiced up yet? Cause I am.
Can I get a QR Code of my very own?
But of course! There are tons of free spots to generate a QR code. and Social Oomph are the two I use the most often.
To use
To use Social Oomph:
I used for the code above. I've also used
From Wikipedia: Users with a camera phone equipped with the correct reader application can scan the image of the QR code to display text, contact information, connect to a wireless network, or open a web page in the telephone’s browser. Click here for more details than you probably want on how to work QR Codes.
UPDATE: In the weeks since I wrote this post, viruses have targeted QR Codes here and there. That doesn’t mean they aren’t safe but, just like email, watch where you click. More details here on how to avoid viruses.
Does this give you any new marketing ideas for your books, businesses or advertising? Are you already using QR Codes in your self-published books? What has your experience been? (Feel free to ask questions in the comments section!)
About Jenny Hansen
Jenny fills her nights with humor: writing memoir, women’s fiction, chick lit, short stories (and chasing after her toddler Baby Girl). By day, she provides training and social media marketing for an accounting firm. After 15 years as a corporate software trainer, she’s digging this sit down and write thing.
When she’s not at her blog, More Cowbell, Jenny can be found on Twitter at jhansenwrites or here at Writers In The Storm. Every Saturday, she writes the Risky Baby Business posts at More Cowbell, a series that focuses on babies, new parents and high-risk pregnancy.
Copyright © 2025 Writers In The Storm - All Rights Reserved
Thanks for this, Jenny. I've heard about QR codes, and seen them a lot, but sure helps to have the links to where to get them. I hadn't heard about the viruses, either, so thanks, as usual, for your amazing IT tips!
I'm starting to see them more on business cards, which I think is a fantastic idea. 🙂
Hi Jenny, I just put a QR code on the back of my business cards, that goes directly to my website. I'm very excited about these, I think they are a great idea. And I love that they are free! Viruses are scary though. What is it about people that makes them so destructive?
Fantastic, Jessica! And look at Sharla's usage below - they can go on anything printed, or online. 🙂
Until this post, I had no idea how to access them with my iPod Touch. Thanks! 🙂
Oh,'re gonna be a wild woman now! Be sure to take that iPod to the grocery store. You'll learn a TON.
I remember your first post about these, and I was in awe of the possibilities and how easy it was. I now have them on my mini-cards, which links to my books on my webpage, which in turn has purchase links. I also have QR code purchase links on my chapter booklets and postcards. Additionally, I do a fun trivia question with one on every monthly newsletter. One thing I find, though, is that it isn't known enough yet. Most people I run across don't know what to do with them, and I show them. I think they will be more useful in the future as it becomes a more common thing. Great post, Jenny!
I agree with you, Sharla, which is part of why I did another post. The more people feel that they're accessible, the more they'll become part of what we all do. You are ROCKING the QR codes (you sexy girl)!! 🙂
Jenny, what great advice. I wish I'd had it before I ordered new business cards.
Awwww, Ella... Well, it sounds like you might need a few more. 🙂
I had no idea you could make one of these codes using! Thanks for the info! middle son new I wanted to get business cards for the RWA Conference, he put one of these scan codes on my business card and gave them to me for my birthday in July! How cool is that??
These codes or SO cool!!
I really need an editor!! My son KNEW!
[...] Scan this! by Jenny Hansen What happens when you hold your iPhone up and click that weird looking square on the left? [...]
[...] on Share [...]
Great blog. Needed this info.
Thanks, Brenda! You're very welcome and I hope they help your marketing. 🙂
Great tutorial! Thanks for sharing. I like the idea of a QR code. I love the way businesses are beginning to take advantage of social media and smart phones. Recently, I got the Ikea catalog and it has an interactive smart phone feature. When you download the app and scan pages with a phone symbol, you get more content (videos, pics, etc). I bet that could be interesting for books and ebooks too.
Fun and fabulous 🙂 I'm filing this post away in a safe place so I don't forget about it. Thanks, Jenny.
[...] Jenny Hansen at Writers In The Storm : QR Codes ~ A Sexy Marketing Technique for Your Books [...]
What a fabulous idea, Jenny! It was weird shopping for vehicles recently and seeing a QR code on the auto sticker. It said something like, "Scan this code to find out more about this vehicle." I thought it was a great idea. This could easily work for books too!
[...] Hansen started it. Now I want me a QR code of my own! Got [...]