Writers in the Storm

A blog about writing

storm moving across a field
April 2, 2021

13 Ways Your Writing Inspiration Already Surrounds You

By Kris Maze

Writing Inspiration arrives like a lightning bolt and disappears like a mist, but we can replenish this elusive entity each day with our surroundings. When I examined my workspace for writing 'fuel', I found many ways it helps me coax the words onto the page.

13 Ways I'm Already Surrounded by Writing Inspiration

Below are thirteen of my "writing vitamins." These are items that inspire me, or boost my productivity. Many are tangible reasons of why I keep writing. In the meantime, I'll sit and wonder which of these you can relate to. Hopefully, you will share in the comments how you curate your own writing inspiration.

1. Photos of my People

I have photos of family and friends posted around my work calendar. It keeps joy in my writing process. Details in pictures can also become a key part of a scene and sometimes those bits of inspiration take on their own life on the written page.

In a short story I submitted to the NYCMidnight contest, I created a futuristic Supergirl character from a picture of my young niece wearing a black leather jacket and aviator sunglasses. It was fun to write and my niece thought it was cool to have her own story. If your writing is stuck, perhaps your own pictures can be sources of inspiration.

2. Artwork or Images

Whether it’s a 3rd-grade sculpture from my kid, or an Instagram picture I couldn’t part with, I surround myself with idea-packed items that can evoke emotions.

One item in my writing nook I procured at an antique store is a raven. A rare outing as stores opened after COVID lockdowns, I bought the bird statue for $13 and left the price tag around its thin ankle. Perched on a shelf before old editions of Poe, Dickens, and The Lord of the Flies, its eyes are a piercing reminder to carefully craft my words, holding stories waiting to be unlocked. In one glance I am back to work, writing away.

3. Pets

Our furry and feathered family members can aid us when we are discouraged, and our words are not flowing as we like. They can sense our frustration before we fully realize it and bring comfort as they curl up at our feet or stretch across our laps.

But, of course, they can bring chaos to the process as well.  See #4 below for an example.

4. Pets Redux

Our pets can also add a distraction factor to our writing process, at times bad enough to wonder why we didn’t buy a goldfish instead. My German Shepherd is a typical high energy, smart-as-a-whip pooch, always wanting to establish her place in the family as one of the people. She even figured out how all the doorknobs and handles work, letting herself out at will until we added additional deadbolts and latches to absolutely everything.

Our pooch also realized our family likes books and on one unattended, quiet afternoon, she perused my collection of used botany books. Pulling a few from a lower shelf, she decided to ‘read’ one. See Exhibit A:

Exhibit A

After an initial scolding, I remembered how a mischievous pet can make a good sidekick in a story and worked on my main character's relationship with her dog. Love them or tolerate them, pets are a part of our lives and can inspire our stories.

5. Used Books

A secondary inspiration from my dog's attempt at reading led me to reexamine that book. My research on plants halted months ago when other job commitments took precedence in my life, leaving many shelved books gathering dust, but what my German Shepherd discovered was an incredible find. In “Seed to Seed, The Secret Life of Plants”, a handwritten note on an old-school “Due Date” library slip was glued to the inside cover. It blew my writer mind to find a hidden note.

See Exhibit B:

Exhibit B

Are you a flower?

Because my love for you is blooming.

By - anonymous love stricken student?

I looked over the book, once housed in a Texas High School Library, and questions rolled through my mind. I pieced together an imagined backstory. Who wrote this secret note? Was it a cheeky side comment or an elaborate setup for a date to the prom? Did the intended ever see this message or was it a love unrequited? Why was it deleted? I added these juicy ideas to a problematic scene in a working manuscript, adding spice to an otherwise dull chapter. 

Inspired, I checked other used books in my collection and found more treasures. Bookmarks and old receipts. Pressed flowers, concert ticket stubs, and invitations. Hidden treasures lost when sent unboxed to a rummage sale, or shipped across the globe, unknown stories waiting for writers like us to give them life.

6. Podcasts

If you are like me, you get the Spring Cleaning Itch. After a year of extra people in the house, of spring blossoms leaving sneezy pollen on most surfaces, trying to work in an environment that is messy can distract even the most productive writer.

Perhaps your writing won't be derailed by the need to clean, but maybe you are distracted and uninspired. Either way, I find that I drop into the digital rabbit hole way too often in situations like these and can offer a suggestion. Taking a writing break to play Candy Crush can lead to guilt and a big time suck (*guilty!*). But there are many online resources you can tap into instead. Resources that can improve your writing knowledge.

Try a podcast instead. Most podcast streaming services offer gems like author interviews and craft advice via a simple search. You can listen "on demand."

So, put on those headphones and “clean” the house, puttering around until you are ready to work on the words once again. Building up your writing skills by listening to other authors’ insights is an inspirational way to hone your writer’s chops.

7. Timers

I have a kitchen timer sitting on my desk, to help me out when my muse is on her coffee break. Sometimes adding an audible ticking of time passing can kick my writing into gear.

C.K. McDonnell, a comedy-thriller writer living in the UK, said in a podcast interview of Writer’s Routine, that he never waits for the muse, but views writing like any other job, doing what it takes to create the pages and complete the work. But when it is hard to focus, he will use the Pomodoro Method, setting a timer and writing until the session is through. Using this method has helped him to make deadlines and maintain a regular work-life balance.

8. Control/Alt/Delete

In this interview, McDonnell also referred to his feelings about the words he finished each day, saying that he will often have to rethink his emotions about his day's work.  His view of the completed work varies from doubtful to fantastic, but he says he has a process that made him realize how arbitrary his perceptions can be. 

McDonnell starts off each writing session by reading the work from the day before.  Not only does this prime his thinking for the next part of his writing, but he also sees the work with fresh eyes.  This showed him how his writing is consistent and of like quality, even when he felt it was crappy after finishing it.  Re-reading his work the next day kept him from losing ground with unneeded re-writes and second guessing his craft.

It makes him a prolific writer as he produces a book nearly every 6 months. Timers can add a nudge when you can't get a jump-start any other way. If that fails, you should read my very effective Reason #9.

9. Caffeine

When the Pacific Northwest spring hits, it slowly rolls out the lush flowers and sunny warm afternoons.  Interspersed with long stretches of rain-filled cloudy dampness, one can turn to the benefits of a warm cup of Joe to keep the words flowing. There is a reason many coffee roasters come from this area and it's the birthplace of Starbucks!

But when my writerly sense can no longer override the foggy chill as inspiration to rewrite Sleepy Hollow or to mentally transport to London town, I get a toasty mug of tea. Some of my favorites are Twinning Earl Grey and Harney & Sons Lavender.

To make the process easier, I’ve made a beverage bar in my kitchen with a small coffee pot, an electric hot water heater, and an array of easy to mix beverages. There's cider and hot cocoa, chai mix, and instant oatmeal. I also have a grinder for my spoil-me beans from a small Roaster in Central Wisconsin: Ruby’s Creamery.

People in my house, big and small, pour themselves a warm treat, whenever they need a pick-me-up, and it inspires me to keep writing as well.

10. Footstools

I recently splurged on a footstool to complement my favorite writing chair. It has proven to have many uses to keep me writing, in addition to being a fantastic footrest.

  • The circle stool has storage, so it houses my cozy blanket. When I feel a breeze, I never need to go searching for a blanket, providing one less excuse to procrastinate.
  • When my back needs a break, I can change my seating to realign my spine and sit on the floor!  The stool is flat and sturdy, just right for holding my laptop or writing pad. I continue writing while supporting my posture and grounding myself.  It is helpful to have several different ways to write because our bodies need movement and variety to prevent injury.
  • The stool is also the right height to fit at my desk and I have used it as an alternative chair.  The flat sturdy surface is just right for sitting cross-legged which stretches out legs and challenges my core. 

11. Body Movement

These various sitting poses above (in Reason #10) may not work for you, but consider other desk options, such as standing desks or tall tables.  Find what works for you. Being able to switch up your writing posture may allow you to write for longer stretches. You can keep your body healthy as you work hard on your writing.

Several writing friends have talked about back issues and nerve pain, which are difficult to treat and remedy. I have experienced lingering neck pain and back tension, and I'm sure you know of someone who has, as well.

Try to stave off these conditions before they happen, by checking in with your tight spots and taking the time to make movements and stretch throughout the day.  Your body and your writing will thank you.

12. Writing Community

Find your like-minded writing friends and send them encouraging texts or messages.  Write that overdue review or finish that critique you promised weeks ago. 

Keeping up with your writing troupe allows you to support others and provides a good feeling of giving back. You can never tell when you will need support from them. Your team around you can boost your writing path in the long run and encourage you when it becomes tough.

13. The Story

We all have a story to share and writing is the time-honored tradition that connects us through our written experiences.  Creating our narratives brings perspectives to the world and in turn, understanding of one another. 

Writers make the world a safer, more enjoyable, and caring place. At least I believe they do.

Done well, your writing will not only be inspired, it will ignite positivity in your readers. Honor your stories and work to make them the best you can. It's a large task, but I'm sure you are up for it! Look around and find your reasons for why your words to shine today. It may be that coffee cup or travel memento, but let it speak to you. It may be what your writing needs today.

How do you find inspiration around you? Have you had an unexpected nugget that ended up in your written pages? Share yours in the comments below.  We’d love to hear it!

* * * * * *

About Kris

Kris Maze
 is an author, freelance writer, and teacher. She enjoys writing twisty, speculative fiction with character-driven plots. After years of reading classic literature, mysteries, and thrillers, she began to write and publish her own stories. She also writes for various publications including a regular post at the award-winning Writers in the Storm Blog. 

When she isn’t spending time with her favorite people and pets, Kris Maze is taking pictures, hiking, or pondering the wisdom of Bob Ross. You can follow her author journey at her website at KrisMazeAuthor.com

12 comments on “13 Ways Your Writing Inspiration Already Surrounds You”

  1. I would add: music and items in the news. I am in the midst of reading "Dear Edward" and, because I often stop to read the interview with the author or author's notes, once a book has hooked me, I was fascinated to learn that the seed of the novel came from a small newspaper item that Ann Napolitano had read ... that seed grew into a spectacular book!

    1. I love that story, Barbara! I pretty much had to stop watching the news before the 2016 election. I still keep up, but only through the written word and mostly from non-American sources like the BBC. I also set targeted alerts for some niche interests and I get a lot of writing inspiration and humor out of those. The "everybody yelling at everybody while solving nothing" style of American news was just way too depressing for me. I am much happier and more inspired now. 🙂

    2. Hi Barbara,
      I have several playlists that can be my impetus into writing and it varies depending on the type of writing I'm doing. The news is interesting, as I tend to wear the noise canceling headphones when it's on in our house. My news comes in a morning newsletter and that summarizes the high points without bringing me down too much.

      It is cool that you were able to write a whole story from an article. Inspiration is all around us!

  2. Like McDonnell, I re-read my work from the previous day before moving to the next chapter. This seems to make the story flow better and jars the memory.

    For inspiration I've used objects, particularly photos. Some pictures have inspired a few chapters.

    The writing community has been a source of support that I am grateful to have.

    1. Hi Ellen,
      I agree that writing community has one of the biggest impacts on keeping my writing on target and moving forward.

      As far as photos, I remember you talking about your pup lying next to you to inspire your writing. I wonder if you have a picture of that around!

    1. Thanks, Jenny! My hope was to remind writers of the options they have, especially if it is tough to write.

  3. Kris- These are all great ideas. I sometimes find inspiration in the strangest places- usually those that are nothing like the setting of my WIP and mostly when I'm not actually looking. A family walking in the grocery store or a scene in a movie might trigger a series of tangential ideas that help with my WIP. It's always fun to see where an idea ends up compared to where it started!

  4. Music.

    Go back and figure out why I started writing the story.

    Get out of the house to get it out of my head


    if it's in my head, sit down and get to it.


  5. I would also add to this list my preferred lighting and scents. I tend to work well in brighter lighting vs dimmer. I have an LED overhead light for my bedroom/office and it is not all 'that'. I've bought an additional light to brighten my desk area. Or if I'm writing out and about, I tend to find nooks with super light or sunshine windows nearby. I also treat my other senses. I like incense or candles on occasion to make my space smell of pine or cinnamon. I read an article once that if you are selling something in your house and people are coming over to see it prior to the sale, make sure to get some sticks of cinnamon and boil them in water 20 minutes prior to the visit. It makes the entire house smell like a Hansel and Gretel dream home. And you'll likely sell your item for more money.

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